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Eye witness account of OBL operation

No Buddy this is called denial (HathDharmi) not opinions.
No buddy,it's called being skeptical.
We don't just believe what the superpower says unless there is solid proof which is surely lacking. Everyone believes the US story to SOME extent,depends on the person and his EXTENT.
Deal with it.
Another important factor in this whole scenario is that the Abbotabad commision found only 1 bullet hole inside the compound which is quite contrary to the US story of resistance and gunfight. The house was very conveniently raised to the ground soon after that.
Another important factor in this whole scenario is that the Abbotabad commision found only 1 bullet hole inside the compound which is quite contrary to the US story of resistance and gunfight. The house was very conveniently raised to the ground soon after that.

If you have a solid case of it being a fraud, the whole of Pakistan should demand and back it up completely, there's no point in raising conspiracy theories when you are not confident enough of it being the truth. Ask for proof that it was indeed OBL who got killed that day or not, 2 things can happen -
Either the US cannot come up with the proof which means international victory for Pakistan, or else
the US shows the pics and videos of the operation which also means a bigger hit to Pakistan's image globally.

What's the point of one section in PK accepting it and another section raising doubts about it?
If you have a solid case of it being a fraud, the whole of Pakistan should demand and back it up completely, there's no point in raising conspiracy theories when you are not confident enough of it being the truth. Ask for proof that it was indeed OBL who got killed that day or not, 2 things can happen -
Either the US cannot come up with the proof which means international victory for Pakistan, or else
the US shows the pics and videos of the operation which also means a bigger hit to Pakistan's image globally.

What's the point of one section in PK accepting it and another section raising doubts about it?

The divide on certain issues amongst the general public, the Government and the military is quite evident. The Government & the Military agree to the US version, however if that is to be accepted then why is there such a hush hush on the findings of the Abbatabad commission report? The report was set to be made public 4 months ago when the chairman of the committee said that the report cannot be made public because of pressure from the Military.

But the most important thing to note is, can anybody in their right mind accept the US account that they spent almost an hour on the ground in a place that is 3km's from the Military's largest Academies and still remain unchallenged? And then the residents of the area claim that the area was cordoned off by the Military in the evening and that a curfew was imposed while residents were ordered to stay indoors and to keep away from windows.

All I can say is that the truth is not as straight forward as is being put to be. Too many different versions.

EDIT: P.S. Can Pakistan ever dream of humiliating the US internationally and still get the $$$??
"Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Not everybody had the luxury of witnessing facts other than people of the area or introducing USA. When USA failed to provide any evidence of his facts, it doesn't have grounds to reject facts coming from the other half.
The divide on certain issues amongst the general public, the Government and the military is quite evident. The Government & the Military agree to the US version, however if that is to be accepted then why is there such a hush hush on the findings of the Abbatabad commission report? The report was set to be made public 4 months ago when the chairman of the committee said that the report cannot be made public because of pressure from the Military.

But the most important thing to note is, can anybody in their right mind accept the US account that they spent almost an hour on the ground in a place that is 3km's from the Military's largest Academies and still remain unchallenged? And then the residents of the area claim that the area was cordoned off by the Military in the evening and that a curfew was imposed while residents were ordered to stay indoors and to keep away from windows.

All I can say is that the truth is not as straight forward as is being put to be. Too many different versions.

EDIT: P.S. Can Pakistan ever dream of humiliating the US internationally and still get the $$$??

I agree, but all those different versions are emanating from Pakistan not the US, the US version has been the same from day one, so the onus lies with the Pakistani people and its media to put pressure on its own authorities to come out with what's the real truth and if the answer whatever it is can mean two things
One, the truth may concern state secrets that can harm Pakistan more or put it in a spot of bother internationally hence been hushed so it's better to leave it at that.
The truth might vindicate Pakistan.

The answer lies inside Pakistan and its agencies.
There was no Osama there. If there was he would have been shown to media, no matter how grusome the photos were, afterall they reconstructed face of son of Saddam from pieces & also showed injured & then dead Gadafee...!!!

& to ad to fairy tale, they dropped hypothetical Osama into sea the very next day... Hmmmm

& then members of team that carried out stagged-raid died in a helicopter crash...Hmmm

& videos eye-witness who said from his rooftop he saw one copter air-drop men on top of the house & then flew away, after sometime men started knocking on his & other's doors yelling in Pashtoo language NOT to come out of their houses... then one helicopter came back & landed in yard of that house,, picked-up men from house, while other copter could be herd flying in a farther hill-top,,, then the 1st copter started to take off & blew-up with an explosion & everyone on board died & witness saw bodies scattered in yard of that house as he & others walked in there to have a look ...

