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Experts say Pakistan is on trajectory to failure

"Pakistanis" living abroad and criticizing Pakistan in such a manner, WITHOUT even showing the slightest of support or hope for our nation should shut the f*ck up and mind their own business, as they have no use or no good for our country and we do not need people like them.
Ofcourse we know that hypocrisy is involved and that Muslims often have been in conflict with eachother, but what on earth does that have to do with this thread?
He defends Israel while he sees as a PAKISTANI that it is slaughtering the Palestinians.
In my opinion, he needs to grow a pair of balls and get educated and injected with some nationalistic sense and pride for it's people and it's nation.
If he cannot, he should be happy he doesn't live anywhere near me or my Pakistani relatives or friends for that matter, because I don't like useless traitors who criticize or abuse our flags.

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consciencious stupidity."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
an you fellows seem to have tons of both, you would rather see Pakistan fail then admit that Pakistan has a problem and face them,,, maybe you deserve just what you will get.
Chalo G,

The 'failed state' band is back again in full swing like a wedding band out of business for all these years! Obviously these so called experts cannot tell the difference between their elbow and *** to so expertly predict something which is more of a wet dream then reality! If the present incident in Lahore is a catalyst of a failed state then, India is already a failed state because of Mumbai Mow Down and countless other similar incidents of killings etc happening everyday because the State apparatus is sleeping or failed at its task to protect its citizens.

Do not underestimate PAKISTAN or PAKISTANIS just because you do not know what is the reality on the ground vs your self-proposed illusion of it!

This incident will be solved, culprits bought to the book and lessons learnt to upgrade future security measures! Just like the US in 9-11, UK in 7-7, India in 26-11 incidents. Enough Said!
lessons learnt to upgrade future security measures! Just like the US in 9-11, UK in 7-7, India in 26-11 incidents. Enough Said

hmmm - sometimes things just make me go, "hmmm" other tiimes they just make me go. this is one of those times.

For what it's worth, take it easy, the real people you want to vent at are not scholars or those who quote them. Exactky how many of these do Pakistanis have to go through to "learn"??? Marriott? And what did we learn from that?

And all those bomb blasts? what did we learn from that.

Those who advise caution to Pakistan are not necessarily it's enemies, on the other hand those who want us to think everything will be ok, seem to have a problem with reality.
hmmm - sometimes things just make me go, "hmmm" other tiimes they just make me go. this is one of those times.

For what it's worth, take it easy, the real people you want to vent at are not scholars or those who quote them. Exactky how many of these do Pakistanis have to go through to "learn"??? Marriott? And what did we learn from that?

And all those bomb blasts? what did we learn from that.

Those who advise caution to Pakistan are not necessarily it's enemies, on the other hand those who want us to think everything will be ok, seem to have a problem with reality.

Well said
What is a Failed State? Why are we so scared of semantics? It is just a name. Let us examine state of affairs carefully.

Law and Order:

Every one will agree that we have had a Law and order problem for a very long time. Have all forgotten that infighting between MQM factions and sectarian problems of the 90’s. Killing of Maulana Tariq Azam and Allama Al – Husseini?

I remember once being in Sargodha during Eid times in 1990's when the village Mulla refused to lead Eid prayers out in the open; he was afraid of sectarian attack in response to killing of some Shia ulemas. Actually I am less afraid of traveling to Pakistan now than before, may be because like many others I have become immune to the terrorist threats.


Ever since Pakistan exploded nuclear device and NS stupidly froze FE deposits and with the consequential sanctions; Pak Economy has been on the verge of defaulting on the loan repayments. Economy recovered briefly during the boom Musharraf years and it is now back to the same position. So what is new?

Pakistan has been tottering on the brink for many years. My point therefore is whether “Failed State” or not and despite the fact that I carry another Passport; Pakistan is the only country I have and will continue to love with “Warts and all”.
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to thatone?
What is a Failed State? Why are we so scared of semantics? It is just a name. Let us examine state of affairs carefully.

Law and Order:

Every one will agree that we have had a Law and order problem for a very long time. Have all forgotten that infighting between MQM factions and sectarian problems of the 90’s. Killing of Maulana Tariq Azam and Allama Al – Husseini?

I remember once being in Sargodha during Eid times in 1990's when the village Mulla refused to lead Eid prayers out in the open; he was afraid of sectarian attack in response to killing of some Shia ulemas. Actually I am less afraid of traveling to Pakistan now than before, may be because like many others I have become immune to the terrorist threats.


Ever since Pakistan exploded nuclear device and NS stupidly froze FE deposits and with the consequential sanctions; Pak Economy has been on the verge of defaulting on the loan repayments. Economy recovered briefly during the boom Musharraf years and it is now back to the same position. So what is new?

Pakistan has been tottering on the brink for many years. My point therefore is whether “Failed State” or not and despite the fact that I carry another Passport; Pakistan is the only country I have and will continue to love with “Warts and all”.

Cant agree with you more.

I will add one more to that-

Lack of able political leadership:
For any nation to prosper and develop far sighted and visionary leadership is must. I think Musharaf was one such leader. Look how Putin has turn around Russia within short span of 5 years.

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