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Explosion in Karachi

Thanx God they figured out what it was, btw in whcih age they live?
Explosives planted in box, says report By Our Staff Reporter
Wednesday, 06 Jan, 2010 The report states that, it can be said that explosives, weighing between 12 and 16 kilogrammes, were planted in a green box meant for keeping sacred papers. — Photo by Reuters Metropolitan
Witnesses identify six suspects in Karachi arson Witnesses identify six suspects in Karachi arson KARACHI: An investigation report on the nature of the Ashura procession blast that was submitted to the Sindh police on Tuesday makes it clear that the explosive material was detonated with a remote-controlled device, sources told Dawn.

Assistance of the Peshawar police bomb disposal squad (BDS) was sought by the Karachi police to ascertain the nature of the blast.

AIG of Peshawar police BDS Shafaqat Malik, who prepared the report, visited the scene of crime and stayed in the city for four days.

The report states that in view of the evidence collected from the scene of crime, it can be said that explosives, weighing between 12 and 16 kilogrammes, were planted in a green box meant for keeping sacred papers which had been fixed on the pavement.

The Special Investigation Group (SIG), the counter-terrorism unit of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), had already submitted its findings to the federal government, stating the same facts that the blast was carried out through explosives planted in the box fixed on the pavement.

In fact, SIG officials had submitted their initial report on the very next day of the blast, stating that the blast was a result of planted explosives, ruling out the possibility of a suicide attack.

Both the reports — the report of the explosives expert from Peshawar and the SIG report — contained almost identical findings, the sources said.

Since the planting of the explosive material has been confirmed by two reports, it points towards a major security lapse on the part of the law-enforcement agencies as they failed to detect such a huge quantity of explosives which were kept in the box fixed on the pavement between 12 and 20 hours before the arrival of the procession on Dec 28.

However, Capital City Police Officer Waseem Ahmed on Tuesday sounded reluctant to accept the findings of the report and told Dawn that reports of the chemical examiner, forensics and DNA were still awaited and only then a final conclusion could be drawn.

When he was asked about the findings of the Peshawar police
KARACHI: MQM has requested Army, Rangers and Intelligence agencies to intervence for establishment of peace. - AFP
Blackwater and MQM’s Hallmarks on Karachi Fire - Bombings
Thursday 31 December 2009

By Dr Shahid Qureshi

MQM and Blackwater/Xe are US sponsored mafia style mercenary outfits due to their management structure as it is almost the same both groups’ chiefs are out of Pakistan to start with.

"There is no difference between Tehreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and MQM because both are sponsored by India and USA. Sawat type operation against MQM’s ‘Clean Shaven Taliban’ who are supporting Blackwater/Xe is a must because people will support. President Zardari, the ‘Putin of Pakistan’ can he do anything of for Karachi or he has become a cuddly toy now?"

The recent bombings of a religious procession in Karachi and fire bombings of small businesses miles away from the incident reportedly owned by mostly Sunni Tableghie Jamat a non violent religious group, got all the hall marks of ‘private mercenaries’ Blackwater with the support of MQM. According to reports it is physically not possible for any one attending the procession to go miles away, get special fire bombing chemicals and equipment to set fire 300 hundred shops in Bolton Market. It is only possible if one already knows the timing of the bombings and part of the plot. They targeted a Sunni areas where it is almost impossible for an angry ‘Shia protestor’ to reach from the crime scene keeping in the view the distances. So Shia procession was bombed, Sunni business were burnt down and MQM’s fire engines did not arrive. Seems perfect Blackwater Inc style operation?

Blackwater, MQM’s Plus plan was meticulous and well timed. (a) Timing of the bombing few days before the end of the term of City Government Term. So City Government building burnt down with the record to cover-up corruption? (b) Selection of the venues to be fire bombed (c) Torching of Light House Market predominantly owned by the Pashtuns who did not pay extortion money to the MQM – Score settled, Job done (d) Torching of Bolton Market mostly business are owned by peaceful Sunni Muslims Memon Community. They refused to be relocated outside the city because shops worth millions. High ups of the current regime allegedly President Zardari & Co had interest in the land to develop and build flats and plazas. (Job done) (e) Why MQM leaders both reportedly Shias Haider Abbas Rizvi and Faisal Sabzwari not in the Ashura procession? (f) Why police and rangers did not stop the arsonists and terrorists? (g) Who ordered them not to act? (h) Remote control bomb was planted in an ambulance which might be carrying a head too? (i) Who is Hasham Al-Zafar (central) and what is his role in the bombing and burning of Karachi? (j) What is his relationship with Saleem Shezad alleged master mind of the operation and why he only reports to Altaf Hussain?

