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Extremly negative perceptions of refugees in Turkey

At this point, given your stupid reaction, I quit this discussion with you. I like you and I don't want to have any animosities between us. Bye.

There we have it you are either arab or kurd, no other way to explain how you could say "stupid" to a fellow TURK!

(that is if the 3m refugees decide to stay after the war)

Of course they will stay, if you were arab would you go back to syria? o_O

The only ones in Turkey that want them to get a turkish citizenship are arabs and kurds, kurds because there are many kurds amongst them too.

Almost 100% of the Turks I see on facebook are against syrians getting a citizenship and everyone complains about the bad things they do.

The recent democracy events should be a wake up call to us, they waved syrian flags not Turkish flags.

At this point, given your stupid reaction, I quit this discussion with you. I like you and I don't want to have any animosities between us. Bye.

Here arab go vote: https://defence.pk/threads/poll-should-syrians-get-turkish-citizenship.444063/
How can you trust that everything will be fine? How do you know 'we' can convert them into good and honest citizens? Let's say 3m refugees decide to stay in Eastern Anatolia, how will you know they won't cause problem in the long run? Apart from the children, women, elders, ill people, how can we know that able male refugees will be hayirli for Turkey when they couldn't be hayirli for their own country's future in its darkest hour? 3m Arab and Kurdish refugees will make East Anatolia even more Arab and Kurdish, especially because they have high birth rate, would you be fine with this (in the long run)? How can we know there are no pkk and Assad sympathizers among the refugees?

I don't deny there are good people among them, but there are risks and 3m is not a small number (that is if the 3m refugees decide to stay after the war)

Kurdish refugees already left Turkey. They are back in Kobani or in North Iraq. Btw, they didn't get any help from the government. That was a right decision in my opinion.

However, I'm not saying we should take all of them. But we can easily assimilate 1,5 million Arabs. Many of the Arabian refugees are Sunnis like we are and they don't like PKK/PYD either. Where is the problem? We could relocate some factories from Istanbul to EA with state support to create jobs. Many members of CHP are also Assad sympathizers. I have no problems with this kind of political preferences, as long as the people stay democratic.

Iyi geceler arkadaslar. @TF, kenks, iyice isin cilkini cikardin sen. Siyasi arenada hemfikir olmadigin her vatandasin Türklügünden süphe duyacaksan...vay ülkenin haline. Tavrina stupid kelimesini yakistirdigim icin bunu Türk olmamanin ispati olarak kabul görüyorsan, sana en yakinindaki cay ocagini ziyaret etmeni tavsiye ederim. Bak bakalim Türk bulabilcek misin orada. Allah'a sükürler Türkce argo nedir bilmez... :D
Kurdish refugees already left Turkey. They are back in Kobani or in North Iraq. Btw, they didn't get any help from the government. That was a right decision in my opinion.

However, I'm not saying we should take all of them. But we can easily assimilate 1,5 million Arabs. Many of the Arabian refugees are Sunnis like we are and they don't like PKK/PYD either. Where is the problem? We could relocate some factories from Istanbul to EA with state support to create jobs. Many members of CHP are also Assad sympathizers. I have no problems with this kind of political preferences, as long as the people stay democratic.

Iyi geceler arkadaslar. @TF, kenks, iyice isin cilkini cikardin sen. Siyasi arenada hemfikir olmadigin her vatandasin Türklügünden süphe duyacaksan...vay ülkenin haline. Tavrina stupid kelimesini yakistirdigim icin bunu Türk olmamanin ispati olarak kabul görüyorsan, sana en yakinindaki cay ocagini ziyaret etmeni tavsiye ederim. Bak bakalim Türk bulabilcek misin orada. Allah'a sükürler Türkce argo nedir bilmez... :D

Sure, if you ask me Arabs will not cause any big problems in Turkey or create a terror organisation like Kurds did.

But they will never understand our values or for example how much we care for our founder Ataturk...On youtube i see all sorts of comments from Arabs against Ataturk and most of them are bad...

They wouldn't understand Secularism, that's what i'm afraid of.

Most of them should go back, that's for sure but we can sort out Turkmens and loyal Arabs to make them Turkish citizens.

There shouldn't be 500.000 Syrians in just one city, this will only change the demographics of the area.

We did that mistake with Kurds and now we are suffering from the consequences.

As for the Turkish citizens with Arab background, that's a different story. You can't compare them with the ones from other countries. First of all they choose to stay with us and fought with us together to form this country and most of them were raised with the values of our Republic.

Consequently Arabs in Turkey became real patriots, i really like them...if it wasn't for them then our flag wouldn't be waving in some parts of Eastern Turkey.
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Sure, if you ask me Arabs will not cause any big problems in Turkey or create a terror organisation like Kurds did.

But they will never understand our values or for example how much we care for our founder Ataturk...On youtube i see all sorts of comments from Arabs against Ataturk and most of them are bad...

They wouldn't understand Secularism, that's what i'm afraid of.

