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Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

Dont try to convince them, they dont even wanna listen to international law. unlike VNese always follow international law, never obey the strong bullier . Chinese or JPese will bow down to the stronger enemy even the enemies treat them very bad without any kind of human rules.

We wish no more Uyghurs and Han death after this unrest.
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All your reasonings are based on specluation and imagination, right?

It' always appropriate to place public scurity on the first place. Or this government will lose trust. To protect people's safety was wirtten clearly in our law. To go on a patrol is not a cost, it's a capitalization to our national asset and people's lives, get it?

Let me guess, terrorists are now hiding in some shady caves and contemplating next target in China....
If ur country depend too much on military forces, then ur civil government will lose the power, when military forces totally take control of China, then ur country will become a mess like Thailand with coup happen every day

Political coup seem more dangerous to ur corrupted Govt. than losing trust from poor Chinese who dont have enough healthy food and warm shelters in winter :pop:

Bắt ai phải công khai thừa nhận ý kiến của mình là rất khó, ngay cả trong gia đình.
Nói rõ lý lẽ của mình theo 1 cách thức khách quan, lời lẽ trung tính, ... vẫn sẽ khiến người nghe bị thuyết phục phần nào,
miễn là làm họ bình tĩnh, ko tự ái tiếp nhận thông tin của mình, ... mục tiêu là để họ nắm được thực sự mình nghĩ gì, ai hỏi họ quan điểm phía Việt Nam thế nào, họ nói lại là ok rồi. Họ cũng là hàng trăm thanh niên, với hàng trăm gia đình, hàng nghìn bạn bè. ko ai muốn họ nói lại với bạn bè là VN toàn vác chiến tranh ra dọa ta ...
ngược lại, hãy cố gắng lắng nghe, khuyến khích họ nói ra quan niệm của họ, chỗ nào sai lệch ta có thể chỉnh 1 cách lý lẽ ...

mưa dầm thấm lâu, hai bên bớt hiểu sai về nhau là tốt rồi.
Pls just write in English, dont violate the rules here , bro.

Dont forget what Ho Chi Minh said:more concessions we made, the more pressure the French colonialists put on us . Thats can be applied to China buller too.

You are not qualified to do the construct working.

As I said before, So-called illegal Chinese workers are more expensive then local people.

If you are qualified with the work , you will get the job ,because you are cheap.
They live in VNese, then they must follow VN law, if they died , then its they fault to violate our law. Okay ?? Blame China govt. who broke VN law and send them to the death zone, dont blame us, we act follow the Law.
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You know everything about it don't ya?

He also believes Japan loves the Phil and Viet.
If ur country depend too much on military forces, then ur civil government will lose the power, when military forces totally take control of China, then ur country will become a mess like Thailand with coup happen every day

Political coup seem more dangerous to ur corrupted Govt. than losing trust from poor Chinese who dont have enough healthy food and warm shelters in winter :pop:

That's a biting political criticism right there. I wish your smart helped you pull your third world ragged land from the swamp it has been. Guess, just yesterday, we signed deals with Russia larger than entire Viet GDP.

On topic:


"The blast occurred at 7.50am local time on Thursday at an open market in the Saybagh District of ‪#‎Urumqi‬, capital of northwest ‪#‎China‬’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. As for now, casualties remain unknown."

So, blast happened in the local market, that's the reason for all the mess -- fruits, veggies and all that. Expect most of the casualties to be innocent Uighur farmers/vendors.

A ruthless, one-month clampdown is required.
They live in VNese, then they must follow VN law, if they died , then its they fault to violate our law. Okay ?? Blame China govt. who brake VN law and send them to the death zone, dont blame us, we act follow the Law.

They follow your law , no one wants to challenge the authority of local laws.

And they are legal workers ,not illegal .

Even if there are some illegal workers, you still do not have the right to kill people with violence.

Dead Zone ?? Kill them or beat them according your law ?
He also believes Japan loves the Phil and Viet.

