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Extremly negative perceptions of refugees in Turkey

Syria had an army of 300,000 with 4000 tanks, armored vehicles etc and literally everything (among the top in ME). It wasn't some rag tag militia, it was an army, it doesn't need arms. Would Turkish army need arms in a similar scenario? But it's a guerrilla war and a war of attrition.
And why would such a top army need advisors from Iran?
Does Iran have experience in guerrilla warfare?
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And why would such a top army need advisors from Iran?
You know how a nation wide guerrilla war works. Iran was the most powerful army in ME in 1979, but it basically couldn't prevent a large insurgency. Difference is, back then no one armed anybody inside Iran, in Syria flow of arms and funds started flowing in.

Does Iran have experience in guerrilla war?
I'd say we have. IRGC is basically a semi-guerrilla force and you can also take a look at Lebanon's Hezbollah which is entirely armed and funded by Iran. Not mentioning that we have been fighting insurgencies for 35 years in borders. SAA on the other hand was soviet-style inflexible traditional army, that's why it collapsed so fast in first months. Only after Iran intervened the situation reversed.
According to an Ipsos Mori study, it can be said that Turkish people don't like refugees at all. They are even more suspicious of them than Europeans. Many are linking them to terrorism, loss of jobs and higher crime rates. Support for closing borders is overwhelmingly in Turkey.




Ask this question to Pakistani.......................... raise the wall......and establish peace in Syria. War is contagious ...

But make no mistake, citizenship will not be given to all of each 3 million Syrians. Only for those that want to stay and meet some, albeit lousy, criteria. Still am not optimistic about it though.
Its better to establish peace in Syria, send back all foreign fighters and send back refugees quickly as possible. Because after few years these refugees will be double agent and Turkey won't be able to send them back......Learn from Pakistan afghan refugee problem...its a good test case.
Have you ever had such problems with the 1.5-2 million Turkish Arabs who are natives of Southern and Southeastern Turkey? Who lived in Turkey before the Turks arrived to Anatolia and modern-day Turkey? I highly doubt that. I have seen Turkish users here who have visited Turkish Arab areas of Turkey or who know Turkish Arabs and they have only told good things about that community here on PDF. Whether they have lied I do not know about but I personally have never heard about any problems with that community and I know an Turkish Arab family who have lived in Adana since time immortal.

Of course you are going to have certain problems when you host 3 million war refugees and foreigners. What did you expect? Lebanon, Jordan and many other countries face similar problems despite being fellow Arabs.
You would have the exact same problems if you hosted that many people from any country. However if those people will receive citizenship one day (doubtful) they will assimilate like millions of non-Turkish people have done. You have millions of non-Turks be it Albanians, Bosnians, Circassians and many others. I am sure that when they first arrived that locals also complained but it is so long ago that the current generation does not remember it. It takes time for people to assimilate. Especially war refugees and people escaping from war. Just as there will be good and bad apples. You cannot generalize that many people.

Those people might become assets one day. You never know. Anyway you decide. If you don't want them I hope that they will return back to Syria or other Arab countries. If I had any power I would welcome all of them to KSA. We have PLENTY of space and people would welcome them as brothers and sisters.


Before going into bold, I would like to ask...

There are tens of Arab countries, and some of them are oil rich ones; Why do they not accept those 3 m. syrians in? For example, you preach here some things but avoid mentioning why saudi arabia does not let those 3 m. syrians in.

As for the first paragraph of your post. In ottoman times, during the WW1 at the bad/weak days of Turks, the All Arabs who are majority launched rivolt against the Ottoman Turks, helped the Kuffar,and backstabbed Turks in the back. The result: deaths of hundreds of thousands Muslim Turks, not to mention other things we lost.

Today Nothing has changed, if you talk to a Turk in streets of Turkey about Syrian refugees in Turkey; The Turk you talk to will not make you happy and put a smile on your face with the words he says about Syrian refugees.

