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F-22p News & Discussions

According to the recent images of the F-22p build at chinese forums. It is safe to say that this will be the official design of the F-22p that might be entering at the end of 2008 or at the beginning of 2009.


Ok, i am happy with the design now. Congrats to all defence.pk members. F-22p is going to be a beast! :devil:
Love the design mashallah !!!!!!!!!
wow cool 3d.. Looks awesome and lethal :yahoo: Long live :pakistan::china: friendship!

Naval Chief lauds Sino-Pak cooperation in defence.

BEIJING, Apr 4 (APP):Lauding the Defence cooperation between China and Pakistan at various levels, the Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Afzal Tahir Friday expressed gratitude to People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy for providing whole-hearted support for implementation of ambitious F-22P Frigate project. “As we all know that the military cooperation between Pakistan and China is very long standing,” he said adding that our military cooperation strengths from the deep rooted understanding and friendship at the political level.

Admiral Afzal Tahir who held meetings with Chinese Defence Minister General Liang Guanglie, Commander of PLA Navy Admiral Wu Shengli and other senior officials during his visit was talking to media persons here.

The highlight of his visit is the launching of first F-22P Frigate - PNS Zulfiqar

at Hudong Shipyard in Shanghai on April 7, in which he will be the chief guest.
Three of the four ships of this class for which both the countries have signed a pact in 2005 will be built in China while the fourth one to be constructed at Karachi Shipyard under transfer of technology agreement. “Its a very comprehensive project that is being undertaking by the two sides as far as for the collaboration between the two navies is concerned” he said. He pointed out that PLA is providing all assistance to meet our requirements in the construction of these ships that will play a very pivotal role for our surface fleet as these ships will be utilized in defence of our maritime interest.

“These ships are being built in accordance with the naval standards” he said adding that when the ships are launched the PLA Navy will also provide support in training of our personnel.

The project he said is going to act as catalyst for further cooperation in the construction of naval ship between Pakistan and China. The Naval Chief said as far as the defence collaboration is concerned under the overall umbrella of strong political understanding between our two countries, it will continue to strengthen in the coming days. Admiral Afzal Tahir said we are sure that the armed forces of both the countries would benefit from this cooperation.


Congrats to all of you!!
China to build frigates for Pakistan​

ISLAMABAD, April 4: China will start manufacturing the first F-22P frigate for Pakistan Navy next week, official sources told Dawn on Friday.

According to the original schedule, the frigate called PNS Zulfiqar was to be delivered by the middle of this year.

The project will be launched at the Hudong Shipyard in Shanghai on April 7.

Three of the four ships of this class for which an accord was signed in 2005 will be built in China and the fourth one at the Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KSEW) under a transfer of technology agreement.

A spokesman for the navy said it was a comprehensive project in the context of collaboration between the two countries.

“The Peoples’ Liberation Army is providing all assistance to meet Pakistan Navy’s requirements in the construction of these ships that will play a very pivotal role for our surface fleet as these ships will be utilised in defence of maritime interest of Pakistan,” he said.

The frigates are capable of operating in multi-threat environments and equipped with long-range surface-to-surface missiles, capable of attacking multiple targets simultaneously.

The frigate will also have under-sea censors capable of detecting both nuclear and conventional submarines at long ranges.

The F-22P is an improved version of the Chinese Type 053H3 frigate.

The $750 million deal also includes 4-6 Z-9EC helicopters as well as ammunition for the frigates. The F-22P has a stealthier platform as it uses some of the Type 054 frigate’s Radar Cross Sectional (RCS) reduction concepts.

Link: China to build frigates for Pakistan -DAWN - Top Stories; April 05, 2008
ISLAMABAD, April 4: China will start manufacturing the first F-22P frigate for Pakistan Navy next week, official sources told Dawn on Friday.

According to the original schedule, the frigate called PNS Zulfiqar was to be delivered by the middle of this year.

If they are starting manufacturing on 7th april, when will the first frigate be finished?
IpOoOnu, what do you expect from the gossiping Pakistani media? they wrote the entire article wrong read the official Associated Press of Pakistan article I have posted and China daily article:

China-made frigate ready to set sail for Pakistan:pakistan::china:

The first of four F-22P frigates ordered by the Pakistani navy from China three years ago will be launched on Monday from a Shanghai shipyard.

The deal marks the navy's first purchase of a major fighting unit from China. In the past, it procured such military hardware from Western countries including Britain and France.

Pakistani Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Afzal Tahir, who will attend the launch ceremony, said the frigates will "form a very important component" of the country's surface fleet.

"They will be deployed for the defense of our maritime interests and to meet our commitments in other aspects of maritime diplomacy," he said yesterday in Beijing, adding the shift from West to East displays the navy's confidence in Chinese industry.

As well as the four frigates, the deal will include the transfer of Chinese naval shipbuilding technology to its neighbor, as the last vessel is expected to be finished at a shipyard in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2013, under an agreement signed in April 2005.

This will be "a catalyst" for cooperation on the construction of vessels, Tahir said.

"It will enhance Pakistan's capabilities in shipbuilding and also the Karachi shipyard's capabilities in managing the construction of a large warship," he said.

The importance of the launch has extended beyond collaboration in shipbuilding. It also acts as testimony to the two Asian nations' strong ties in military cooperation in a broader sense, Tahir said.

Beijing and Islamabad, capital of Pakistan, have always enjoyed sound military cooperation, and last March, the PLA navy took part in its first-ever multilateral naval exercise AMAN-07 in Karachi.

