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F-35 Nearly Six Years Away, Pakistan Buys F-16s

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They will certainly show their age when the adversaries will have access to advanced missiles and systems....I am talking about S-300 becoming a common system....S 400 made easy access....S 500 exported widely.....Su-35 fetching a huge export sales volume....Typhoon, rafale getting into majority of AFs ....but realistically this thing is not gonna happen....F-16 will certainly show its age but only when world would be overwhelmed with 4.5th gens

All of the stuff you mentioned looks promising but there is a huge time interval when it becomes available.

S-400 is not even fully deployed with Russia yet.....and we saw all the troubles with exporting S-300 to Iran....
Agreed...but here is the source from where i got my information

We have been hearing this for years now on this forum.

Still a long way to go until MMRCA is complete.

By that time i dunno what kind of Aircraft PAF would be up with and what our political situation would be.

As i said, 4 years is hell lot of time.....we were still recovering from the 2005 earthquake when the floods showed up.
Chinese 4th Gen is considered world wide 5th Gen.

J-10 is chinese 3rd gen aircraft meaning it competes with 4th gen aircraft like f-16s

Your statement is confusing. Please use only world standard, coz everybody go by them only.:tup:
Procurement: Why The F-35 Is A Hard Sell

Why The F-35 Is A Hard Sell
August 17, 2010: Israel has agreed to buy 20 American F-35 fighters, for $137.5 million each. That includes spares, tech support, training and maintenance equipment, but not additional Israeli made gear that will be added. The first Israeli F-35 will be delivered in five years. Israel had originally wanted to buy 75 F-35s, but things changed (costs went up, way up) as the aircraft got closer to production. The Israeli F-35s are actually paid for by the United States, out of the nearly a billion dollars a year in military aid Israel receives. Israel may still buy more F-35s, after they have had some experience with them.

Two years ago, Israel was having second thoughts about buying the new American F-35 stealth fighter-bomber at all. When Israel first bought into the program back in 2002, the quoted "flyaway" costs per the aircraft alone was $47 million. When delivered, in 2014, the price was expected to rise to an inflation adjusted $80 million. It is now about $96 million. After Israeli add-ons (mostly electronics), support and training costs have all been added, the per-aircraft cost has gone past $200 million. This has caused a big case of sticker shock among senior Israeli defense and political officials. In response, the F-35's manufacturer went into full damage-control mode. The main argument being made was that the special equipment Israeli firms were designing and manufacturing would keep nearly half the aircraft work in Israel, and will create enormous potential sales of that gear to other F-35 users.

Development costs for the new U.S. F-35 fighter-bomber has grown by a third, to $60 billion, over the last few years. That means the average development cost of the estimated 5,000 F-35s to be built, will be about $12 million each. This overhead share will increase as the number of F-35s bought declines, and that is what is happening. The air force wants to buy 1,763, to mainly replace aging F-16s and F-15s. But now air force generals are talking about just buying "more than 1,500" F-35As. The total purchases may be less than 3,000 aircraft.

The additional development costs are accompanied by additional delays before the aircraft enters service. Production costs will average close to $100 million, or more. Then you have a share of development costs, meaning that $130 million per aircraft, or more (probably more) is likely.

Like the F-22 fighter, the F-35 is stealthy, and is stuffed with lots of new technology. Most (about 60 percent) of the F-35s built will be used by foreign nations. The rising cost of the F-35 brings with it reluctance to buy as many aircraft currently planned. The success of smart bombs in Iraq and Afghanistan has also made it clear that fewer aircraft will be needed in the future.

U.S. Air Force simulations and studies have shown the F-35 to be four times as effective against any current fighter (the best of them known as "fourth generation" aircraft.) The major advantages of the F-35 are engine power (its one engine generates more power than the two engines used in the Eurofighter or F-18), stealth and the fact that it can fight "clean" (without any pods or missiles hung from its wings, and interfering with maximum maneuverability).

The 27 ton F-35 is armed with an internal 25mm cannon and four internal air-to-air missiles (or two missiles and two smart bombs). Plus four external smart bombs and two missiles. All sensors are carried internally, and max weapon load is 6.8 tons. The aircraft is very stealthy when just carrying internal weapons. The first F-35s will enter service in four years.
Wow.......you are the greatest planner of this world. Do you have any idea what can be the consequences of using even a single nuke. Even USA can't afford using them again. Otherwise, they did use them in Vietnam. Rather than using nuke, they accepted their defeat. Same was the case with USSR in Afganistan. So being civilian, we should not even think about it.

And even if you want to deliver nuke to Indian cities, you don't need F-35. Pakistan have many missiles capable for this task. But I believe most of Pakistani are wise enough not to think about it.