So, how on earth they were able to take away Osama's body when the only copter that came near & picked passengers from house blew???

& Have u seen video of fake Osama watching TV inside that house???
The only pictures we have r of three men shot dead who were living inside that house.
Here's what happened as per my understanding of news & events,,, CIA conducted it over years. CIA hired few locals to buy land & build a house in that area. Those very people were told to live in it. As neighbours were seeing & in contact with those ppl. There was NO Osama living there. On day of raid they landed some Pashtoo-speaking men in that house & order was to shot the three men i that house who bought the land & build the house. Thus eliminating 1st part of the evidence.

(One of Osama's son was still in custody of CIA & news read he was missing since raid, & this account was from Osama's wife.) Next they left a brain washes & threatened wife & family of Osama inside that house & told them to give a designed narrative of them being living there for year, or the son who is in custody of CIA would face the consequences.

After killing those three men in house, Pashtoo-speaking soldiers were picked up by a copter that was already implanted with remote controlled bombs. The other copter that stayed in air throughout the raid pulled the trigger & blew up the 1st copter, Thus eliminating 2nd set of evidence.

Then just few days later crew of that 2nd copter died in a crash in Afghanistan. Thus 3rd set of evidence was also eliminated.
There WAS NO Osama folks. If there was the most wanted man on earth won't end up in sea so conveniently...

LollyWood Oscar Wining Story :yahoo::rofl::rofl:
Again,it should apply to you too.You were not there to see or hear what was happening. Even the people who were,were killed a couple of weeks later so i guess we will just have to live with our opinions.
I'm quoting your statement in full to highlight this idiocy, so ingrained in you you can't acknowledge it even when everybody can see it.

Not everybody had the luxury of witnessing facts other than people of the area or introducing USA. When USA failed to provide any evidence of his facts, it doesn't have grounds to reject facts coming from the other half.
You are confusing facts with opinions. To the best of my knowledge responsible people who gave the orders or were participants have testified that OBL is dead. That's a fact. The stuff about OBL not being there, etc., is all theory with no backing and to stand on that is mere opinion in the face of facts.
"Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan

The person in video is claiming to be an eye-witness and narrating what he had seen, not expressing his opinion; digest it and listen not just start vomiting.

The statement you quoted is invalid in case of an eye-witness, becuase usually eye-witnesses are providing the facts what exactly they seen and not their opinions.
The person in video is claiming to be an eye-witness and narrating what he had seen, not expressing his opinion; digest it and listen not just start vomiting.

The statement you quoted is not invalid in case of an eye-witness, becuase usually eye-witnesses are providing the facts what exactly they seen and not their opinions.
I've read a bit about the subcontinent and consequently have very little faith when its people, Muslim or Hindu, claim to be eyewitnesses. Circumstantial and forensic evidence is more convincing - as is the fact nobody has heard from OBL since the raid! Wouldn't Al-Q love to label the Americans as liars!
I've read a bit about the subcontinent and consequently have very little faith when its people, Muslim or Hindu, claim to be eyewitnesses. Circumstantial and forensic evidence is more convincing - as is the fact nobody has heard from OBL since the raid! Wouldn't Al-Q love to label the Americans as liars!
For them, OBL never existed. Remember The Usual Suspect movie. It was a figment of imagination of CIA while the guy always showed in the video was an old schizophrenic patient who said whatever CIA told him.

Even my theory will be accepted rather than your forensic evidence. :lol:
and to top it up, it becomes funny that they want Dr Afridi to be punished for helping CIA kill OSAMA, something that as per them never happened.

Dr. Afridi should be FRIED for helping a foreign military conduct a clandestine operation, even if it was for bird watching.

But, more importantly, he should be strung by his balls for giving fake vaccination to kids, thereby endangering their life.
For them, OBL never existed. Remember The Usual Suspect movie. It was a figment of imagination of CIA while the guy always showed in the video was an old schizophrenic patient who said whatever CIA told him.

Even my theory will be accepted rather than your forensic evidence. :lol:
I don't doubt you. But maybe once Pakistanis hear it about fifty times the lesson will start to sink in.
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