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F-35 Nearly Six Years Away, Pakistan Buys F-16s

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The tone of the title is such as if PAF was going to buy F-35 but due to delays by LM PAF is forced to go for F16. :rofl::rofl:

Even the countries which are partners in the program are not being able to afford these planes and here we are talking about PAF buying these.

Not even India can afford these planes.
The unit cost with weapons package and spares, maintenance goes over $250 million. That means even to raise two squadrons you need to dish out at least $10 billion

PAF can look into these planes but not in the next two decades. Just like PAF is getting F16 now, so late, may be it will get JSF too but only when half the world would have bought it too.

Please make sure the article, at least the title is realistic and not from Alice in Wonderland.
I think US will not give F-35 to PAKISTAN because INDIA and ISRAEL will oppose it!

Russia Invaded CA oil fields in 2020 and for that US needs Pakistan help and agreed to give them F-35. :D

Well who knows what will happen in future , Time will tell.
The tone of the title is such as if PAF was going to buy F-35 but due to delays by LM PAF is forced to go for F16. :rofl::rofl:

Even the countries which are partners in the program are not being able to afford these planes and here we are talking about PAF buying these.

Not even India can afford these planes.
The unit cost with weapons package and spares, maintenance goes over $250 million. That means even to raise two squadrons you need to dish out at least $10 billion

PAF can look into these planes but not in the next two decades. Just like PAF is getting F16 now, so late, may be it will get JSF too but only when half the world would have bought it too.

Please make sure the article, at least the title is realistic and not from Alice in Wonderland.

Yes the author went overboard but it wont kill you it rather then coming on as a sarcastic jerk, you would tame it up and make the same point in a way that it wont reflect your nationality in it. And as far as Pakistan and india and any other country is concerned, every one is different and they have different issues. So who can buy what and what not is non our your or my concern.

On the topic, Pakistan cant afford these birds as they come with not only a hefty tag but also with a bag load of restrictions.
Yes the author went overboard but it wont kill you it rather then coming on as a sarcastic jerk, you would tame it up and make the same point in a way that it wont reflect your nationality in it. And as far as Pakistan and india and any other country is concerned, every one is different and they have different issues. So who can buy what and what not is non our your or my concern.

On the topic, Pakistan cant afford these birds as they come with not only a hefty tag but also with a bag load of restrictions.

That is an understatement.

The thread starters should understand that this is a quality forum and posting everything does not help its image.

There are good articles and bad articles and some stupid articles. Why not post something credible?

As for me, I just told the truth, in a harsh way, yes. But never the less it wasn't BS.

I don't care if the article was for India or Pakistan, stupid articles deserve the same.
F-35 is a possibility. But, I think Pakistan should not go for Stealth first because it may start another round of weapons race in the region.
Moreover, given the hue and cry of India over F-16's, one can very well imagine the effect of F-35 procurement by PAF on Indians.
F-35 is a possibility. But, I think Pakistan should not go for Stealth first because it may start another round of weapons race in the region.
Moreover, given the hue and cry of India over F-16's, one can very well imagine the effect of F-35 procurement by PAF on Indians.

We shouldn't care on what the indians think or will do when it comes to procuring the equipment for our defense, because they do the same and they dont care. As far as these planes are concerned it should be a big no! because we are not sure that when the next round of sanctions are going to be and we seriously dont need a billion dollars worth of soy.
That is an understatement.

The thread starters should understand that this is a quality forum and posting everything does not help its image.

There are good articles and bad articles and some stupid articles. Why not post something credible?

As for me, I just told the truth, in a harsh way, yes. But never the less it wasn't BS.

I don't care if the article was for India or Pakistan, stupid articles deserve the same.

Agreed that the article was based on fantasy, but that dont give you a right to start comparing Pakistan and India and trying to tell us what we already know but in a typical indian style.
I remember the days when people were saying things like, "PAF will never get Block-52+...", or "JF-17 will never fly/enter service"...or "Sweden will never sell Erieye". But then, how did things turn out? In any case, the F-35 is geared for export, and if PAF were to openly pursue a 5th-generation fighter, it will be somewhere on the list - regardless of all the 'blah blah' against American equipment.

I don't doubt that PAF will contact China for a 5th-generation solution, but I don't think it will enter production before 2030-2035 given the fact that JF-17 is just entering service and that FC-20 is still in testing. However, can PAF afford to wait until then for a 5th gen fighter? Probably not, and until its own favourable solution comes to the fore, it will need to pursue available options - and F-35 is or will be one of them.

and Americans will also be interested in selling us 5th generation beast specially after Indian chief's statement of inducting 5th generation because if India gets their 5th generation but Pakistan not than chances of nuclear war increases to alarming percentage....

so to equipping Pakistan with F35 or F22 is the only way of reducing nuclear war probability..
India will have Russian T-50 Pakfa in 2020 so we should go for F-35.:)
The tone of the title is such as if PAF was going to buy F-35 but due to delays by LM PAF is forced to go for F16. :rofl::rofl:

Even the countries which are partners in the program are not being able to afford these planes and here we are talking about PAF buying these.

Not even India can afford these planes.
The unit cost with weapons package and spares, maintenance goes over $250 million. That means even to raise two squadrons you need to dish out at least $10 billion

PAF can look into these planes but not in the next two decades. Just like PAF is getting F16 now, so late, may be it will get JSF too but only when half the world would have bought it too.

Please make sure the article, at least the title is realistic and not from Alice in Wonderland.

a typical indian mentality,,,,lol

their are many factors involved in buying defense equipment,money is not a factor alone..:devil:

so stop showing your cheap indian mentality. :cheesy:

waiting to see this beast in Pakistan Air Force,,,,:chilli:
F-16- block 15 was a miracle of history thanks to USSR Invasion
F-16- Block 52 because of US invasion of Afghanistan
F-35 well future can be kind to Pakistan again :lol:

ofcourse. yeah.

But not in the near future. It'll take time. Also F16 was always cost effective, cheap and powerful, But F35 is not the next F16. US will offer it to Pak, but affording it is an issue, not only for PAF but also for India. It is offered to India but we are not being able to afford it.

Not only is it expensive, PAF has so many other options too.

PAF can raise 16 squadrons of J10 in the same amount of money required to raise 2 aquadrons of F35.

Or why not try Gripen?

F35 just doesn't cut the cake for me.
F-16- block 15 was a miracle of history thanks to USSR Invasion
F-16- Block 52 because of US invasion of Afghanistan
F-35 well future can be kind to Pakistan again :lol:

bhai ye tab ho ga jab USA ghutnon mer beth ker Pakistan ke tangain pakar ker kahay ga "LET ME OUT OF THE "DEATH ZONE" AFGHANISTAN":lol:

same as USSR.
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