That's a biting political criticism right there. I wish your smart helped you pull your third world ragged land from the swamp it has been. Guess, just yesterday, we signed deals with Russia larger than entire Viet GDP.
Yeah, and the deal will help Russia to get more money in selling oil, when poor Chinese still die in the next winter bcz lack of healthy food and warm shelter coz China economy still going down.
TaiShang said:
"The blast occurred at 7.50am local time on Thursday at an open market in the Saybagh District of ‪#‎Urumqi‬, capital of northwest ‪#‎China‬’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. As for now, casualties remain unknown."

So, blast happened in the local market, that's the reason for all the mess -- fruits, veggies and all that. Expect most of the casualties to be innocent Uighur farmers/vendors.

A ruthless, one-month clampdown is required.
Bad news, Uighur or Han is still innocent Chinese died, and China Govt. still powerless to stop terrorism as usual .
Till a couple of years ago, China thought is was immune from terrorism.

Welcome to the real world!

Yes, onion hunter, China is making money from the rest of the world, that's why we are attracting hatred, someone get fed, and some others get hungry.
XinJiang government & CCP is stupid, it's WAR only Army can destroy terrorism.









Blame Hu Yaobang and the liberals, don't blame the entire CPC.

It was CPC who cracked down those separatists, while Hu and his followers late released them all and granted them more freedom.

All those Chinese dissidents are extremely pro-Hu, so they are all China's enemies.
Yes, we need army to go on patro 24/7, especially for those public areas with high stream of people, like school, train statation and shopping mall. I think we also need surveillance on phone calls, messages and other info transmiting in Xinjiang. Security should be put on high priority.
The technology is there, lack of will.
BEIJING: Several people were killed and injured Thursday when two vehicles ploughed into a market and explosives were thrown in China's restive Xinjiang region, home to mostly Muslim Uighurs, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

Two off-road vehicles drove into people at the market in the regional capital Urumqi, with one of them exploding, Xinhua said, the latest apparent violent incident in the far western region.

Pictures posted on Weibo, a Chinese equivalent of Twitter, showed victims lying in a tree-lined street, as others sat on flimsy stools.

Flames rose in the background, while other images showed smoke billowing over market stalls behind a police roadblock. None of the photographs could immediately be verified.

A witness at the market told Xinhua he heard a dozen “big bangs” during the incident, which happened at about 7:50am (2350 GMT), when Chinese morning markets, which usually sell fresh groceries, are commonly crowded with shoppers.

“There were multiple strong explosions in the morning market at the Cultural Palace in Urumqi,” wrote one Weibo poster who said he was less than 100 metres (yards) from the scene.

“I saw flames and heavy smoke as vehicles and goods were on fire while vendors escaped leaving their goods behind. “All the injured had been sent to hospital, the Xinjiang regional government's web portal Tianshan said.

Beijing sees separatist threat

The vast, resource-rich far-western region has seen periodic violence which has increased and sometimes spread beyond it in recent months.

Beijing says it faces terrorism from a violent separatist movement there, driven by religious extremism and foreign groups.

Critics say the security threat in Xinjiang is exaggerated by Beijing to justify hard-line measures, and instead point to economic inequality and cultural and religious repression of Uighurs as causes of unrest.

On April 30, the final day of a visit by President Xi Jinping to the region, assailants armed with knives and explosives carried out an attack at a railway station in Urumqi, killing one person and wounding 79. Two attackers also died.

The main plotter had formulated plans from abroad, then eight days before the incident ordered 10 people to make an explosive device and choose a target, Xinhua said in a later report.

In March attackers went on a stabbing spree at a railway station in the southwestern city of Kunming, killing 29 people and wounding 143 in an incident dubbed “China's 9/11” by state media. Four of the assailants were shot dead by police.

In 2009 ethnic riots erupted in Urumqi between Uighurs and the country's majority Han Chinese, leaving 200 people dead and prompting a security crackdown.

China has dramatically increased the number of armed patrols on its streets in response to the spate of violent incidents.

Thursday's blasts came a day after state media reported that courts in Xinjiang jailed 39 people for offences including spreading “terrorist videos”.

The 39 were given prison sentences of up to 15 years, the state run China News Service said, adding that several had “organised, led and participated” in terrorist organisations.

