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EXPOSED!!! Turkey Trains and Provides Weapons to......

What happened to the ancient Arabic brotherhood? Look im not saying you should do something, its just odd that everybody is demanding from us to go into war while there are enough powerful Arab countrys, Isis are 90% Arabs and the war is happening in Arabic lands its obviously a Arabic internal conflict, if there should be a external involvement then by Arabs not someone else.

What has that to do with anything and is that supposed to be funny? Where do you see any Arab users on PDF talking about Turkey vis a vis Syria? There is none. No Arab country is demanding anything from Turkey either other than the Al-Assad regime and the Iraqi regime being against Erdogan.
Don't confuse us for your Kurds and the Kurds of Syria and Iraq.
Why should other Arab countries send armies to Syria when there is a CIVIL WAR there? We already did more than 99% of all countries as I told and nobody is willing, for now at least, to send any land trops to Syria so don't expext KSA to create miracles out of a sudden. We don't even share a border with Syria.....

ISIS is not 90% Arab and the least thing they care about is ethnicity. Besides both Syria and Iraq are Arab countries so not exactly strange that locals are involved and a few thousand Arab volunteers out of about 450 million Arabs worldwide.
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What happened to the ancient Arabic brotherhood? Look im not saying you should do something, its just odd that everybody is demanding from us to go into war while there are enough powerful Arab countrys, Isis are 90% Arabs and the war is happening in Arabic lands its obviously a Arabic internal conflict, if there should be a external involvement then by Arabs not someone else.

valid points......it will also help if/when the west stops its clandestine programs using Jordanian territory

cant add kerosene to the fire; situation is already volatile since 2011/12

They have bad blood between eachother, they dont like Barzani but they need his help now, hell they even accept help from their biggest enemy Turkey right now, its a fight for survival they would even accept help from Satan personally.

it would be a good time to use the help as "leverage"

in exchange for the help - dont provide assistance to PKK or moral support.....as an observer - I think the West should take Turkiye's security concerns into consideration. They never took our security concerns into consideration via Afghanistan-Pakistan - until it was too late.
let other Arab countries take the lead. in the end its an Arabian civil war with sectarian overtones. let the other regimes take the lead. I suspect that in the future , all Arabs will blame Turkey for its role of killing "Arabs"

This is surprising...every impacted Muslim countries blame that Arab nations shoot the gun with their shoulder...But the question needs to be asked that is Arabs are so smart that they never put the gun with their shoulder or it is the foolishness of the nations who allowed their shoulders to be used?....And why Arabs can not do this job in their own country always looks for scapegoat to outsource their dirty work?...
This is surprising...every impacted Muslim countries blame that Arab nations shoot the gun with their shoulder...But the question needs to be asked that is Arabs are so smart that they never put the gun with their shoulder or it is the foolishness of the nations who allowed their shoulders to be used?....And why Arabs can not do this job in their own country always looks for scapegoat to outsource their dirty work?...

Colonel Qaddafi alluded to this and addressed this issue of dis-unity - at an Arab league summit (in Damascus, ironically) some years back
Colonel Qaddafi alluded to this and addressed this issue of dis-unity - at an Arab league summit (in Damascus, ironically) some years back
The best thing i can see in recent times is that at least Pakistan as a nation understand the broader geopolitics and impact of allowing these terrorist element to use your soil and its impact on our own nation...
Peshmerga is in Kobane/Ayn al Arab for several days....

Not a single inch of land has been gained from ISIS...

I think the Kurdish terrorists and the Western powers have to stick their map up somewhere the sun doesn't shine. :lol:
The best thing i can see in recent times is that at least Pakistan as a nation understand the broader geopolitics and impact of allowing these terrorist element to use your soil and its impact on our own nation...

while TTP has benefited india and been more than just a nuisance for us - its in BOTH our interests to ensure proxy/terror groups like ISIS have no platform in this region
ahahahahha....well said. I already pointed this out in several related threads on here, and your Turkish friends were abusing me saying i know nothing about their country/region.lol . Turkey made a huge mistake supporting the rebels in Syria in the first place,
oh hi mike we meet again

sadly it was not just Turkey and KSA but the west as well involved in instigating the militancy in Syria.. just to down Assad (the last Secular Arab ruler).
the Irony is that some clueless Western opinion makers and Politicians yap about democracy in Middle east but the kind of democracy that comes in power is chronically hostile towards the west. same will happen with Syria with the fall of Assad, we will have cannibals, rapists and head choppers as the people running Syria where women as young as little 9 year old girls will be sold.

Turks have been very angry with me as well and I understand them. back i the 80s, we Pakistanis had a hard on we were the darlings of the West. we had shot down Soviet / Afghan jets, our economy was strong our military and ISI was working closely with Mi6, SAS , CIA and American special forces against the Soviets. had someone told us about the blowback and the death of 50,000 Pakistanis over a 100K injured , 3 to 5 thousand military and police dead and injured and billions dollar worth of loss then we would have bitten his head off with our teeth. but now its the norm.
membership of EU? yea right kiss the NATO membership goodbye. some Turks say they rather see ISIS win rather than helping the Kurds.
oh hi mike we meet again

sadly it was not just Turkey and KSA but the west as well involved in instigating the militancy in Syria.. just to down Assad (the last Secular Arab ruler).
the Irony is that some clueless Western opinion makers and Politicians yap about democracy in Middle east but the kind of democracy that comes in power is chronically hostile towards the west. same will happen with Syria with the fall of Assad, we will have cannibals, rapists and head choppers as the people running Syria where women as young as little 9 year old girls will be sold.

