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Eye on China, Army focuses on mountain warfare

Now the question is who decide that Kashmir belongs to China Aksai Chin or Pakistan

As per the Kashmiri the below Map area also include that pakistan gave to china is part of Kashmir.

So the question arise now Kashmir will be further broken to satisfy the greed of china.... Pakistani players please quote.

I am sure Chinese would conduct joint military drills and provide arms and technology to India too if India was in good terms with them. However years of grudge and anti Chinese movements hindered the progressions of these great nations. Yes you heard me right, India is also a great nation and this came out of a Chinese mouth! :cheers:

Sometimes it is easier to forget, move on and love someone than to hold everything in and to forever hate someone. Afterall, what's done is done. It wasn't the fault of the current crop of Chinese people, it was something that happened half a century ago!

You are very correct in your observations. Not because you are being complimentary in any way but rather you are being wise to see beyond a narrow "tunnel-view" picture.

Most importantly, the events of the past are now "history". History while being important in its own place, is meaningless if it is reduced to a mask. What matters is, "here and now". And that will show the way in to the future. The future will belong to those who can look ahead and think clearly, while being able to sweep aside the "cobwebs of the past". :cheers:
That applies to chinese too, nobody cares what happened decaeds ago... just trying to be cautious.

But in the end, who's poking who, we all know that.

It's in everyone's right to be cautious. It's a sensible thing to do, however, going beyond that boundary isn't.

It would be a dream to see Asia being united the way that the EU is. This can only be done through a series of dialogues. It is the only way for us to build trust. Military to military confrontations and media provocations should be left in the dust.

This is the 21st centrury, people deserve better and healthier lives. Surely this can't be helped when we have nuclear armed countries pointing guns at one another.
It's in everyone's right to be cautious. It's a sensible thing to do, however, going beyond that boundary isn't.

It would be a dream to see Asia being united the way that the EU is. This can only be done through a series of dialogues. It is the only way for us to build trust. Military to military confrontations and media provocations should be left in the dust.

This is the 21st centrury, people deserve better and healthier lives. Surely this can't be helped when we have nuclear armed countries pointing guns at one another.

Could not agree more with your views here. The boundary, whatever name we may call it by; is the limit for physical actions.
However in our philosophy of existence, there are and should not be any boundaries. The day we understand that fact (respectively), there will be no holding us back, the trajectory of growth will be so great as to seem astronomical.

The EU model that you cite is indeed aspirational. Of course, i am sanguine enough to see it may be "over the horizon" yet. But even lower bench-marks are valid and achievable.

The neighbouring countries have all kinds of weapons, nuclear ones included. That is acceptable as long as the "swords remain sheathed". What matters is, that the hammers, files, plow-shares and other implements are kept in constant use.

Btw, i was in existence in 1962, and i am in existence now as well. And i can see the difference.
Even the Chinese generals say that India of 1962 is not the same because its army is much more powerful now and now we are still in the developing the skills on how to tackle stronger Indian Army.
By the way, dear Chinese, tell your government and fellow commies that we Indians do NOT recognize Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang as the par of China.
Even the Chinese generals say that India of 1962 is not the same because its army is much more powerful now and now we are still in the developing the skills on how to tackle stronger Indian Army.
By the way, dear Chinese, tell your government and fellow commies that we Indians do NOT recognize Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang as the par of China.

Has Manmohan Singh reshuffled his cabinet and appointed you the Foreign Minister? Or you represent some other government! Like the govt. of Transylvania.
Except china is there any other country in the world who calls the tibetans living in india as Seperatists??

That is an interesting point which just adequately displays your stupidity.
Let me ask me you a question, is there any other country in the world who calls Kashmir part of India, except India? Well, none. By your logic, Kashmir definitely doesn't belong to India.

BTW, what's wrong with Indian education system, being able churn out such a student without any basical reasoning ability?

Infact china is the agressor as well as the occupier of their territory.China should be grateful to india that indians dont allow anti china activity from the soil of india.

LOL, accomodating a bunch of seperatists on your soil dosen't count as anti-China activity? It seems your stupidity has no limit. In fact, it is worse than anti-China activity, it is an outrageious interference in Chinese home affairs which warrant a retaliation by war if necessary.

You really should be thankful that China doesn't just acknowledge Pakistani sovereignty over the entire Kashmir. We Chinese owe it our Paksitani friends to officially recognize Kashmir to be part of Pakistan, intead of claiming it to be disputed land. It is not a disputed land, it belongs to Pakistan.

