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EXPOSED!!! Turkey Trains and Provides Weapons to......


Feb 9, 2014
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ISTANBUL — Turkey has followed on from its permission to allow peshmerga fighters to enter the country, in order to cross into Syria to battle ISIS militants, by further providing military education to the fighters deployed in Kobani amid criticism that Turkey is failing to support the fight against ISIS.

A group of Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga troops entered Kobani on Thursday. Upon seeing that the ISIS threat is intensifying for the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Ankara has made a further contribution to its fight against ISIS by assigning special forces to give special education to the peshmerga fighters, who lacked experience in fighting on plain land. The special forces, named 'Bordo Bereliler', have been taken from the Turkish troop in northern Iraq.

Since ISIS - which holds parts of Syria and Iraq as part of an ambition to redraw the map of the Middle East - began rising in Kobani, Turkey has been facing assaults from various circles for its so called lack of support to the fight against ISIS. As a response to the accusations, Turkey began increasing its supports for the peshmerga soldiers, which recently crossed to Syria via Turkey to help fellow Kurds battling ISIS.

Ankara was criticized by both the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and coalition forces for its reluctance to provide the Democratic Union Party (PYD), which is the terrorist PKK's Syrian wing, with assistance. Turkish officials openly stated that they would never show support to a terrorist organization. Instead, Ankara has come up with another plan to solve the crisis - allowing official forces, who have been recognized by law, to enter the fight against ISIS. The newly introduced plan has been accepted by U.S, despite opposition from the PYD, and has eliminated the assaults it has been facing, which have extended to claims that Turkey is siding with ISIS.

As proof of its sincerity in making contributions to the coalition, Turkey not only allowed peshmerga fighters to enter Turkish territory to cross to Syria, but has also provided the fighters with military education. This covers battle teachings such as fighting at close quarters, using the battle field competently, deploying the howitzers in proper places and concealing the weapons wisely. The peshmerga fighters who are currently fighting ISIS are reportedly chosen out of those who received the education from Turkish soldiers.

Weapon supplies have also been provided for the peshmerga forces in their fight against ISIS, in accordance with an agreement reached by peshmerga ministry and Turkey.

The spokesperson of the ministry stated that the forces deployed in Kobani have been sent new weapons and ammunition, and will continue to be provided with weapons via Turkey when necessary, according to the agreement.

Turkey steps up support for peshmerga by providing military education | Politics | Daily Sabah

(Anti turkey propaganda getting weaker every day)

Here we can see PYD /ypg with faces of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan hence the reason they are considered terrorist by Turkey. Makes sense not to support them if you ask me. :coffee:


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Good job Erdogan, train the people who will bite our hands tomorrow. :disagree:
this is why people are now calling Turkey the Pakistan of the middle east. the effects of supporting and training the terrorists will show up in few decades. its not just foreign militants that are camped and getting training against ISIS or Assad. but the effects will seep into general Turkish people too like in Afghan jihad our general public has become mindless lynch monsters and willing hands of Al Qaeda and its affiliates.

re Kurds and ISIS Turkey is in a tight position and I don't envy you. you are damned by the west for not supporting them and ISIS goes on its genocidal rampage unchecked and if you support some elements like Kurds then your own PKK will get the benefit.
I think if other Arab countries like Jordan, Egypt, KSA and Qatar bring their regular forces up to fight the ISIS directly then such threat can be minimized.
in the end it is an Arabian war and Turkey must stay out of it otherwise it will be cursed from either of the loosing party.

They already got training from US and Israel. Didn't help much to make them a formidable force. I don't know what we can do, what others can't.
tell Egyptians and Saudis to use all those powerful weapons and training they got from Americans in good use. tell them dont just sit back and watch. its everyone's war now
in the end it is an Arabian war and Turkey must stay out of it otherwise it will be cursed from either of the loosing party.
And this is the part where i dont get why everybody is demanding from us to get involved in a war thats a Arabian internal conflict.
KSA is spending 50 billion $ annually for its military i think they could do more than a couple airstrikes.
I see your point but i dont think they can bite turkeys hand because turkey is the only route for their oil exports.
let other Arab countries take the lead. in the end its an Arabian civil war with sectarian overtones. let the other regimes take the lead. I suspect that in the future , all Arabs will blame Turkey for its role of killing "Arabs"
let other Arab countries take the lead. in the end its an Arabian civil war with sectarian overtones. let the other regimes take the lead. I suspect that in the future , all Arabs will blame Turkey for its role of killing "Arabs"

Bro, what?

