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Eye witness account of OBL operation

If he is real then he can explain what the stealth copper looks like all of it!
I've read a bit about the subcontinent and consequently have very little faith when its people, Muslim or Hindu, claim to be eyewitnesses. Circumstantial and forensic evidence is more convincing - as is the fact nobody has heard from OBL since the raid! Wouldn't Al-Q love to label the Americans as liars!

Exactly the same feeling prevails on other side also, ater the 'WMD in Iraq' a tantra from USA and its allies, then a far from truth statemenmt of Bark Obama in 'Raymond Davis Case'.

Who knows, who was releasing/publishing the OBL related matter in the media and after the raid, who stops it? This all based on media reports and even not on a forensic evidence. There is nothing like 'fact' in it. ;)
This fella knows squat about Operation Neptune Spear! He claims there was just one American chopper, that was destroyed in the compound and therefore how could they have taken Osama out? Idiot! :no:

You shouldn't be so quick to call anyone an idiot. The man being interviewed is definitely a military man from his demeanor.
I've read a bit about the subcontinent and consequently have very little faith when its people, Muslim or Hindu, claim to be eyewitnesses. Circumstantial and forensic evidence is more convincing - as is the fact nobody has heard from OBL since the raid! Wouldn't Al-Q love to label the Americans as liars!

You, quite conveniently, tied untrustworthy accounts from eyewitnesses to the subcontinent only where as the same is common throughout the world, including official Government spokespersons.

You want circumstantial evidence? There was just a single bullet hole in the supposed OBL compound, there's circumstantial evidence of foul play as the US version involves intense gun fight. You want forensic evidence? Well, so do we! And I'm not even disputing the presence of OBL/Clone at the compound, just the events. And what was the connection b/w Raymond Davis and OBL?

Alternate News 1
Alternate News 2 - Gordon Duff
Why we will never see an OBL

The above will most likely have loopholes as they are not facts but a vision of events dotted from several events. As somebody posted in the last one, we may never really know what happened on that day but one thing is indeed certain, what we have been told is not the truth!

I don't doubt you. But maybe once Pakistanis hear it about fifty times the lesson will start to sink in.

And that's precisely what your motto is, right? Deploy more false information that people can digest, bombard them with propaganda. Well, you have access to the most front line news mediums, and one who controls information wields the real power.
You shouldn't be so quick to call anyone an idiot. The man being interviewed is definitely a military man from his demeanor.


what does that have to do with what he is saying? can a military man not be an idiot? and sorry I disagree he is not a military man

have a look at 04:14 to 04:18 and then think what you just said
he says when he saw the helicopter he started laying bricks..

how does someone with a military demeanour wave hands like a civilian with a big tummy and admit to laying bricks at the sight of a helicopter not above him but on OBL compound?
I don't think this guy was the average mountain dwelling Abbottabadi civilian. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something from the way he talks makes me think he is not a civilian.
yea good job Razpak

confirm what shite has been coming out of western media

he is undercover ISI general
and he is talking in sign language as well

his accent is the typical hazarwal and I have lived a long time with these guys to know that.
yea good job Razpak

confirm what shite has been coming out of western media

he is undercover ISI general
and he is talking in sign language as well

his accent is the typical hazarwal and I have lived a long time with these guys to know that.

Well if you say so. I'm no expert.
Reminds me of the kasab village, some villagers said he did not belong there, some took the reporters to his home.

All these 'eyewitnesses' are for domestic consumption, some balm for the hurt.
You are wrong there matey!
Dr.Afridi is being punished for running a fake vaccine camp and aiding a foreign intelligence agency.

Your own govt. conspired to double cross the US intelligence innumerable times. This time they called your bluff with the help of Dr. Afridi, and in my opinion Dr. Afridi should be rewarded with the highest honor and maybe US citizenship for the part he played.

Then what makes the US an exception?
Why does your opinion become a fact?

Sorry mate, no use denying the facts. Learn to discern the facts on ground and be brave in calling a spade a spade.
Another important factor in this whole scenario is that the Abbotabad commision found only 1 bullet hole inside the compound which is quite contrary to the US story of resistance and gunfight. The house was very conveniently raised to the ground soon after that.

Please answer this simple question-- why did your govt razed to ground the house and compound???
Are they trying to erase some bitter memory???
Hide your kids hide your wives. Pakistan admits they had Osama's kids and wives after the operation, before sending them back to their homes. Theres no point in denying all this crap now. He was there, hes dead move on.
If it was fake, why doesn't the brave PA and ISI clearly say so? ;)
Please answer this simple question-- why did your govt razed to ground the house and compound???
Are they trying to erase some bitter memory???

I thought the reason was quite obvious, think about it. It's been a few days, you may get my point by now.

Hide your kids hide your wives. Pakistan admits they had Osama's kids and wives after the operation, before sending them back to their homes. Theres no point in denying all this crap now. He was there, hes dead move on.

Did you bother to have a look at the links I posted?

Your own govt. conspired to double cross the US intelligence innumerable times. This time they called your bluff with the help of Dr. Afridi, and in my opinion Dr. Afridi should be rewarded with the highest honor and maybe US citizenship for the part he played.

There you go believing RAW again. There is no proof that GoP ever double crossed the US intelligence, everything else is hearsay! This Bastard Afridi was running a fake polio vaccine campaign in that area and should be punished with an exemplary sentence. His treason, for helping a foreign agency commit illegal acts in the country, is a secondary matter, as of now.
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