So yes, Arabs are unreliable, ungrateful, and gutless. They even do not open the doors for their own brothers/Syrians who left the country without fighting even moving any finger for their own lands. Therefore Syrians are dying in sea to immigrate into the western ''kuffar'' countries which they(Syrians/Arabs) helped in ww1 to win the war against Ottoman Turks. The Irony is that The Western ''kuffar'' ally of Syrians/Arabs do not want Arabs and close the borders. We have saying in Turkey: Allah does not have a stick(meaning Allah has a justice).

As for the second paragraph of your post. We do not have any foreign nationalities like Albanians, Bosnians etc. They are native Turkish decendants, and very welcome by Turkey. They had been settled down in Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece etc. by Ottoman empire in tune with policies.

They are natural citizens of Turkey. Therefore, We do not let them immigrate into foreign countries and watch them die in sea.

However, Arabs are not after the big time backstabbing Turks in ww1. Therefore, Instead of Pouring the money of Turkish taxpayers into ''asimilating'' Syrians (so far over $15 billion, imagine what to do with that money for the welfare of Turks), Turkey should send them back to Syria or other Arab countries, in this way Syrians stay as Arab, and Turkey will not have to face the burden of Arabs again.
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Before going into bold, I would like to ask...

There are tens of Arab countries, and some of them are oil rich ones; Why do they not accept those 3 m. syrians in? For example, you preach here some things but avoid mentioning why saudi arabia does not let those 3 m. syrians in.

As for the first paragraph of your post. In ottoman times, during the WW1 at the bad/weak days of Turks, the All Arabs who are majority launched rivolt against the Ottoman Turks, helped the Kuffar,and backstabbed Turks in the back. The result: deaths of hundreds of thousands Muslim Turks, not to mention other things we lost.

Today Nothing has changed, if you talk to a Turk in streets of Turkey about Syrian refugees in Turkey; The Turk you talk to will not make you happy and put a smile on your face with the words he says about Syrian refugees.

So yes, Arabs are unreliable, ungrateful, and gutless. They even do not open the doors for their own brothers/Syrians who left the country without fighting even moving any finger for their own lands. Therefore Syrians are dying in sea to immigrate into the western ''kuffar'' countries which they(Syrians/Arabs) helped in ww1 to win the war against Ottoman Turks. The Irony is that The Western ''kuffar'' ally of Syrians/Arabs do not want Arabs and close the borders. We have saying in Turkey: Allah does not have a stick(meaning Allah has a justice).

As for the second paragraph of your post. We do not have any foreign nationalities like Albanians, Bosnians etc. They are native Turkish decendants, and very welcome by Turkey. They had been settled down in Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria, Greece etc. by Ottoman empire in tune with policies.

They are natural citizens of Turkey. Therefore, We do not let them immigrate into foreign countries and watch them die in sea.

However, Arabs are not after the big time backstabbing Turks in ww1. Therefore, Instead of Pouring the money of Turkish taxpayers into ''asimilating'' Syrians (so far over $15 billion, imagine what to do with that money for the welfare of Turks), Turkey should send them back to Syria or other Arab countries, in this way Syrians stay as Arab, and Turkey will not have to face the burden of Arabs again.

Do you even understand English? I do not preach about anything at all. Show me where I did that. Go on.

As for the rest of your nonsense post. I can only laugh. The Arabs (who were the most numerous ethnic group back then and whose native lands formed most of the territory) did not backstab anyone. All those lands were Arab lands. It was a dying empire that had been sick for over 2 centuries before the various peoples of the empire from the Balkans to Hijaz, including Turks themselves, revolted. Eventually it were the Turks themselves who removed the Ottomans.

As for "backstabbing" (great joke), did the Ottomans backstab the Arabs after seizing the Caliphate after almost 1000 years of Arab rule from the very beginning until 1516? The conclusion is that this was exactly the case since you apply a similar logic to the Arabs (half of them as half of the Arab world was independent during that era) 400 years later.