"We were very happy to see the PLA ships operating with other navies of the world in Pakistani waters. And of course their performance was excellent and exemplary," Tahir said, adding Pakistan will host a similar exercise next March.

"We are very hopeful the PLA ships will participate again with the navies of other countries in the interests of stability in the world's maritime domain."

On Thursday, the naval chief met with China's Defense Minister General Liang Guanglie, with whom he spoke of deepening exchanges and cooperation between the defense departments and armed forces of the two countries.

Liang said the defense departments and militaries have maintained long-term exchanges and conducted multilevel cooperation across a wide range of fields.

He also said he hopes the two sides will make joint efforts to promote exchanges and bilateral cooperation to serve the development of the strategic cooperative partnership of the two countries.China Daily.
China Expands Military Ties With Pakistan

Beijing Set To Deliver First Frigate In $800 Million Deal; Islamabad Negotiates Purchase Of Advanced Fighter Planes

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, April 5, 2008

(CBS) Written for CBSNews.com by Farhan Bokhari, reporting from Islamabad.
China has taken a significant step in meeting Pakistan’s military needs with the completion of a militarily important naval frigate as part of an $800 million deal, which analysts say will further deepen Islamabad’s reliance on Beijing as a key supplier of military hardware.

Senior western diplomats based in Islamabad said China’s interest in expanding its military ties with Pakistan is linked to its overall ambition of emerging as a formidable military and defense power in the Asia-Pacific region, with the capability of eventually reaching out to influencing the oil rich Middle East.

China has supplied arms to Pakistan for more than 40 years. But this relationship which originally began as a largely military hardware supply tie-up has developed into a strategic partnership.

“In future, China probably looks at Pakistan as a country that could help it build bridges with the Islamic countries of the Middle East” said a western ambassador in Islamabad who spoke to CBS News on condition of anonymity.

News of the completion of the first of four Chinese frigates designed to be sold to Pakistan comes as the Bush administration weighs its future relations with the newly-elected government of prime minister Yusuf Raza Gilani.

Washington’s main worry is prompted from public statements by newly-elected politicians who want to review the way Pakistan would execute its anti-terrorist operations against militants loyal to al Qaeda and the Taliban who operate mainly in a remote region along the Afghan border.

In the past six years, Washington has given direct or indirect assistance worth about $10 billion to the Pakistani government. But Western defense officials say Pakistan continues to maintain a close military relationship with China which is considered a more reliable ally.

In the 1990s, the U.S. slapped sanctions on Islamabad, first in retaliation over reports that Pakistan was preparing to manufacture a nuclear weapon and then after Pakistan’s maiden nuclear tests in 1998. A U.S. agreement with Pakistan to supply the country with a batch of F-16 fighter planes remained suspended in the 1990s, as the most widely visible symbol of the breakdown in the military relationship. U.S. arms sales were resumed only when Pakistan turned its back on Afghanistan's Taliban regime after the New York terrorist attacks, and joined the U.S.-led war on terror.

On Saturday, the China Daily newspaper reported that the formal ceremony to launch the first of four F-22P frigates built by China for Pakistan will take place on Monday in Shanghai, where Admiral Muhammad Afzal Tahir, chief of the Pakistan navy, will also be present. “They (frigates) will be deployed for the defense of our maritime interests and to meet our commitments in other aspects of maritime diplomacy,” wrote China Daily quoting Admiral Tahir.

Another three frigates will be built and delivered in the next five years including one which will be built entirely in Karachi-Pakistan’s coastal southern city. Naval analysts say, this deal involves the eventual transfer of Chinese technology that will help Pakistan eventually improve its naval shipbuilding capability in a way that the country has not been helped by any of its other allies (including the U.S.).

Responding to this news, some warned that ordinary Pakistanis are still skeptical of the relationship with the U.S. in view of that experience. “Across Pakistan, the popular view is that the U.S. is untrustworthy as an ally. China has always stood by Pakistan’s side, so ordinary people trust China as the most reliable friend of Pakistan” said one Western defense official in Islamabad who spoke to CBS News on condition of anonymity.

Coming off the experience of the suspended F-16 deal in the 1990s, Pakistan began working on a plan with China in 1996 to jointly produce a new fighter plane which it hopes will become the backbone of its air force. Known as the JF-17 "Thunder," Pakistani defense officials claim that the aircraft is comparable to the earlier version of the F-16s produced in the late 1980s and early '90s.

In the past three years, Pakistan has reached an agreement with the U.S. to purchase 18 new F-16 fighter planes and up to 70 used F-16s in a deal estimated to be worth more than $3 billion. But the country has also reached an agreement with China to jointly produce up to 250 of the JF-17 fighter planes in a deal estimated by defense officials to be worth at least $5 billion.

Additionally, Pakistan is currently negotiating the purchase of between 35 to 40 of the J-10 fighter planes which is one of the most advanced fighter planes produced by China. The deal could eventually be worth $1.5 billion, according to estimates by two western defense officials who spoke to CBS News.
r we goin to have any missile n cruise missile (Brahmos) protection on these 4 new frigates??? in my view these frigates shuld have both SEARAM ANTI-SHIP MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM and PHALANX CLOSE-IN WEAPON SYSTEM (CIWS) (Block 2).

can any one shed light on this issue please.

i think we need multiple missile defences on these new ships, we cannot afford a hit on these frigates!!! (Brahmos being the biggest threat)
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