It's not an "Arabian", "Arab" or whatever conflict. It's a civil war in Syria. Which KSA does not even border although Syria is located close to the Northern regions of KSA.

Why should any Arabs blame Turkey or Surinam for that matter? Which role do they play in Syria other than being against Al-Assad? I don't see Turkish military presence in Syria.

What is going on in Syria is much more influential for Turkey than it is for most of the 22 Arab countries which do not even border Syria. Some are located in the Southern Hemisphere, near the Atlantic Ocean etc. You name it.

Only Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan suffer due to the Syrian conflict out of all 22 Arab states. Jordan due to hosting more refugees per capita than any other country, Lebanon similarly although there are some sectarian conflicts in a few towns (thankfully low so far) and Iraq which we all know about.

And this is the part where i dont get why everybody is demanding from us to get involved in a war thats a Arabian internal conflict.
KSA is spending 50 billion $ annually for its military i think they could do more than a couple airstrikes.

Give me one good reason why KSA should do more than what we are already doing which is more than 99% of all the world's countries on the ground in Syria? The only one that has ever done anything on the ground officially is the US (taking the lead) and the coalition, mostly some GCC states with KSA taking the lead among them. KSA should not risks its soldiers life's in a Syrian civil war nor any other Arab country IMO.
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Good job Erdogan, train the people who will bite our hands tomorrow. :disagree:

What can he do? He has choices between two sides. One that supports MB/Syrian Opposition or one that supports Israel/US/NATO initiative. On one hand secularists bash him for harming Turkey's image and making Turkey appear 'extremist' or 'Islamist' while other hand accuse him of surrendering to West. Turkey doesn't have many choices, except in the future if Syria goes into opposition control completely then that might make way for relations with Russia if the other side becomes more hostile.
Bro, what?

It's not an "Arabian", "Arab" or whatever conflict. It's a civil war in Syria.
Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria are the effected countries due to insurgency, unrest and terrorism
hence my comment

I strongly believe that KSA and Egypt should lead by an example and take more proactive and direct role instead of relying on proxies that turn on themselves and their masters. finish off this mess once and for all. you have a very modern, strong and disciplined army equipped with the weapons which we can only dream about.
the ISIS wont stand a chance against a disciplined army of KSA or Egypt.

them off rather than waiting for them to gain strength and come knocking at their doors. if you dont border Syria then what about Iraq? and ISIS has made no secret about its ambitions about KSA anyway. call Islamic conference and even invite other Muslim countries to send forces and lead a coalition of regular forces against these rats
Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria are the effected countries due to insurgency, unrest and terrorism
hence my comment

I strongly believe that KSA and Egypt should lead by an example and take more proactive and direct role instead of relying on proxies that turn on themselves and their masters. finish off this mess once and for all. you have a very modern, strong and disciplined army equipped with the weapons which we can only dream about.
the ISIS wont stand a chance against a disciplined army of KSA or Egypt.

them off rather than waiting for them to gain strength and come knocking at their doors. if you dont border Syria then what about Iraq? and ISIS has made no secret about its ambitions about KSA anyway. call Islamic conference and even invite other Muslim countries to send forces and lead a coalition of regular forces against these rats

Mate, the discussion was Syria here and Syria is a distinct country. It's a Syrian civil war. That the whole world is now involved does not change the essence of the conflict. You have Syrians who want a new regime and then you have supporters of the Al-Assad regime. They have been fighting for 3 years now.

Egypt is stable outside of Northern Sinai. Iraq and Syria are connected so they are obviously in trouble now. Libya faces its own problems due to the downfall of Gaddafi and the transition from that event.

Pakistan, Somalia, Nigeria, Mali, parts of Caucasus etc. are also engulfed in militancy. Mostly due to local conditions.

Mate, nobody is willing to make such a step hence why nobody has deployed any forces. I think that you can guess what would happen if Saudi Arabian and Egyptian land forces invaded Syria. You would have Shia militias and the Al-Assad regime targeting them. Sponsored by you know who.