MQM and Blackwater/Xe are US sponsored mafia style mercenary outfits due to their management structure as it is almost the same both groups’ chiefs are out of Pakistan to start with. MQM are the local collaborators of Blackwater/Xe in Pakistan?

According to sources similar kinds of chemicals and fire bombing equipments have been used in Iraq and Lebanon. Pakistan’s security agencies must look into the links between MQM lead City Government and Blackwater. What kind of assistance they are providing to the mercenaries. City mayor Syed Mustafa Kamal and Governor Sind Dr Ashrat Abad Khan recently visited sensitive institutions of the USA related to protection of US national interests aboard. Why would a mayor of a third world country visit US State Department? Did he inform Pakistani’s foreign ministry? He is on the grooming list. “To his credentials it was Mustafa Kamal who opened the door for the assassins came to kill his ‘uncle’ Azeem Ahmed Tariq, leader of the MQM, as it was an inside job. It sounds like nephew shopped his ‘uncle’ according to a source.

Altaf Hussain’s MQM and his mafia have caused more economic and human losses to Pakistan by strikes and terrorist activities then three wars with India. After the incident on Monday December 28, 2009, three thousand shops were burnt; one thousand were burnt after looting which caused loss of Rs. 60 billion to Pakistani economy. Armed men stopped fire engines for over three hours according to reports. Why?

Elements close to MQM were also allegedly involved in the terrorism, arson, and killings after tragic death of Benazir Bhutto on 27th December 2007. Many analysts believe that it was a dry run by the foreign sponsored elements to separate Karachi from the rest of the country. There is another dimension to the burring of some markets with small business. Some people from land mafia were making hostile offers to these old pre partition businesses.

There are reports that MQM has issued thousands of arms licences to its workers and sympathisers in Karachi and some of the licences might have been issued from other provinces. Disarming of the terrorist groups including MQM in Karachi is necessary to avoid future blackmails.

It is also reported that armed gunmen did not allow fire engines to leave the fire stations. All the fire engines and security cameras are under the control of City Government run by MQM whose leader Altaf Hussain controls this group in a mafia style. Within minutes he blamed ‘Taliban’ for the bombings. How did he know it was Taliban and not Indian RAW or Blackwater/Xe? Altaf Hussain deliberately tried to make this a sectarian issue in his live TV broadcast on a news channel, which matches the agenda of private mercenaries and India.

Asia Times Online reported few years ago during Musharraf era, sources says that, “only US diplomatic intervention stopped General Musharraf from taking strong action against the MQM after he received the report on the recent unrest in which the MQM was implicated. Washington indeed has a powerful southern ally in Pakistan’. After September 11, the United States identified even more with the MQM as it was the only party in Pakistan that widely mourned the attacks on the US, openly condemned the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and launched a powerful campaign in support of the US attack on Afghanistan”.

When President Zardari speak about ‘non state & political actors’, probably he also meant Altaf Hussain too? His long distance proactive and dramatic telephonic speeches are more or less what Lord Nelson said, “If you can’t baffle them with brilliance, dazzle them with bullshit!". He is never been to Pakistan for more then 15 years but did travel to India on his British passport. Most of the members in mafia style ‘Rabita Committee’ are wanted by Pakistani authorities for heinous crimes. He hides behind this ‘kangaroo committee’.

A political analyst said, ‘to get ‘poodle status’ in US administration Altaf Hussain exaggerates things beyond imagination. For example, he claimed his supporters in Karachi increased by 10 million in just two years because he claimed to have 20 million supporters in an interview with Edgware Times in November 1998. But in 2001 MQM claimed to have 30 million supporters when MQM send a fax to Reuters on 22 September 2001. "(MQM leader) Altaf Hussain has offered the unconditional support of over 30 million MQM supporters to the U.S. president and the international community," its London-based international secretariat said in a statement faxed to Reuters on September 22, 2001”.

According to sources, ‘Altaf group is planning and preparing for armed fight with other groups in Karachi. There might be a plan to divide Karachi on ethnic zones as Rehman Malik mentioned in Dera Ismail Khan? The alleged transfer of money from Karachi to London, Germany, Dubai, South Africa, Canada, and United States is alarming. There reports of increase in the arms sale in Karachi seem serious but what are the authorities doing?