You are so ignorant that you do not understand that small Lebanon and Jordan alone host more Syrian refugees than 80 million big Turkey. Nor that KSA hosts over 500.000 Syrians. You seemingly also missed my posts where I clearly wrote that I am not content with KSA's policies in this regard as I want us and all Arabs to do even more. Nor do I have a say in politics and neither do you or anyone else here.

No, far from all of them were ethnic Turks. Most were not. Nor are any of the Circassians in Turkey ethnic Turks.

You do realize that Syrian Turkmens are migrating to Europe and dying trying to do that as well, right? You do realize that it is the obligation of Syrians, first and foremost, to look after themselves? So when Central Asian Turks are treated as shit in Russia, you blame the average Turkish citizens ten for that too? What kind of moronic logic is that?

I never told you to accept Syrians as citizens but solely that your anti-Arab nonsense makes no sense when there have been no/are no problems with the 1.5-2 million indigenous Turkish Arabs whose presence in Turkey (Arabs ruled half of modern-day Turkey for centuries from the earliest Islamic conquest until the arrival of the Seljuks) predates that of the Turkic migrations.

Anyway save your reply as the post I am replying to already says it all. I actually don't care the slightest about what you might think of Syrians or other Arabs but I could not stop myself from at least responding to some of your nonsense that you wrote in that post.

Also you can stay with your Kurdish citizens instead. If most Turks (which I know that they are not) are like you I hope that no more Syrians will ever set foot on Turkish soil and that the 2 million native Turkish Arabs will leave too if they are viewed such negatively apparently.
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Do you even understand English? I do not preach about anything at all. Show me where I did that. Go on.

As for the rest of your nonsense post. I can only laugh. The Arabs (who were the most numerous ethnic group back then and whose native lands formed most of the territory) did not backstab anyone. All those lands were Arab lands. It was a dying empire that had been sick for over 2 centuries before the various peoples of the empire from the Balkans to Hijaz, including Turks themselves, revolted. Eventually it were the Turks themselves who removed the Ottomans.

As for "backstabbing" (great joke), did the Ottomans backstab the Arabs after seizing the Caliphate after almost 1000 years of Arab rule from the very beginning until 1516? The conclusion is that this was exactly the case since you apply a similar logic to the Arabs (half of them as half of the Arab world was independent during that era) 400 years later.

You are so ignorant that you do not understand that small Lebanon and Jordan alone host more Syrian refugees than 80 million big Turkey. Nor that KSA hosts over 500.000 Syrians. You seemingly also missed my posts where I clearly wrote that I am not content with KSA's policies in this regard as I want us and all Arabs to do even more. Nor do I have a say in politics and neither do you or anyone else here.

No, far from all of them were ethnic Turks. Most were not. Nor are any of the Circassians in Turkey ethnic Turks.

You do realize that Syrian Turkmens are migrating to Europe and dying trying to do that as well, right? You do realize that it is the obligation of Syrians, first and foremost, to look after themselves? So when Central Asian Turks are treated as shit in Russia, you blame the average Turkish citizens ten for that too? What kind of moronic logic is that?

I never told you to accept Syrians as citizens but solely that your anti-Arab nonsense makes no sense when there have been no/are no problems with the 1.5-2 million indigenous Turkish Arabs whose presence in Turkey (Arabs ruled half of modern-day Turkey for centuries from the earliest Islamic conquest until the arrival of the Seljuks) predates that of the Turkic migrations.

Anyway save your reply as the post I am replying to already says it all. I actually don't care the slightest about what you might think of Syrians or other Arabs but I could not stop myself from at least responding to some of your nonsense that you wrote in that post.

I will hit it very hard, so make the all those ''last editions'', and do not hide behind the moderators when i get the time to respond/humiliate you with facts.
I am all trembling waiting to hear about your "facts". The same kind of "facts" that I saw in your initial post.


Take your time and don't turn all red. I want to see more desperate anti-Arab rants from you.

Take your arab brothers the syrians, we don't want anything to do with you backstabbing arabs.

