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Explosions in Mumbai

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Rip to deceased ones......
please no need to blame common Pakistani..

Don't be too smart. Either blame whole Pakistan, otherwise their is nothing like common Pakistani and special Pakistani.
BTW I don't care what you think. I was just pointing out to your foxiness.
IED's are used by pretty much every terrorist organisation. I don't think the US is stupid enough to proclaim this as evidence for LeT involvement. It would be fairly bad evidence if you ask me.

Anyway, I think you're just being paranoid.

When does the US need to proclaim credible evidence, their statement is good enough in the world for most cases (OBL raid), whether that is for the imaginary Iraq WMDs or anything else. Obama doesn't even need US Congressional approval to start a war, which is absolutely unconstitutional, but that is the type of mood the US is in right now: a full self-destruct mode, & taking everyone along with them. This is quite a plausible scenario, especially if you have been following the recent showdowns between the CIA & the ISI. They've been at each other's throats. This is getting very ugly, & I'm not being paranoid.
Point taken mate but let's be honest there is still much GoI/Mumbai could do. I am seeing pictures (3 years on from 26/11, after "Billions" have been spent on police modernisation) of fat,over weight policemen with nothing but lathis standing and along with firemen looking like they have come from 1850s England! There were PR events of new "modern" inductions, new weapons, uinforms, engines, bomb squads etc and it is nomwhere to be seen and no doubt contributed to these calamity.

While I'm no fan of the bureaucracy which surrounds everything to do with India's security, I wouldn't be so quick to blame the Mumbai police just yet. You must remember that when it comes to terrorist attacks. We only remember the ones that happened. Who knows how many attempts have been thwarted.
It been 2 years, why havent Pakistan got rid of LET yet?

The longer they stay, the more they will influence other terrorists in India with they expertise.
Point taken mate but let's be honest there is still much GoI/Mumbai could do. I am seeing pictures (3 years on from 26/11, after "Billions" have been spent on police modernisation) of fat,over weight policemen with nothing but lathis standing and along with firemen looking like they have come from 1850s England! There were PR events of new "modern" inductions, new weapons, uinforms, engines, bomb squads etc and it is nomwhere to be seen and no doubt contributed to these calamity.

i highly doubt that the investments did really materialise even if it did here its the case of security and info lapse
the reality is far far different from what we are listening over media....

just for saving me, you and other readers from pain,I've quoted just one line...now pray tell us what is the real story or theory behind this bomb blast which shockingly only YOU and our GoI knows. ..and we common Indians have no idea about.
When does the US need to proclaim credible evidence, their statement is good enough in the world for most cases, whether that is for the imaginary Iraq WMDs or anything else. Obama doesn't even need US Congressional approval to start a war, which is absolutely unconstitutional, but that is the type of mood the US is in right now: a full self-destruct mode, & taking everyone along with them. This is quite a plausible scenario, especially if you have been following the recent showdowns between the CIA & the ISI. They've been at each other's throats. This is getting very ugly, & I'm not being paranoid.

Okay, I don't like predictions so let's just wait and see how the situation unravels. Too little is known at this stage.
dear problem is you have massive (independent state issue by rebels) you have idea about that.. might be they did that job.. no one knows... super power lost the bloody war in this region and want SAFE Exit to restore its own favor............

Such kind of incident happened when world powers lost the war and put blame on others especially create problems between others to divert story..

you have idea about that.. if you see situation in neutral way!

Your govt always did such things (put blame on Pakistan) because 90% of your nation people love such game (attack on Pakistan.. deploy forces on the border... on media ... again and again showing national songs... make innocent citizen of the country into "WE WILL CRUSH PAKISTAN" 90% of population will again on GOVT side and at last NO BODY KNOWS WHAT WAS HAPPENED IN REALITY... after all ... how long your govts will playing this game.. ?? you guyz have better economy and people with brain... why your govts always divert issue towards pakistan without even knowing anything..

Ajmal Kasab case was the example... till India cant do anything against Pakistan why ? because your govt already know many loop holes inside the story.. they know what was happend in Mumbai last time... these are stories to make people in dream...

the reality is far far different from what we are listening over media....

If you mean the goverment of India "engineer" these things - then I think you've seen one too many hollywood conspiracy movies!!
1) GoI doesn't have the brains to pull off such conspiracies. Our politicians love to talk and do loose-talk-they just cannot keep secrets!!!
2) Such things dont happen in a working demoracy!! Especially where center is a coalition and not a one-party behemoth.

I dont know how things work where you come from- but we have faith in our government that they dont kill our people just to side track issues. What we DONT have any faith in is Indian governments efficiency and their innany lack of intelligence to learn from past mistakes!!
I would request all keyboard warriors to first share their respects to the dead before they talk about the motive and all.

The saddest part of this tragedy is common folk are being targeted for no fault of their own
till now all agencies are stating they are not sure who is involved. so people stop blaming . it just makes us look foolish
I am getting this great urge to kill any Pakistani who supports extremists, who thinks these terrorists, these sell-outs are fighting for Islam or Pakistan, when they are puppets & fighting for the interests of the imperialists in the region. These terrorists are nothing but sell-outs.
Bomb blasts actually hurt our people and economy. There is nothing to be gain by blowing a bomb in financial center of India. I know, this simple idea is lost on some...forumers...but we actually care about our economy (and people to some extent).

The terrorists only "fight" (if you can call it that) for their bigoted ideology. Religion is just an excuse.
If you mean the goverment of India "engineer" these things - then I think you've seen one too many hollywood conspiracy movies!!
1) GoI doesn't have the brains to pull off such conspiracies. Our politicians love to talk and do loose-talk-they just cannot keep secrets!!!
2) Such things dont happen in a working demoracy!! Especially where center is a coalition and not a one-party behemoth.

I dont know how things work where you come from- but we have faith in our government that they dont kill our people just to side track issues. What we DONT have any faith in is Indian governments efficiency and their innany lack of intelligence to learn from past mistakes!!

Difference between Pakistani and Indian is ..

We dont trust on our Military and Govt
You trust on your govt... dont know about the military

but one thing is common (because of that we mostly suffer alot) ... people of both nations are emotional... and we dont know because of our this nature... super powers.. hyper powers.. governments.. Military... and many other players ......... use our this "kamzori" nature what ever you say.. to change the game... change the real stories..
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