Turks have been very angry with me as well and I understand them. back i the 80s, we Pakistanis had a hard on we were the darlings of the West. we had shot down Soviet / Afghan jets, our economy was strong our military and ISI was working closely with Mi6, SAS , CIA and American special forces against the Soviets. had someone told us about the blowback and the death of 50,000 Pakistanis over a 100K injured , 3 to 5 thousand military and police dead and injured and billions dollar worth of loss then we would have bitten his head off with our teeth. but now its the norm.
membership of EU? yea right kiss the NATO membership goodbye. some Turks say they rather see ISIS win rather than helping the Kurds.

There are actually several secular Arab states, mate, but the West does not care about non-Western rulers or systems as long as their interests are ensured.

Why is it that nobody is blaming Al-Assad for being a war criminal, mass-murderer, child-killer, for having a HUGE hand in the destruction of Syria etc.? Have people forgot about all of his grave crimes in all of this? The guy and his regime were hardly angels before the civil war as well.

Now the conflict is all about 20.000 or so big ISIS this and that forgetting everything else.

Had the moron stepped down like Mubarak and Ben Ali we would not be discussing this right now.
oh hi mike we meet again

sadly it was not just Turkey and KSA but the west as well involved in instigating the militancy in Syria.. just to down Assad (the last Secular Arab ruler).
the Irony is that some clueless Western opinion makers and Politicians yap about democracy in Middle east but the kind of democracy that comes in power is chronically hostile towards the west. same will happen with Syria with the fall of Assad, we will have cannibals, rapists and head choppers as the people running Syria where women as young as little 9 year old girls will be sold.

Turks have been very angry with me as well and I understand them. back i the 80s, we Pakistanis had a hard on we were the darlings of the West. we had shot down Soviet / Afghan jets, our economy was strong our military and ISI was working closely with Mi6, SAS , CIA and American special forces against the Soviets. had someone told us about the blowback and the death of 50,000 Pakistanis over a 100K injured , 3 to 5 thousand military and police dead and injured and billions dollar worth of loss then we would have bitten his head off with our teeth. but now its the norm.
membership of EU? yea right kiss the NATO membership goodbye. some Turks say they rather see ISIS win rather than helping the Kurds.

Well i agree with you. Its true our governments supported these scums called FSA army alias islamists fighters/jihadists as well. I have alwasy been against this, since i knew right fromt he beginning it will only create more trouble/mess in the region. However you should understand that despite us being a democracy, when it comes to foreign policy we have no say in how our government runs(not much different from a dictatorship in this regard).

But our governments i believe are playing some kind of game in the region, since they wanted to limit/reduce Russian/Iranian influence in the region, thereby also reducing the Chinese economic involvement/dominance there in coming years. So i believe they did have their own objectives/reasons for doing that, which means proctecting our interests, thats geo politics for you, its never a clean game i must confess. However we can afford to play such games there, since we are not a middle eastern country and we dont border any country in the region/far away from the region, unlike Turkey who is a middle eastern country and borders both Syria and Iraq. So their interests/view should have been different while taking all these into consideration.
some Turks say they rather see ISIS win rather than helping the Kurds.
would you rather support taliban against isis if it was about Pakistan? both isis and pkk/pyd are trash and must be condemned. just because one of them cuts heads and endorses slavery doesnt mean they are more of a threat than the other for Turkish sovereignty. pkk/pyd are like certain western powers, pretending to be democratic, freedom loving, very much aimed at PR and such (while they do whatever it takes to safe their interest worldwide, in dirty ways if needed, as is generally known), yet they are just as much as a threat like isis for the sovereignty of Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran. i agree that some users shouldnt wish for isis scum to do well, but at the same time many people support pkk/pyd just because they seem less extreme .
while TTP has benefited india and been more than just a nuisance for us - its in BOTH our interests to ensure proxy/terror groups like ISIS have no platform in this region

I agree...even India learnt its hard lesson after LTTE epsisode...And i hope that these proxy thing will go down one day...India will use Afganistan for its economic activity and in the same vein Pakistan will not support anti Indian elements in India....

US backs Kurds on arms for Kobane, exposing more cracks in Turkey ties

WASHINGTON DC - In a clear sign of further cracks in US-Turkish ties, the US Department of State said Monday it backs Erbil’s move to send more arms to Kobane, the same day the Turkish president railed against too much international attention to the besieged Syrian-Kurdish town.
Good job Erdogan, train the people who will bite our hands tomorrow. :disagree:
ISIL fail to perform time for replacement. It much easy to deal with moderate rebels YPG then man slaughtering uneducated demons IS.

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