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Explosions in Mumbai

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This was to be expected, there is no way the ISI is involved in these attacks though. Most probably a false flag operation by the CIA to get India engaged against Pakistan on Pakistan's Eastern border, whereas engaging itself on Pakistan's Western border. There is never a dirtier player than the US, the levels it can go down to achieve its goals. This is the difference between the US & China. The US is playing a very very dangerous game in the South Asia region.

Agreed. CIA is behind most notorious conspiracies in the world. How could this most powerful agency not inform GOI ahead of the attack, or on the preparation?
How much blood Mumbai have to shed to quench the thirst of these terrorists??

Ask the govt. who fail to protect us every time....Terrorist are doing what they have to - spread terror...why expecting something out of them...it is the bloody govt. who have to save civilians from these pigs...
No need to make it bold and increase the size...some 24 cockroaches died..,.who cares....we all are nothing but cockroaches that any one can come plant bombs and show us the path to almighty....I am disgusted to the core....

I so badly want emergency to be declared in mumbai...civilian govt. cannot rule there any longer...i can't even believe how these ministers face camera...how many time we will hear the same fukcing excuses...bloody termites!!!

I think the words "What can men do against such reckless hate?" from Lord of the Rings comes to mind.
Even if we had the most cleanest and efficient politicians - I doubt anything could stop misguided people from harming the community in a city of 20 million with open borders!! Unless our security apparatus develops 6th sense, ESP or is able to look into the future, you can be rest assured these incidents will happen again and again!!!
Agreed. CIA is behind most notorious conspiracies in the world. How could this most powerful agency not inform GOI ahead of the attack, or on the preparation?

Same could be said about the daily terrorist attacks in Pakistan. Saying these kind of things is no better than Indian press already blaming Pakistan. Wait until a full and proper investigation is completed.
guys lets not jump to conclusions as to who is behind the attacks the media is sh** headed let me tell as an india commoner i have no preconceptions,wish the investigations godspeed
Thanks for bring in the conspiracy theories well in advance....now would you mind leaving the thread since you already know what is going to be investigation results????

What I have said in my post above (Obama offering US services in the investigation like he did in 26/11, the IED being used exclusively by the LeT) is quoted from the NDTV live stream.

Mark my words, this is what will happen. It will either be the IM acting on the behest of the LeT, or the LeT that directly attacked Mumbai again. There is a higher chance that it will finally be the IM acting on the behest of the LeT. In either case, the LeT will have a part to play, & hence, Pakistan's alleged role in the attacks in Mumbai today. This is not what India wants, this is what the US wants.

WAR with Pakistan ??

If expecting report from India govt... You guyz really thing Govt will provide you REAL report of this blast ???? NO they will as usual put blame on Pakistan and many of your Indian guyz even happy with that ... (put blame on PAkistan ... talking about War with Pakistan) and as usual another real issue divert to PAKISTAN INDIA WAR...at last ... India cant do anything.. simple.. Your govt not interested just to calm down the situation and even BONUS point (divert issue towards Pakistan that terrorist from Pakistan did this job) again deploy few forces on Pakistan border and at last after year ... people will again calm down... HOW MANY OF THESE ISSUE (RELATED TO ONLY INDIA) divert towards PAKISTAN and those who lost their relative not even know (THE REAL REPORT) ...

No one is saying that mate!! But you must understand people will lash out at anything and everything when they're angry!! This LOOKS like the MO of Indian Mujahedeen!!
guys lets not jump to conclusions as to who is behind the attacks the media is sh** headed let me tell as an india commoner i have no preconceptions,wish the investigations godspeed

I am jumping to conclusion. Fraking Indian government is behind this. How fraking inept intelligence/security in Mumbai is? That city gets hit like every another year. Not once I have seen report where they have blamed local security/intelligence. Bunch of terrorists come by boat and enter our country and no one has any clue?
No need to make it bold and increase the size...some 24 cockroaches died..,.who cares....we all are nothing but cockroaches that any one can come plant bombs and show us the path to almighty....I am disgusted to the core....

I so badly want emergency to be declared in mumbai...civilian govt. cannot rule there any longer...i can't even believe how these ministers face camera...how many time we will hear the same fukcing excuses...bloody termites!!!

so every time we are attacked you want emergency declared? does it not occur to you that that is what the terrorists want ? for us to panic .
thank god the people in-charge are calm.
it may sound callous but the people who are controlling the situation need to be detached and calm from all the going ons.
because after 1 hour of blast indians start blaming pakistan ISI and GOP .

Cool down, No one is blaming ISI or GOP. All evidence is pointing towards IM. There have been a series of IM arrests by NIA, the initial belief is IM is using these as diversion tactics to derail NIA's investigations.
What I have said in my post above (Obama offering US services in the investigation like he did in 26/11, the IED being used exclusively by the LeT) is quoted from the NDTV live stream.

Mark my words, this is what will happen. It will either be the IM acting on the behest of the LeT, or the LeT that directly attacked Mumbai again. There is a higher chance that it will finally be the IM acting on the behest of the LeT. In either case, the LeT will have a part to play, & hence, Pakistan in the attacks in Mumbai today.

IED's are used by pretty much every terrorist organisation. I don't think the US is stupid enough to proclaim this as evidence for LeT involvement. It would be fairly bad evidence if you ask me.

Anyway, I think you're just being paranoid.
I think the words "What can men do against such reckless hate?" from Lord of the Rings comes to mind.
Even if we had the most cleanest and efficient politicians - I doubt anything could stop misguided people from harming the community in a city of 20 million with open borders!! Unless our security apparatus develops 6th sense, ESP or is able to look into the future, you can be rest assured these incidents will happen again and again!!!

Point taken mate but let's be honest there is still much GoI/Mumbai could do. I am seeing pictures (3 years on from 26/11, after "Billions" have been spent on police modernisation) of fat,over weight policemen with nothing but lathis standing and along with firemen looking like they have come from 1850s England! There were PR events of new "modern" inductions, new weapons, uinforms, engines, bomb squads etc and it is nomwhere to be seen and no doubt contributed to these calamity.
I am jumping to conclusion. Fraking Indian government is behind this. How fraking inept intelligence/security in Mumbai is? That city gets hit like every another year. Not once I have seen report where they have blamed local security/intelligence. Bunch of terrorists come by boat and enter our country and no one has any clue?

thats exactly my point dont play the play game correct the incompetent and strike the wrongdoers where it hurts the most and embrace further retaliation coz we are on the right path and god is with us
No one is saying that mate!! But you must understand people will lash out at anything and everything when they're angry!! This LOOKS like the MO of Indian Mujahedeen!!

dear problem is you have massive (independent state issue by rebels) you have idea about that.. might be they did that job.. no one knows... super power lost the bloody war in this region and want SAFE Exit to restore its own favor............

Such kind of incident happened when world powers lost the war and put blame on others especially create problems between others to divert story..

you have idea about that.. if you see situation in neutral way!

Your govt always did such things (put blame on Pakistan) because 90% of your nation people love such game (attack on Pakistan.. deploy forces on the border... on media ... again and again showing national songs... make innocent citizen of the country into "WE WILL CRUSH PAKISTAN" 90% of population will again on GOVT side and at last NO BODY KNOWS WHAT WAS HAPPENED IN REALITY... after all ... how long your govts will playing this game.. ?? you guyz have better economy and people with brain... why your govts always divert issue towards pakistan without even knowing anything..

Ajmal Kasab case was the example... till India cant do anything against Pakistan why ? because your govt already know many loop holes inside the story.. they know what was happend in Mumbai last time... these are stories to make people in dream...

the reality is far far different from what we are listening over media....
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