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Experiment of BABUR II (Super Sonic) Cruise Missile is expected Next Month

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don't feed the trolls yaar there time is limited here .let them fly .
Some very old cold war period "soviet made missile guidance system" is present which are the backbone of russian/chinese ICBM's guidance system Pakistan may also use that ..... otherwise you always see the same video like ROCKET/MISSILE is lifting but you never see that it is penetrating the target ... :rofl::rofl:

aladin you have very classfied info about Soviet/russian , chinese and Pakistani missiles, for which blog u stole all this info?
Failure is the pillar of success ..... india's continuous failure and struggle prove that it is continuously trying to build it's own weapons .... it is not renaming some old Chinese missile .... can you believe a country without any scientific base like space has developed long range missile like shaheen, babur(although all are nothing but old JUNKS) within 7 years??? If your chinese uncle feel disappointed then you will go back to stone age of missile development .... :rofl::rofl:

I can feel pain in your ***...
On 7 June 1961, under the leadership
of Air Force's Air Commodore (Brigadier-General) Władysław Józef Marian Turowicz, a two-stage rocket, Rehbar-I, was launched from the Sonmiani Flight Test Center. Pakistan was the third country in Asia and the
tenth in the world to conduct such a launching.

In 1990, Badr-I — Pakistan's first locally built satellite — was launched
by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) of People's Republic of China (PRC). In 1990, Suparco launched another satellite
programme — Badr-B, with the technical assistance provided by Space
Innovations Limited (SIL) of the United Kingdom
The Gandhi he is asking us to respect- is mostly hated even in his own country-
Well the respect for his teachings will remain, so does the fact now a days no one follows his teachings-

Ummm.... No, not at all. Just cause you hear some people in the internet saying that doesn't mean it is true.

You need to learn to live with the fact that despite being less in terms of population, your smaller next door neighbor has diverse and better quality missiles than you posses.

Population doesn't matter if most of them are poor right now.

And no, you do not have a diverse missiles are India. In India you hear about a new missile test every year or so..
In January 1989 a
successful launch of an "indigenous
multistage rocket into deep space"
was said to have reached an altitude of more than 480 km.
Pakistan would
like to build satellite launchers and
longer-range missiles, but it is unclear how far it has progressed. In 1981, the head of SUPARCO
announced plans to test a launcher by
1986, and the Pakistani press
reported in early 1989 that a multi-
stage rocket had successfully
launched a 150-kilogram payload over 600 kilometers into "deep space.
" Scientists at Suparco later participated in the development of Shaheen missile system, under Samar Mubarakmand in 1995.
Recently, Suparco has already tested
two high-altitude hypersonic
sounding rockets; Shahpar and
Rakhnum. Shahpar is a 7 meter solid- fuel rocket two stage rocket that can carry a payload of 55–70 kilograms to
an altitude of 950 kilometers. And
Rakhnum, which is a 3 stage liquid- fuel rocket can lift a payload of 38–56 kilograms to an altitude of 1000
kilometers. Shahpar and Rakhnum has crossed the Mach Number of 5.0. Both of rockets have achieved Mach number of 6.1.
What is wrong with both fellow Pakistanis and Indians?...don't bring Gandhi into this discussion,for God's sake...

Missiles of both countries work to the highest degree of performance.Just because our missile tests are always reported as a success,does not mean that they don't fail.The failure of a missile test always proves beneficial (unless it is too frequent).

In case of a war (or increased tensions between India and Pakistan),US is likely to shut down the GPS for Pakistan (and perhaps India too).Our missiles rely on Inertial Navigation System and Chinese Beidou-1 Navigation System.It will shift to Chinese COMPASS (also known as Beidou-2) in future.Babur's main tool of guidance is the TERCOM,which relies on the pictures taken by Chinese satellites.

The newspaper has incorrectly used the name,Babur-II as one member has suggested.

Babur was designed to use Terrain-hugging and Terrain-masking techniques to avoid detection.However,the system is not perfect yet and cruises at such a height (even in the terminal stage) that it can be easily detected and shot down,either by SAMs or Fighter aircraft in vicinity.As a stopgap,Babur employs RAM materials to reduce the RCS,hence making detection difficult.Ra'ad is more difficult to detect,because of its airframe,which too has reduced RCS.
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