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Eye on China, Army focuses on mountain warfare



New Recruit

Dec 17, 2010
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NEW DELHI: After concentrating for long on taking the war to the enemy in the plains, basically a Pakistan-centric policy, the Army is now also steadily building its capabilities for offensive mountain warfare with China on mind.

This comes at a time when the Army's new doctrine and "proactive strategy", which also factor in the worst-case scenario of grappling with both China and Pakistan simultaneously in a two-front war, are now ready and the 1.13-million force is poised for a comprehensive transformation into a lean, mean fighting machine.

"As of today, we are capable of meeting any threat on our borders, whether it is simultaneous, single or double...We are also restructuring to ensure offensive capabilities in the mountains as well," said General V K Singh on Friday, a day ahead of the Army Day.

"The aim is to transform into a more agile, more lethal, networked force capable of meeting all future challenges...how our strategic assets, in terms of the strike corps (Mathura-based 1 Corps, Ambala-based 2 Corps and Bhopal-based 21 Corps) and other assets, can be synergised to deliver a more lethal punch," he added.

All this comes after creation of the new South-Western Army Command at Jaipur in 2005, between the Western and Southern Commands, for a greater offensive punch along the entire western front with Pakistan.

Since then, India is also finally taking steps to strategically counter the stark military asymmetry with China all along the 4,057-km Line of Actual Control. Apart from basing Sukhoi-30MKIs in northeast and upgrading several airstrips and helipads, two new infantry mountain divisions and the first battalion of Arunachal Scouts are now virtually in place.

With 1,260 officers and 35,011 soldiers, the two new divisions have their HQ in Zakama (Nagaland) and Missamari (Assam). Plans are also afoot to create a new mountain strike corps as well as a third artillery division.

It was after the 10-month forward troop mobilisation on the western front under Operation Parakram in 2002 that the Army began to develop the capability to mobilise fast and strike hard across the border.

Read more: Eye on China, Army focuses on mountain warfare - The Times of India Eye on China, Army focuses on mountain warfare - The Times of India
Indian army has very strong bond with people of India and Constitution, which is bi boost for our forces. While PLA has no connection with their so called Government, and Pakistan army can't control ten thousand self produce militants with 50000 soldiers and american Dollars on their own land, no need worry about them, just trust their deficiency.
Indian army has very strong bond with people of India and Constitution, which is bi boost for our forces. While PLA has no connection with their so called Government, and Pakistan army can't control ten thousand self produce militants with 50000 soldiers and american Dollars on their own land, no need worry about them, just trust their deficiency.

Yeah right, was that the reason why Indian army got crushed by PLA in 1962?:lol:
You reminded me of an old wisdom "Talkers are no good doers":D
Look, it is the Indian government should not stop this sinophobia promotion.

Are you guys so desperately want a rematch for 1962?
Its good to prepare for any eventuality but sad that such things get hyped up in the media...

Our media should be more responsible and understand the effect of their reportage..
TOI is no longer a newspaper, it's just a tabloid.

Indian members, avoid posting articles from this junk website.
Its good to prepare for any eventuality but sad that such things get hyped up in the media...

Our media should be more responsible and understand the effect of their reportage..

Those comments from your countrymens aren't pleasant to read. If you look at our history, you should know we were not an aggressive nation by nature. Yes, we might develop some sort of Sinocentrism, but this is vastly different from the Colonialism mentality of the Western nations.
Toi should learn something from dawn or the hindu about journalism.These morons are a shame to the nation.
Those comments from your countrymens aren't pleasant to read. If you look at our history, you should know we were not an aggressive nation by nature. Yes, we might develop some sort of Sinocentrism, but this is vastly different from the Colonialism mentality of the Western nations.
PRC history ...

lets start...

Korea, Vietnam, India .. USSR ....

all neighbors were attacked ...

its good india is preparing for chinese preemptive actions in himalayas,,


by nature PRC is like a bully ...

and evey nation surrounding should do all it can do stop this bully ...
PRC history ...

lets start...

Korea, Vietnam, India .. USSR ....

all neighbors were attacked ...

its good india is preparing for chinese preemptive actions in himalayas,,


by nature PRC is like a bully ...

and evey nation surrounding should do all it can do stop this bully ...

The most dangerous nation on earth is the delusional one like India, always overestimate itself as far more "poweful" than its actual capability.:lol:

India invincible resume="the biggest Exporter of TALKS" thanks to her cheap "call-centers":D
PRC history ...

lets start...

Korea, Vietnam, India .. USSR ....

all neighbors were attacked ...

its good india is preparing for chinese preemptive actions in himalayas,,


by nature PRC is like a bully ...

and evey nation surrounding should do all it can do stop this bully ...

with same logic India also not have very good relations with its neighbors ,fought wars with two of its neighbor ,relations with Bangladesh ,Lanka not very warm ,Nepal complain of biased treaties .
If we look it in other way ,China is clear about what to do un like India which remain skeptical to goor not to go for it :hitwall:
come on guys. each country has right to prepare for any eventuality. media always tends to sensationalise things. its a normal report no need to give it unnecessary weightage. i am sure there isnt going to be any war between india and china.
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