Rights groups say the tensions in Xinjiang are driven by cultural oppression, intrusive security measures and immigration by majority Han Chinese which have led to decades of discrimination and economic inequality. Beijing says that its policies in the region have brought prosperity and higher living standards.

Several dead and injured in blast in China's Xinjiang: Xinhua - World - DAWN.COM
U should blame ur corrupted Govt. leading ur country to the Hell with so many bad rules making poor Chinese angry, dont blame the world.

Well, you will never hear a news like this from your rug-land, for example. You will be a side note to history while we are busy with remaking it.

China to lead cloud computing in 5 to 10 yrs

Cloud computing has seen explosive growth in China as the country is expected to become the biggest market for the technology in 5 to 10 years. American and Chinese cloud service providers are already going head-to-head in global competition.

Cloud computing has seen explosive growth in China as the country is expected to become the biggest market for the technology in 5 to 10 years. American and Chinese cloud service providers are already going head-to-head in global competition.

Cloud security is also a hot topic as China and the U.S. exchanged accusations over reported computer hacking. Laura Luo reports from the 6th annual China Cloud Computing Conference.

Racing on the cloud.

Virtual businesses such as computer games, mobile applications, and even telecoms have picked up speed this year as they shift their operations to the clouds. Working off a cloud also would benefit small developers by allowing them to save on infrastructure investment.

"Sometimes it saves up to 90 percent of cost." Zhang Yaqin, Chairman of Microsoft China R&D Group said.

Microsoft Azure is one of the largest cloud platforms operating in China and already it has plenty of competition. Amazon late last year launched its AWS cloud service on Chinese soil. Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba also started a global expansion of Aliyun in March. The battle over the clouds between U.S. and Chinese companies is clearing the mist about just what is at stake.

"Right now it’s still at an early stage, but this year it will reach around 1 billion US dollars, but will reach 10 billion in five or six years in China." Zhang said.

Tencent also predicts that its QCloud will surpass its consumer products by 10 times.

"In 2013 12.5 percent of all the services sold in China were sold through cloud providers. We see that this trend will accelerate." Chen Lei, General Manager of Tencent Cloud said.

China has the world’s largest online population, which gives the country a natural advantage in generating the gigantic scale of big data necessary to become the world leader in cloud computing. However, experts say that with the larger size comes larger responsibility for safeguarding cloud security.

"We are very strong in internet security. Tencent products are the most hacked items in China. Internet security is an issue related to national security. I think it’s important for Chinese companies to develop our own security technology and protect companies conducting business in China." Chen said.

Both Tencent and Microsoft say that in order to achieve better internet security, the better solution is still in the clouds.

And, beautiful things are also happening in life. Do not concentrate on the bad side too much, VietCom. :)

Touching real life story staged at NCPA

"Xinjiang Pantomime: Love Warming the Tianshan Mountain", has just hit the stage at the National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing. With exotic dances and singing, the musical tells the story of an elderly Uygur woman and the ten children she adopted.

A real life inspiring act of kindness, being played out on stage.

Anipa Alimahong, a Uygur woman from Qinghe county, has been hailed as a remarkable person for her acts of kindness.

Between 1963 and 1994, apart from raising her own nine children, she adopted ten orphans from six minority groups.

Her selfless act landed her a national award back in 2009. Portraying such a real life hero helped give great inspiration to the performers.

The musical also features a multi-talented, multi-ethnic cast, including performers from the Han, Uygur and Kazak ethnic groups.
legal workers ?? I repeat : No VN law is allowed foreign worker to work in VN except VN worker can not do this job. So, your Govt. must prove that VNese worker can not do the jobs that Chinese worker did first.

And we didnt see China Gov.t can prove that VNese worker can not do those jobs . So, it means that China Gov.t knew that they broke Vn law when sending Chinese workers to VN.

Your logic is funny , why does our gov need to prove Vietnamese workers' professional ability ?

A TW company hire our company to do the job , and it is not one or two people .

It is thousands , you need to ask TW company or the other companies why they hire Chinese

And I do not believe thousands of chinese can just walk in and stay in Vietnam

Do not tell me your Gov know nothing about how many Chinese work there
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