Nuking india against any relatively long incusrsion is certainly the milatry doctrine of Pakistan, awareness of this vary fact at indian side is the reason why most of the times one hear a big PHUSSSSS after a hard fuss from the boys siting in east.
Nuking india against any relatively long incusrsion is certainly the milatry doctrine of Pakistan, awareness of this vary fact at indian side is the reason why most of the times one hear a big PHUSSSSS after a hard fuss from the boys siting in east.

India Missile defense shield is aimed at breaking that Doctrine Of yours, and Acquiring 2nd Strike capability is also a counter measure, and I am surprised You guys are still sitting under the same Umbrella....:oops:
Nuking india against any relatively long incusrsion is certainly the milatry doctrine of Pakistan, awareness of this vary fact at indian side is the reason why most of the times one hear a big PHUSSSSS after a hard fuss from the boys siting in east.

Do you really believe that you can nuke India and came out unhurt or win a war??? No kid...........this is not the case. Your leaders need a reason to fool the public for investing on such expensive toys, which are of no use. Otherwise, public can object why to invest in something, which can't be used.

Furthermore, it is the only threat you can hurl at India. Otherwise, Pakistan is lacking in the field of defence against India.

No Indian is afraid of Pakistan................why should we??? Our thinking is not Pakistan oriented...........sorry to say, but Pakistan is not that important. :smokin:
Ten pages ? all over a misslabled article that pakistan is buying the F16 cuz the F35 is not ready...

guys this thread should have been closed long ago
pakistan was not offered the F35. nor can it afford it at the present time , lets wait till the offer is made and then if and its a big IF Pakistan can aford it lets talk . lets not go into flights of fancy over roumers
Ten pages ? all over a misslabled article that pakistan is buying the F16 cuz the F35 is not ready...

guys this thread should have been closed long ago
pakistan was not offered the F35. nor can it afford it at the present time , lets wait till the offer is made and then if and its a big IF Pakistan can aford it lets talk . lets not go into flights of fancy over roumers
I dont know why Indian are so much worried about our "Afford" problem. Few years back they were saying we will not be able to afford F16 Block 52.....But hey we got them by paying hard cash......So you please dont worry....
I dont know why Indian are so much worried about our "Afford" problem. Few years back they were saying we will not be able to afford F16 Block 52.....But hey we got them by paying hard cash......So you please dont worry....

few yrs:what:....u mean decade,so on that assumption this article is based,that after few yrs u will get its hand on it
The F 35 is an AWACS fused with a jet fighter. It's cost is way too much for most countries let alone Pakistan. It's not just the plane itself, but it needs regular maintainance of both it's external stealth coatings and internal electronics. It also needs specialized, dedicated ground units to maintain and communicate with it. By the time it is fully developed, it's price will be around $200 million for just the aircraft. It will require addtional tools, equipment, and personnel to keep it in working condition. Also, I doubt the U.S. will transfer sensitive knowledge to Pakistan to maintain the aircraft, especially the easily-worn stealth paint coating. Therefore, Pakistan will be fully dependant on the U.S. to keep this extremely expensive plane operational. Instead, Pakistan can get a single Saab Erieye and an escort of 4 JF-17 with the price of just one F-35.
few yrs:what:....u mean decade,so on that assumption this article is based,that after few yrs u will get its hand on it

Decades back we got A/B now getting MLU STAR KITS! Also r u so stupid to think tht BLK-52 was introduced decades back?:rofl:
few yrs:what:....u mean decade,so on that assumption this article is based,that after few yrs u will get its hand on it
Nope....My thinking is that we wont get F 35 in next decade....But some people bringing MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY and MONEY in each and every scenerio even which concern 20 years from now is real pathetic......

Cant say anything else.....Bring money in....Still dont work...Bring failed state article.....
The F 35 is an AWACS fused with a jet fighter. It's cost is way too much for most countries let alone Pakistan. It's not just the plane itself, but it needs regular maintainance of both it's external stealth coatings and internal electronics. It also needs specialized, dedicated ground units to maintain and communicate with it. By the time it is fully developed, it's price will be around $200 million for just the aircraft. It will require addtional tools, equipment, and personnel to keep it in working condition. Also, I doubt the U.S. will transfer sensitive knowledge to Pakistan to maintain the aircraft, especially the easily-worn stealth paint coating. Therefore, Pakistan will be fully dependant on the U.S. to keep this extremely expensive plane operational. Instead, Pakistan can get a single Saab Erieye and an escort of 4 JF-17 with the price of just one F-35.

Do u know the prise or erieye? an a JF-17?
1.14 billion for 4 Awacs and 20 mil for each JFT is rising with futher development.
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