So what is Altaf Hussain up to that is a crucial question to political and security leadership to think about. His alleged close links with the Indian agency and also acting like a mercenary force getting orders from foreign masters. It is time for the government of Pakistan to approach its friends and allies to have a clear cut answers about the real Agenda in Pakistan? Crimes of Altaf Hussain and his party MQM are so heinous that he wouldn’t dare step in Karachi even the whole period of Musharraf and now Zardari rule?

Until November 1998 Government of Pakistan was reportedly seeking extradition of Altaf Hussain who was said to be wanted in 50 murders and 150 cases of kidnapping and arson. He said in an interview with a newspaper in 1998, "It is my wish that they take me to trial in a British court then I will tell people nationally and internationally what has been happening in Pakistan." It was Altaf Hussain and MQM who issued a memo to his workers saying,” if there was war between India and Pakistan, MQM workers will be remain neutral”. Why?

MQM’s deputy chief organiser of district Thatta and his wife were arrested by the police for trafficking 120 kilos of A class drugs according to a press report on 16th May 2004. Mohamed Ibrahim and his wife Ayesha Soho who is also member of district government were coming from Bolan area of Baluchistan on Jeep number BC 1248 when they were stopped by Dadar Police who discovered 180 kilos of HASH worth millions of from the secret compartments of the jeep. Police has registered a case number 13/2004 report against deputy chief of MQM and his wife for drug trafficking. Area in charge SHO of the area Police confirmed that suspects have confessed they have been also involved in arms trafficking from Kabul and been to Afghanistan three times. Both were sent to Sibi Jail in Baluchistan.

“MQM has been funded with the drug money apart from the extortion money taken from the top businessmen in the name of support” according to a report published by The Frontier Post on December 25, 1998. The report says, “… What is more alarming is that the Narco dollars have been used for funding the (MQM), a responsible source in the provincial government said. He added that such funding was tantamount to fuelling terrorism.” Is the Narco-terror funding still on?

By joining as local collaborator of Blackwater in Karachi MQM has provided the eyes and ears on the ground with smart guns. Even if US-India sponsored ‘Pakistani Taliban’ claim responsibility of Karachi Ashura bombings, the chemicals and smart guns used in burnings of the over 6000 small businesses and loss of Rs. 60 billion have all the hallmarks of Blackwater/Xe.

"There is no difference between Tehreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and MQM because both are sponsored by India and USA. Sawat type operation against MQM’s ‘Clean Shaven Taliban’ who are supporting Blackwater/Xe is a must because people will support. President Zardari, the ‘Putin of Pakistan’ can he do anything of for Karachi or he has become a cuddly toy now?"

(Dr Shahid Qureshi is award winning journalist and writer on foreign policy & security based in London)

The London Post
Following are the pictures of terrorists of MA Jinnah Road Violence after the blast. Spread this and help Law Enforcing Agencies to catch these terrorists:

Nice, all of them are from liyari. The rangers wanted to catch them but ppp dr mirza denied. He has deals with them. **** him. A couple of days ago he said he wanted to seperate sindh from pakistan. I cant believe he is still the minister.
Karachi blast case resolved: Malik By Ahmad Hassan
Thursday, 14 Jan, 2010
Interior Minister Rehman Malik told the Senate on Wednesday that Karachi’s Ashura blast case had been resolved and he would disclose details after receiving a final report.

He said two youths were among those arrested in connection with the blast had provided details about the conspiracy to destabilise Karachi.

The minister said the bomb had been planted in a box kept for placing sacred papers.

He said that 27 of the 36 people seen in CCTV footages of the incident had been detained for their involvement in arson and loot.

Winding up a debate on the Karachi situation, Mr Malik said the gang responsible for the Baldia Town blast had been arrested, adding that no operation was being carried out in Lyari. In future, he said, action would be taken wherever a crime, including target killing, took place.

A number of senators urged the government to summon the US ambassador to the Foreign Office and communicate their resentment over the harsh and humiliating measures of screening Pakistanis at American airports.

The house resumed debate on an adjournment motion jointly introduced by Deputy Chairman of the Senate Jan Muhammad Khan Jamali and PPP’s Mian Raza Rabbani.

Earlier, there was pandemonium in the house when senators, mainly from the treasury benches, criticised the government’s failure to resolve the issue of missing persons and accused the interior minister of having made a misleading statement in the house.

PML-N parliamentary leader Ishaq Dar led a walkout in protest against remarks made by Leader of the House Nayyar Hussain Bokhari which were taken by the opposition as a challenge to them.