The 1100 km long border between KSA and Iraq is totally sealed off.

I am afraid that such regional projects are not realistic right now due to the nature of the conflicts.
Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Syria are the effected countries due to insurgency, unrest and terrorism
hence my comment

I strongly believe that KSA and Egypt should lead by an example and take more proactive and direct role instead of relying on proxies that turn on themselves and their masters. finish off this mess once and for all. you have a very modern, strong and disciplined army equipped with the weapons which we can only dream about.
the ISIS wont stand a chance against a disciplined army of KSA or Egypt.

them off rather than waiting for them to gain strength and come knocking at their doors. if you dont border Syria then what about Iraq? and ISIS has made no secret about its ambitions about KSA anyway. call Islamic conference and even invite other Muslim countries to send forces and lead a coalition of regular forces against these rats

Egypt is not facing an insurgency. Egypt is building a buffer zone with Gaza in response to their soldiers being killed in Libya. To pave way for Israeli re-occupation of Gaza. Neither Israel nor Egypt nor the PA are abiding by the cease fire agreement.

IS is threat and phenomena that needs to be addressed. But, you can't have mentality where it is good vs bad. There are many bad things regarding those state forces in all those nations mentioned. And it's unhelpful if you look at from a perspective of a nation fighting unexplained insurgency. You eliminate context, intentions, developments of situation.
let other Arab countries take the lead. in the end its an Arabian civil war with sectarian overtones. let the other regimes take the lead. I suspect that in the future , all Arabs will blame Turkey for its role of killing "Arabs"
This is why Turkey should never get involved in Syria. If an European kills 1 million Iraqi Arabs. It will be forgotten and forgiven tomorrow. If a Turk kills an Arab, even if it is to keep law and order and integrity of the Ottoman Empire, it won't be forgotten. They will call it "bad treatment of Arabs" or what ever. That is why the Arabs should sort out their own business. Even if ISIS takes over the whole Arab world. As long as they stay away from Turkic lands.
It is like history repeating if self first it was Pakistan now it is Turkey.Lets hope Turkey will not suffer the same way Pakistan did in US proxy wars for which Pakistan is still paying the heavy price.Turkish PM need to take some history lessons anyway stay safe.
this is why people are now calling Turkey the Pakistan of the middle east. the effects of supporting and training the terrorists will show up in few decades. its not just foreign militants that are camped and getting training against ISIS or Assad. but the effects will seep into general Turkish people too like in Afghan jihad our general public has become mindless lynch monsters and willing hands of Al Qaeda and its affiliates.

re Kurds and ISIS Turkey is in a tight position and I don't envy you. you are damned by the west for not supporting them and ISIS goes on its genocidal rampage unchecked and if you support some elements like Kurds then your own PKK will get the benefit.
I think if other Arab countries like Jordan, Egypt, KSA and Qatar bring their regular forces up to fight the ISIS directly then such threat can be minimized.
in the end it is an Arabian war and Turkey must stay out of it otherwise it will be cursed from either of the loosing party.

tell Egyptians and Saudis to use all those powerful weapons and training they got from Americans in good use. tell them dont just sit back and watch. its everyone's war now

ahahahahha....well said. I already pointed this out in several related threads on here, and your Turkish friends were abusing me saying i know nothing about their country/region.lol . Turkey made a huge mistake supporting the rebels in Syria in the first place, its never a good thing to support one side/rag tag militias/jihadists in another country's civil war(and most of all a neighbouring country for that matter), it always comes back to bite you, like paksitan found out with the talibans/other extremists groups it supported during the soviet invasion. Today its still grappling with the effects. It will take some time, but they will eventually destablize Turkey as well, maybe not now/immediately, but surely in the coming years as the sitiuation in Syria/Iraq and with Kurds gets worse and worse, arms, militias/jihadists/weapons etc flow in....what a good recipe for disaster....ayway lets just keep enjoying the show.:pop:

though personally i will be sad to see if that happens to turkey, since its one of the few advanced country in the region which i admire. it will be a shame if it were to be destabilized like most middle eastern countries who are in turmoil today.:(.... it will indeed be a tragedy, all because of 1 stupid mans decision(yes Erdogan im looking at you and your so called FSA).:lol:

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