Most of them should go back, that's for sure but we can sort out Turkmens and loyal Arabs to make them Turkish citizens.

There shouldn't be 500.000 Syrians in just one city, this will only change the demographics of the area.

We did that mistake with Kurds and now we are suffering from the consequences.

As for the Turkish citizens with Arab background, that's a different story. You can't compare them with the ones from other countries. First of all they choose to stay with us and fought with us together to form this country and most of them were raised with the values of our Republic.

Consequently Arabs in Turkey became real patriots, i really like them...if it wasn't for them then our flag wouldn't be waving in some parts of Eastern Turkey.

First of all, just out of curiosity, does your username derive from the Arabic word, Mujahid?

You really like the Turkish Arabs (who are natives of those regions of Turkey) and you admit that they have been an asset for but you have an totally different opinion (it seems) of Syrians who happen to be more or less identical to the Turkish Arabs who live just across the border?

As for @TurkeyForever 's bombastic claim of 90% of Turks hating Arabs then this is complete and utter nonsense from what I have seen, witnessed either. I constantly see friendly Turkish comments (in Turkish and Arabic) on social media, below Youtube videos that display Arabic songs and videos related with Arabs, Arab countries, Arab world etc. Nor is the ruling party in Turkey (AKP) hostile towards Arabs, rather the opposite.

Personally I have never had a single problem with Turks. I also know/have heard of plenty of Turkish-Arab intermarriages in KSA, many Arab countries, Turkey, Europe etc. In fact alone on this forum I recall a few of such mixtures among both Arab and Turkish users and this is a very, very small sample of people.

The truth is, trolling aside, that it depends on the ideological and personal views of a person whether Turk or Arab.

There are around 450 million Arabs worldwide and I would say that most have a friendly/positive view of Turks and we are quite similar on many fronts. Although there are people, just like among Turks, who have a negative view for whatever reasons whether it is due to ideology, stereotypes or personal experiences.

Anyway would you think it would be logical for Arabs, in this case mostly Syrians and Iraqis to have a positive view of their Turkmen citizens but dislike/have a negative view of Turks? I know that such people exist but given the ground realities I struggle to understand such thinking or logic.

The problem here is not Arabs as they are among the closest people among the non-Turks and even neighbors. One could even argue that an Syrian Arab from Aleppo has more in common with an Turk from nearby Adana or Gazientep than he has with an Uzbek from Bukhara.

I believe that it is about the amount of Syrian refugees and the fact that they happen to be war refugees mostly. That combined with the current unrest, economy and political situation in Turkey. Besides very few countries, especially in the ME, would like to accept 3 million foreigners suddenly.

If Turkey had welcomed say 3 million Pakistanis, Afghans or Indians or Nigerians many Turks would probably have the exact same views. It is a totally normal reaction.

The reason why I even began to participate in this thread, I ignored the few anti-Arab nonsense posts, was that people totally ignored the native Turkish Arabs (one of the largest ethnic groups in Turkey) successful role in Turkish society. Some people made it sound like being an Arab was a crime and I wondered if they hold similar views of their own fellow citizens who happen to be of ethnic Arab origin. The First Lady of Turkey is such a person. Aziz Sancar another. Hakan Sas a third. Just to name a few. Nor have I ever told anyone what to do in their own country. People have either misunderstood my posts, not read them from the beginning to the end or replied to my posts from an imaginative perspective where I said something that they wanted me to say or expected me to say.

@TurkeyForever Arabs are very proud people and I really do not understand why you are using Arab as an insult to a fellow Turk of yours who happens to be of Zaza origin. You remind me of the moronic Arab minority who use Turk/Mongol as an insult. Aside from trolling on forums like PDF, then don't go that way. It disqualifies you and all similar thinking people regardless of origin.

@KediKesenFare a friendly advice, "Arabian" in the English language is only used for Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula. Meanwhile Arabs is used for everyone else.:)
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WTH is India even polled??

According to so-called surveys on the internet KSA (along with many ME countries) and India are one of the most racist countries on the planet but those surveys used in this thread prove otherwise at least in the case of KSA. This is actually also my own impression. You cannot always count on those surveys. Often they are not very accurate. I mean one should not read them as the Gospel, or how that exact saying goes.
According to so-called surveys on the internet KSA (along with many ME countries) and India are one of the most racist countries on the planet but those surveys used in this thread prove otherwise at least in the case of KSA. This is actually also my own impression. You cannot always count on those surveys. Often they are not very accurate. I mean one should not read them as the Gospel, or how that exact saying goes.

True it is honestly a smear campaign. The media portrays Saudi Arabia and Arabians (along with us Indians) as absolute savages that need feed of the death and destruction of millions. I've never met an Arab that wasn't the absolute nicest person I've met. Once the bus to uni didn't arrive so this Arab who takes the bus with me who I've never talked to in my life drove us to school. Seriously friendly people, the complete opposite of what the media says.
True it is honestly a smear campaign. The media portrays Saudi Arabia and Arabians (along with us Indians) as absolute savages that need feed of the death and destruction of millions. I've never met an Arab that wasn't the absolute nicest person I've met. Once the bus to uni didn't arrive so this Arab who takes the bus with me who I've never talked to in my life drove us to school. Seriously friendly people, the complete opposite of what the media says.