Mr Malik said the interior ministry had found discrepancies in the number of missing persons’ lists.

Shahid Hasan Bugti of Jamhoori Watan Party, Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haidri, Maulana Mohammad Khan Sherani and Haji Ghulam Ali of Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-F and Hafiz Rashid from Fata raised the issue of missing persons and then staged a token walkout when the opposition went out of the house in protest against Mr Bokhari’s remarks.

Opening the debate on his adjournment motion, Mr Rabbani said that X-ray screening of Pakistanis visiting the US and European countries was discriminatory against the people of a country which had offered huge sacrifices in the war on terror.

“Being proud Pakistanis no-one of us will tolerate such humiliation which is also a violation of clause 1 and 2 of the universal declaration of human rights,” he said, adding that this house would ask the Foreign Office to convey its sentiments to the participants of a foreign ministers’ conference being held in London on Jan 28.

Mr Jamali said those who had imposed such discriminatory conditions on Pakistani nationals were least bothered about the sentiments of parliament because they had nominated parliamentarians for the upcoming Brussels briefing without taking into confidence the chairman and the deputy chairman of the Senate.
Ashura blast probe being carried out by ill-trained unit By S. Raza Hassan
Monday, 18 Jan, 2010 Capital City Police Officer Waseem Ahmed downplayed the importance of assigning investigations of high-profile terrorism cases to the police units concerned. - File photo Local
Anti-polio drive begins in Sindh Anti-polio drive begins in Sindh KARACHI: The investigations into a bomb blast that ripped through the main Ashura procession on Dec 28, 2009 have been assigned to a police unit primarily formed to investigate cases of bank heists, targeted killings and murders of policemen, it has emerged.

The Special Investigation Unit of the Karachi police is investigating the Ashura blast, which killed 45 people and wounded more than 100 others.

Well-placed sources told Dawn that the SIU had no history of conducting such high-profile terrorism cases as it was formed to investigate cases of bank robberies, targeted killings and killings of police officials.

They said that although the officer in charge of the SIU had a vast experience in investigation of terrorism cases, his unit lacked such expertise.

Besides the investigations of the Ashura blast, the SIU had been given the responsibility to investigate low-intensity blasts that occurred on the 8th and 9th of Muharram at Khilafat Chowk, Nazimabad and Qasba Mor in Orangi Town.

The sources said that technically the investigations of the Ashura blast should have been assigned to the Crime Investigation Department, which is the counter-terrorism unit of the Sindh police, since the CID had trained personnel having expertise in solving terrorism cases.

However, it seemed that the CID staff had taken a backseat since they apparently had no role in the investigations of the Ashura blast.

On the other hand, the sources said, the investigations into the Jan 8 Baldia Town blast, in which six suspected militants were killed, are being carried out by the Anti-Violent Crime Cell, another police unit having expertise in investigating kidnapping for ransom cases.

Capital City Police Officer Waseem Ahmed, when contacted, downplayed the importance of assigning investigations of high-profile terrorism cases to the police units concerned, saying that it was not important that which unit was conducting investigations. It is more important that investigations should be conducted in right direction, he added.

Meanwhile, a lack of coordination and mismanagement of the crime-scene was once again witnessed after the Ashura blast.

Sources said there was still no standard operating procedure that who would secure the crime-scene of high-profile terrorism cases and who would collect physical evidence.

A source told Dawn that the work to collect physical evidence from the crime-scene of the Ashura blast was started on Dec 29.

“Ideally, the investigators should have started their work on the night of Dec 28 by installing searchlights, but till the next morning the crime-scene had not been properly secured,” said the source.

Citing the sensitiveness of the crime-scene, an investigator said that in Japan whoever “enters or leaves the crime-scene is frisked to ensure he or she has not brought in or taken away any piece of evidence”. An addition or deletion of even a very small piece of evidence from the crime-scene could change the course of investigation, he added.

Meanwhile, the Sindh police request for the services of a senior official of the Peshawar police’s bomb disposal squad to ascertain the nature of the blast also raised questions over their abilities.

The arrival of the Peshawar police AIG and his conclusion regarding the nature of the blast suggested that either the local police didn’t have enough expertise or their opinion was not taken seriously by the authorities.

What a waste of life and property , 40dead hudred of shops burnt and untrained personal are conducting investigations ... ! another example of a case where a major blast killing lots of citizens and properties being damaged is slowly dumped by the stupid authorities .. in few months we will all forget about this .... Who is to Blame ... i think its US? we just dont value life !

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