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Expert who predicted Rwandan genocide warns same could happen in India against Muslims

for people who think its a conservatives/liberal issue
no its not- its an identity issue
Bosnia/Serb situation is eerily similar to situation in SC (as just like in SC- they have shared ethnicity (although for our case its not a perfect match on this front) and Balkan culture to some extent)
Mr.Jinnah was the most liberal man of his time, many times more than any Hindu/Sikh of his times and he also happened to be founding father of a Muslim nation cause he realized the identity and religion phenomenon
That's why many irreligious Pakistanis are very nationalistic cause they realize the identity issue in all this (not that Islamists are not nationalist they are too but countering the propaganda that less religious means that you are less patriotic peddled by islamists)

Also similar to the case of Jewish people in Nazi Germany; once made into the “other” the process of dehumanization eventually leads to atrocities. Didn’t matter how religious or secular, how integrated, if they had served in the military or contributed to the nation in what way, it was all the same to the Nazis.
All I know that the last time there was Jihad in India, the names of those who undertook it - Mahmud Ghaznavi, Aurangzeb, Ahmad Shah Abdali still remain deeply embedded in your rotten psyche.
you can become Mahmud Aurangzed xeuss abdali ( the cock tail of all )of 2022 the new age Jihadi and print your name in memories of all kafirs again .
I am still not sure still Pakistanis think you ( I mean Indian muslims ) are spine less
Why wouldn't people of Pakistan help Indian Muslims.
I am not sure if you are serious or sarcastic
I am serious you guys need to support them with weapons , training , logistics and money , and let them prove that they have some spine.

And a PR for @xeuss
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you can become Mahmud Aurangzed xeuss abdali ( the cock tail of all )of 2022 the new age Jihadi and print your name in memories of all kafirs again .
I am still not sure still Pakistanis think you ( I mean Indian muslims ) are spine less

I am serious you guys need to support them with weapons , training , logistics and money , and let them prove that they have some spine.

And a PR for @xeuss

Hindutva is our greatest weapon against India, we are going to tear India a new *** hole using hindutva
you can become Mahmud Aurangzed xeuss abdali ( the cock tail of all )of 2022 the new age Jihadi and print your name in memories of all kafirs again .

And a PR for @xeuss

You are weird fella.. Why are you even replying to a thread describing the Indians as uncivilized and backyard people..

Including being agited enough to ask for some of the civilians in India to start civil war against each other and destablize your country..

All the smarter Indians have understood where the thread is going and what it is all about.. leaving it..


If India was to enter civil war there could be foreign interventions etc etc but it will break India like Syria followed by balkanization etc etc
for people who think its a conservatives/liberal issue
no its not- its an identity issue
Bosnia/Serb situation is eerily similar to situation in SC (as just like in SC- they have shared ethnicity (although for our case its not a perfect match on this front) and Balkan culture to some extent)
Mr.Jinnah was the most liberal man of his time, many times more than any Hindu/Sikh of his times and he also happened to be founding father of a Muslim nation cause he realized the identity and religion phenomenon
That's why many irreligious Pakistanis are very nationalistic cause they realize the identity issue in all this (not that Islamists are not nationalist they are too but countering the propaganda that less religious means that you are less patriotic peddled by islamists)
Why don't these irreligious/liberal/secular peeps stop calling themselves Muslims, just get it changed on the ID Card? They want to be like Gora's from the west, why not accept there religion?
Why don't these irreligious/liberal/secular peeps stop calling themselves Muslims, just get it changed on the ID Card? They want to be like Gora's from the west, why not accept there religion?
That's the only way to avoid the backlash of Hindu religious extremism.
Hindu religious extremism.

Stay ssh about it.. Let the hindu religious extremism fester in India talking so much about it could lead to it being contained but we need it to get out of control. You are being counter productive.. That will eventually ignite a civil war between the Indians.. Stay ssh on it and let it fester because if you let it fester it will erupt civil strife so let it happen in free fall don't talk about it so much this will be counter productive or otherwise it could lead to it being contained and we don't want that.... A destabilized India is in our interest
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Stay ssh about it.. Let the hindu religious extremism fester in India talking so much about it could lead to it being contained but we need it to get out of control. You are being counter productive.. That will eventually ignite a civil war between the Indians.. Stay ssh on it and let it fester because if you let it fester it will erupt civil strife so let it happen in free fall don't talk about it so much this will be counter productive or otherwise it could lead to it being contained and we don't want that.... A destabilized India is in our interest
These people earned and live peacefully in Muslim countries and fund RSS to kill poor Muslims. Congress or BJP all are responsible for Muslim's death .. But Muslims remain ..............
Well...As a Muslim in India you have no choice but to be nice.

However India claims to be a secular country. This is the ultimate test of their secular constitution.
Can Muslims prosper in India?
These people earned and live peacefully in Muslim countries and fund RSS to kill poor Muslims. Congress or BJP all are responsible for Muslim's death ..

Shouting against it ruin everything besides I have my doubts about you... You are calling for a civil war atleast that part I acknowledge but not about the highlighting it to much let it fester is the best approach as for the Civil strife it can only come if you let it fester but if you talk about every goddamn tiny stuff and make a thread about it you have helped them contain the extremism and eventually they will gain control of the situation.. Hence let it fester it will eventually get to that point of strife within it... Be smart about it


There are also a good portion of India and I would say the majority in India is against the extremism but if you highlight them to much it won't fester as that part will gain control over it or keep it under control.. In order for a country to destablize it has to reach the limit of no return we are not there yet perhaps decades away from it and yes I agree couple of pogroms happened here and there but we are not yet there hence you let it fester for time to marinate atleast for years to decades.. Let it fester and marinate
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Let it begin first before having these discussions, the Indian Muslims have no issue there as claimed by themselves, so no one else should be worried.

i agree.. the last i heard from them they are very happy to be in endia...

Save your brain cells, riots here mean violence from BOTH sides.
We are good enough, minority Muslims here actively ttart ake part in perpetrating violence on majority Hindus... The vice versa of which can't even be imagined in some Islamic republic.


y people always start the trouble
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Indian Dalits and minorities are already living in a genocide much like the Rwanda. That is how Indian Brahman treat other Indians. Thank goodness that Pakistan and Bangladesh was never part of India.
Hindus of india want muslims of india to go to Pakistan well start with giving Pakistan kashmir which is already muslim majority and they should also vacate haryana, himachel, punjab and west bengal which was partitioned from muslim leagues controlled provinces. Pakistan will then accomodate all muslims of india simple!
What do experts in stopping genocides suggest? Crusade, Mahabharata, Intifada or just watch and count decades later still as with Rwanda?
Just spectate , genocide is just a sport spectacle when it doesn't happen to Jews. The UN should be designing a Plan A and a Plan B for Genocidal India but is just pussy footing about climate change. perhaps the UN believes that if 200 Million Muslims were exterminated that it would be beneficial to climate change.

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