You should be thankful that China doesn't set up a Sikkim government-in-exile on Chinese soil because we are not as gross as India who has the nerve to interfere with Chinese internal issues in the name of her fake democracy.

The US always wanted india to train these tibetans against the chinese,which india refused way back in the 60's,frustrated US turned to china to attack india.When india wanted arms from the US to counter the chinese attack the americans simply turned them down.What do you think the americans want now,even 45+ years after that episode?begin an insurgency in china's backyard.China is just scared by trying to counter this new friendship between india and the US by creating bottlenecks where there would have been agreements.It is just a matter of time when india's patience runs out (china should realise this).:flame:

I am sorry that I just can understand this part except the last sentence.

I am looking forward to the day when India loses its patience, I would love to witness another "forward policy" episode. Judging from all the comments I read on different Indian forums, I am pretty sure that history between China and India will repeat itself.
That is an interesting point which just adequately displays your stupidity.
Let me ask me you a question, is there any other country in the world who calls Kashmir part of India, except India?

everyone accept the pakistan....and don't think by issuing stapled visa you can make any change in here...
BTW, what's wrong with Indian education system, being able churn out such a student without any basical reasoning ability?
get a explanation from your own govt , as they like to increase quota of chines students want to study in india...

China doesn't just acknowledge Pakistani sovereignty over the entire Kashmir. We Chinese owe it our Paksitani friends to officially recognize Kashmir to be part of Pakistan, intead of claiming it to be disputed land. It is not a disputed land, it belongs to Pakistan
LOL, accomodating a bunch of seperatists on your soil dosen't count as anti-China activity? It seems your stupidity has no limit. In fact, it is worse than anti-China activity, it is an outrageious interference in Chinese home affairs which warrant a retaliation by war if necessary.
then let it war..
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Even the Chinese generals say that India of 1962 is not the same because its army is much more powerful now and now we are still in the developing the skills on how to tackle stronger Indian Army.
By the way, dear Chinese, tell your government and fellow commies that we Indians do NOT recognize Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang as the par of China.

Thanks for confirming something that I have reiterated again and again on this forum.

Just for your reference, we know that. But we hope you Indians can practise the shinning democracy you people have been bragging about all the time on this forum, casting your holy votes to push your government to reverse its current stance over Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang so that it doesn't have to play duplicity and we don't have to fight each other over these issues. Could you please, for once, prove it to us that democracy in India is still functional?
everyone accept the pakistan...

I presume there is some typing error in this sentence. I guess the right sentence should be " everyone except the Paksitan.."

Well, in this case, only if by everyone you were refering to India and only India could this contention stand.

and don't think by issuing stapled visa you can make any change in here...

Whether it changes anything or not really doesn't matter, we are just doing a small favor for Pakistan, which I don't think is enough. I hope in the future Chinese government will officially recognize Kashmir to be part of Pakistan just as I have suggested. Since we can't make any change, I hope there won't be any noise from the India side.

get a explanation from your own govt , as they like to increase quota of chines students want to study in india...

Just like the rumor goes, Indians like bragging whenever there is a chance. By mentioning Chinese students want to study in india, you must be refering to the report which says Premier Wen hailed Indian education by encouraging Chinese student to study software in India. If Wen was not being diplomatically polite, then it means Wen knew nothing about software, I believe none of two situations is worth boasting.

Check the number of Indian student studying in China annually, and compare it with the number of Chinese students in India, then come back and talk.

then let it war..

I am glad at least you accept that China is entitled start a war to punish India for its messing up with Chinese home affairs, if necessary.

And again, no more sh!t of China backstabbing India if that really happens.
That's actually more worrisome: that anti-China rhetoric sells well in India.

Anti-Pakistan I can understand, but why is there such a market for anti-China sentiments?

That is a good question.

I have been expecting an answer for a long time. Maybe some Indian members can shed some light.
Whether it changes anything or not really doesn't matter, we are just doing a small favor for Pakistan, which I don't think is enough. I hope in the future Chinese government will officially recognize Kashmir to be part of Pakistan . .
let your govt recoganize US as part of pakistan...what difference it make...

Just like the rumor goes, Indians like bragging whenever there is a chance. By mentioning Chinese students want to study in india, you must be refering to the report which says Premier Wen hailed Indian education by encouraging Chinese student to study software in India. If Wen was not being diplomatically polite, then it means Wen knew nothing about software, I believe none of two situations is worth boasting.

ok ,then in the my view too Wen is a illetrate stupid..happy

I am glad at least you accept that China is entitled start a war to punish India for its messing up with Chinese home affairs, if necessary.
And again, no more sh!t of China backstabbing India if that really happens.
let it war....
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