The world has seen your true face with isis, nothing but terrorists.

You arabs ruined the reputation of all muslims, go play with goats or something.
Syrian refugees aren't a threat for Turkey. They never were and never will be dangerous for us. Stop telling this bullshit all over the forum. But it's right, in WW1 Arabs did betray us. However, it's also historically clear that Syrian Arabs were the most loyal during Ottoman era.

Another fact: 98% of the Turkish Arabian electorate voted for AKP, CHP, MHP and other Turkish parties;
90% (!!!) - no joke - voted for AKP and Erdogan. Only 2% of the native Arabian population in Turkey selected HDP BUT 3% of Turkey's ethnic Turks preferred HDP, according to a TÜBITAK study.

So, who is more dangerous for Turkey? Syrian refugees or Turkish leftist?

No one will believe in your fairytales about Syrians. Arabs ain't have a sustainable nation statehood and identity. They strongly tend to assimilate in Muslim majority milieus like Anatolia or Persia. I don't know a single Arabian Turk who wants to be a part of the Arab world again. Since 1950, when the first free elections were held in Turkey, the Arabian population never had independence ambitions. They never supported or founded a political movement with secessionist aspirations.

Care must be taken with the precise choice of words here to reduce misunderstandings. You are also talking about Arabian Turks (like Aziz Sancar, a man in love with his Turkish fatherland), who are citizens of our Republic.

Children and young people of Arab descent in Turkey speak, read and write Turkish today. That is a fact. I have no doubts, we can turn the refugees into good, reliable, loyal, honest Turks. We can expel the bad, lazy, woman-hating and anti-democratic Arabian sprit in their minds - we really can.

For instance, I am from Eastern Anatolia. I have more in common with a Syrian refugee than with a Balkan Turk. That is also a fact. We in Eastern Anatolia can handle the situation. Just don't let them go to Western parts of our country. Send them back, we are less than 5 million people in EA. We have enough space here for all of them.

What's your opinion on this topic?
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Syrian refugees aren't a threat for Turkey. They never were and never will be dangerous for us. Stop telling this bullshit all over the forum. But it's right, in WW1 Arabs did betray us. However, it's also historically clear that Syrian Arabs were the most loyal during Ottoman era.

Another fact: 98% of the Turkish Arabian electorate voted for AKP, CHP, MHP and other Turkish parties;
90% (!!!) - no joke - voted for AKP and Erdogan. Only 2% of the native Arabian population in Turkey selected HDP BUT 3% of Turkey's ethnic Turks preferred HDP, according to a TÜBITAK study.

So, who is more dangerous for Turkey? Syrian refugees or Turkish leftist?

No one will believe in your fairytales about Syrians. Arabs ain't have a sustainable nation statehood and identity. They strongly tend to assimilate in Muslim majority milieus like in Anatolia. I don't know a single Arabian Turk who wants to be a part of the Arab world again. Since 1950, when the first free elections were held in Turkey, the Arabian population never had independence ambitions. They never supported or founded a political movement with secessionist aspirations.

Care must be taken with the precise choice of words here to reduce misunderstandings. You are also talking about Arabian Turks (like Aziz Sancar, a man in love with his Turkish fatherland), who are citizens of our Republic.

Children and young people of Arab descent in Turkey speak, read and write Turkish today. That is a fact. I have no doubts, we can turn the refugees into good, reliable, loyal, honest Turks. We can expel the bad, lazy, woman-hating and anti-democratic Arabian sprit in their minds - we really can.

For instance, I am from Eastern Anatolia. I have more in common with a Syrian refugee than with a Balkan Turk. That is also a fact. We in Eastern Anatolia can handle the situation. Just don't let them go to Western parts of our country. Send them back, we are less than 5 million people in EA. We have enough space here for all of them.

What's your opinion on this topic?

Ok you take them 90% of the Turks don't want them, they can all live in your house.
If by "my house" you mean Eastern Anatolia - I'm totally fine with that.

No to your house you don't own Eastern Anatolia, the Turkish people do.