I am glad that you have had a good experience with Arabs. We have our faults like every people but indeed we generally tend to be very hospitable, courteous and helpful. Some also want to make a good impression due to the bad media publicity in recent times. On the other hand you also have people who believe that such a thing is a waste of time as nothing can change the opinion of the average ignorant/simpleton (most people in the world are unfortunately such kind of people) so they do not care. Generalizations and stereotyping are unfortunately a very common human trait.
Funnily enough almost everything Arab-related was cool/romantic/mysterious/gallant in the West not that long ago. In fact that has been the case since time immortal in the West on many fronts. Especially if you exclude the religious divide. Expect for the obligatory Arab villain in Hollywood movies thanks to our Jewish cousins.:lol: I guess we would be no better if we "controlled" Hollywood as well.

Anyway I can say the same thing about Indians. Hardly ever had any bad experiences and as you know there is a very large Indian community in the GCC. If not the largest in the world. We are more similar than most people realize. I am talking about Arabs and South Asians here in general.

Anyway I have to go. Also if that is you on your avatar allow me to :o: if you don't mind me doing that.:cheers:
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Iyi geceler arkadaslar. @TF, kenks, iyice isin cilkini cikardin sen. Siyasi arenada hemfikir olmadigin her vatandasin Türklügünden süphe duyacaksan...vay ülkenin haline. Tavrina stupid kelimesini yakistirdigim icin bunu Türk olmamanin ispati olarak kabul görüyorsan, sana en yakinindaki cay ocagini ziyaret etmeni tavsiye ederim. Bak bakalim Türk bulabilcek misin orada. Allah'a sükürler Türkce argo nedir bilmez... :D

Typical kurd to not follow the rules and write in another language in this forum section :cheesy:

As for @TurkeyForever 's bombastic claim of 90% of Turks hating Arabs then this is complete and utter nonsense from what I have seen, witnessed either. I constantly see friendly Turkish comments (in Turkish and Arabic) on social media, below Youtube videos that display Arabic songs and videos related with Arabs, Arab countries, Arab world etc. Nor is the ruling party in Turkey (AKP) hostile towards Arabs, rather the opposite.

@TurkeyForever Arabs are very proud people and I really do not understand why you are using Arab as an insult to a fellow Turk of yours who happens to be of Zaza origin. You remind me of the moronic Arab minority who use Turk/Mongol as an insult. Aside from trolling on forums like PDF, then don't go that way. It disqualifies you and all similar thinking people regardless of origin.

90% of Turks don't want arabs in Turkey, go look at the poll I created in the turkish section if you want proof.

So the only nonsense here is in your brain.

ISIS is arabs so I don't like arabs so is alquaida and many other terrorists, if you don't like what I'm saying don't come to Turkey, you are not welcome and take your syrian brothers, we don't want them.

You arabs have RUINED all the muslim worlds reputation, so it's only natural everyone that isn't an arab dislikes you for that.

If today I and many others are seen as terrorists in the world it is because of you arabs.

Unless you arabs can make the west and the rest of the world respect us again we will not like you. We want nothing to do with arabs.

You keep writing your long posts as if anyone cares, but you fail to realize 90% of the world has lost respect for arabs.

arab go home, arab go home :omghaha:

Just so you know I'm skimming through your posts, you are typing too much and most of it is sooo boooring.
I'm not Kurdish and you are embarrassing us with your immature behavior. Watch your words. Racism is not allowed here. How old are you?
I'm not Kurdish and you are embarrassing us with your immature behavior. Watch your words. Racism is not allowed here. How old are you?

You called me an idiot, watch out calling names isn't allowed in this forum, and I know you are kurd.
You called me an idiot, watch out calling names isn't allowed in this forum, and I know you are kurd.

I called your reaction stupid and not you as an individual. Again, how old are you? I'm from Elazig and we are generally known for our nationalistic attitude in Turkey. Do you even live in Turkey? I'm not Kurdish but I know many Kurds, who are better citizens than you are.

Your - again - stupid and childish reaction explains everything. Do you really believe that an ethnic Turk does always the best for his fatherland? Are you trolling or are you extremely naive? Many Kurds worked together with Türkes, they supported him. What about her:


Is she a "good" Turk? You are embarrassing the Turkish community of PDF. Piss of.
I'm not Kurdish but I know many Kurds, who are better citizens than you are.

So you like kurds better than TURKS, thank you for showing your true face to the Turks here. That you are a kurd.

Only a kurd would share that picture of that pkk member, we the Turks know you are a kurd here pretending to be Turk.

Now you piss off, go to north iraq we don't want you in TURKEY.
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The thread was doomed to fail, nothing is wrong here :D
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