90% of Turks don't want the arabs, if you don't believe me start a poll in turkish section see what happens.
No to your house you don't own Eastern Anatolia, the Turkish people do.

Members of my family are big landowner in EA. I literally own parts of that land. Dance for me...


... I'm your aga. No, bro, just kidding, but, yeah, we were one of the biggest landowner families in EA.

90% of Turks don't want the arabs, if you don't believe me start a poll in turkish section see what happens.

And at the beginning of the events in Syria, 90% of the Turkish population wanted to help them, according to old surveys, bro. So, who's right now? They simply don't want refugees in large cities of Western Anatolia. I can understand that. But I can also assure you, push the refugees to the East and suddenly a majority in Turkey won't have any problems with them.

Everything depends on professional crisis management. That's all we need.
Members of my family are big landowner in EA. I literally own parts of that land. Dance for me...


... I'm your aga. No, bro, just kidding, but, yeah, we were one of the biggest landowner families in EA.

And at the beginning of the events in Syria, 90% of the Turkish population wanted to help them, according to old surveys, bro. So, who's right now? They simply don't want refugees in large cities of Western Anatolia. I can understand that. But I can also assure you, push the refugees to the East and suddenly a majority in Turkey won't have any problems with them.

Everything depends on professional crisis management. That's all we need.

Are you a kurd or a arab, I really doubt you are TURK.

You have so much love for arabs, which is not a Turkish trait.
Syrian refugees aren't a threat for Turkey. They never were and never will be dangerous for us. Stop telling this bullshit all over the forum. But it's right, in WW1 Arabs did betray us. However, it's also historically clear that Syrian Arabs were the most loyal during Ottoman era.

Another fact: 98% of the Turkish Arabian electorate voted for AKP, CHP, MHP and other Turkish parties;
90% (!!!) - no joke - voted for AKP and Erdogan. Only 2% of the native Arabian population in Turkey selected HDP BUT 3% of Turkey's ethnic Turks preferred HDP, according to a TÜBITAK study.

So, who is more dangerous for Turkey? Syrian refugees or Turkish leftist?

No one will believe in your fairytales about Syrians. Arabs ain't have a sustainable nation statehood and identity. They strongly tend to assimilate in Muslim majority milieus like Anatolia or Persia. I don't know a single Arabian Turk who wants to be a part of the Arab world again. Since 1950, when the first free elections were held in Turkey, the Arabian population never had independence ambitions. They never supported or founded a political movement with secessionist aspirations.

Care must be taken with the precise choice of words here to reduce misunderstandings. You are also talking about Arabian Turks (like Aziz Sancar, a man in love with his Turkish fatherland), who are citizens of our Republic.

Children and young people of Arab descent in Turkey speak, read and write Turkish today. That is a fact. I have no doubts, we can turn the refugees into good, reliable, loyal, honest Turks. We can expel the bad, lazy, woman-hating and anti-democratic Arabian sprit in their minds - we really can.

For instance, I am from Eastern Anatolia. I have more in common with a Syrian refugee than with a Balkan Turk. That is also a fact. We in Eastern Anatolia can handle the situation. Just don't let them go to Western parts of our country. Send them back, we are less than 5 million people in EA. We have enough space here for all of them.

What's your opinion on this topic?
How can you trust that everything will be fine? How do you know 'we' can convert them into good and honest citizens? Let's say 3m refugees decide to stay in Eastern Anatolia, how will you know they won't cause problem in the long run? Apart from the children, women, elders, ill people, how can we know that able male refugees will be hayirli for Turkey when they couldn't be hayirli for their own country's future in its darkest hour? 3m Arab and Kurdish refugees will make East Anatolia even more Arab and Kurdish, especially because they have high birth rate, would you be fine with this (in the long run)? How can we know there are no pkk and Assad sympathizers among the refugees?

I don't deny there are good people among them, but there are risks and 3m is not a small number (that is if the 3m refugees decide to stay after the war)
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