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EXCLUSIVE : Was PRE-ISLAMIC ARABIA Hindu Nation ? Un Told Arabian Tales

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People used to worship idols in Arabia before Islam, but they were not the same as Hindu Ram, Bhagwan etc. Their idols were like habl,Laat, Manat etc. Very different stories and history from each other.
People used to worship idols in Arabia before Islam, but they were not the same as Hindu Ram, Bhagwan etc. Their idols were like habl,Laat, Manat etc. Very different stories and history from each other.


Arabs before the appearance of Islam were either Christians, Jews or believed in ancient Semitic religions (oldest known ones) that were shared in the entire Arab/Semitic world. Better known as Pagan beliefs. Evidence of that are World UNESCO Heritage Sites such as Mada'in Saleh in KSA, Petra in Jordan, Hatra in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria.

I suggest that the moderators delete this useless and false thread completely and all the trolling posts. Especially by that Farsi, originally nomads on the Kazakh/Central Asian Steppe, that immigrated to the Middle East less than 3000 years ago where they encountered us Semitic people and copied basically everything and became civilized.

That Indian too must have been mentally challenged to write that nonsense. Too much cow """" I assume.

This is a great insult to Islam and Muslims and such false claims must be deleted immediately. This is a majority Muslim forum and such nonsense should not be tolerated.

Arabs before the appearance of Islam were either Christians, Jews or believed in ancient Semitic religions (oldest known ones) that were shared in the entire Arab/Semitic world. Better known as Pagan beliefs. Evidence of that are World UNESCO Heritage Sites such as Mada'in Saleh in KSA, Petra in Jordan, Hatra in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria.

Respect your Opinion . But i like to point you that Pegan Religion God is Mithra . Please kindly Check these info below. Hope it may shed some light on this topic ..
Mithraism was the religion that was practised by the ancient Romans (Pagans) before they converted to Christianity. Mithra is an ancient vedic deity who was worshipped along with Varuna. Varuna was worshipped in the ancient vedic times as the lord of heavens, and Mitra was worshipped as the lord of light. The birth day of Mitra was celebrated in those days in Rome as the Sun Festival (called dies natalis solis invicti meaning Birth of Invincible Sun) on the Winter Solstice which was on December 25 in those days. Note that winter solstice is one of the most important sacred days in the vedic hindu calendar too. The celebration is to mark the longer days that arrive in the northern hemisphere after winter solstice.
Mithra was popularly called Sol Invictus in ancient Rome. Mithra’s worship spread from ancient India to ancient Iran ( Zoroastrianism/Parsis where Varuna and Mithra were worshiped), and from there to ancient Rome.

Ancient Roman carvings of Mithraism – dated between 300-400 CE
Note the similarity of this with ancient vedic/hindu representation of these deities
The Church wanted to make it easy for the roman pagans to convert into Christianity and also override their existing popular fests and hence declared December 25 as the Birthday of Christ with three major intentions,

First, making it easy for the romans to continue celebrating their festival while being Christians.

Second, to make Sun Festival of Paganism (of ancient Romans) irrelevant!

Third, to make Christian celebrations on different dates than that of Jewish festivals.
Its propaganda of December 25 being the birthday of Christ has worked, as we witness all over the world today!

Theodosius I – The Person behind it all

Theodosius I (well refer to him only as Theodosius from now), another Christian Roman Emperor of the fourth century declared in 391 CE, Christianity the state religion of Rome, in fact making it the only legitimate religion, and banned all other religions including pagan Mithraism which was pretty popular and was practiced all across Rome then.
In fact through a series of Theodosian decrees in 389 CE he declared that all those Pagan/Mithraic festivals of Rome that had not yet been declared as Christian ones by Church were now to be working days and there would be no official holidays declared to celebrate them. December 25 which was celebrated as the birthday of Mithra escaped this law because it was declared by Church as Christmas! Finally two years later, in 391 CE, Theodosius declared all other religions illegal in Rome.
Destruction of Mithraism/Paganism/Ancient Roman Rituals/Shrines and Temples
Since none of the Mithraic festivals were celebrated and all romans slowly converted to Christianity, the Mithraic temples became ruins. Theodosius had declared no one is to go to the sanctuaries, walk through the temples.. , and those temples were closed and abandoned. Bishop Theophilus of Alexandria immediately applied for permission to demolish such temple sites and cover it with Christian churches. Thus started the era of churches in Rome. Ancient Roman Pagan sites like the gigantic Serapeum of Alexandria and its library were destroyed by the Church led, state supported actions.
The eternal fire in the Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum was extinguished by Theodosius. The ancient cult of Vestas in Rome, had considered this fire to be sacred and had kept tending this holy fire for centuries. They believed that extinguishing it would result in a great disaster to Rome. One can just imagine the kind of feelings of those ancient Romans that would have been hurt by this action of writing off ones beliefs and practices. The disaster soon followed after the extinguishing of the holy fire, where by the entire Roman empire ended with Theodosus, and was permanently split into two!

The ruins of the Roman Forum where the Temple of Vesta existed

The ruins of the Temple of Vesta where the sacred fire once existed
Contrary to the common belief, Olympic games were actually played in ancient Rome BEFORE the Christian era. After the last Olympic Games in 393, Theodosius even canceled those games!! That was because there were ancient roman rituals that were practiced as a part of these games. So, the Christian Clement of Alexandria declared it illegal saying Olympian games are nothing else than the funeral sacrifices of Pelops! And Theodosius banned these games. (NOTE: Pelops was the king of Olympia to whom offerings were made during the games).
There has been ample archaeological , historical, textual evidence which provide ample evidence about the Mithraism practiced by ancient Romans. In fact, Ernest Renan said in his book The Origins of Christianity that if the growth of Christianity had been arrested by some mortal malady, the world would have been Mithraic
Similarity between Mithraism and Christianity
Franz Cumont was the first scholar who observed the similarity of Christianity with Mithraism. He said that Christianity had borrowed iconographic themes from Mithraism, like the Mithraic images of the Heavens, Earth, Ocean, Sun, Moon, Planets, signs of the Zodiac, Winds, Seasons, and the Elements all are found on Christian sarcophagi, mosaics, and miniatures between the third to the fifth centuries, not before that!
According to Cumont, the Christian story of Moses striking Mount Horeb (Sinai) with his staff to release drinking water was inspired by the earlier Mithraic reference to Mithras shooting arrows at rocks causing fountains to spring up. This is again a pretty common event in the stories of vedic deities in the ancient Indian texts.
Read in detail about the ancient Mithraism here .
If NOT December 25, When?
First of all Christ was not born in 0 CE, for there is nothing called 0 CE, after 1 BCE its directly 1 CE. Next, the Gospels record Jesus being born during the reign of Herod the Great. Herod the great died in the spring of 4 BCE (New Testament History, F.F. Bruce, Anchor Books, p.23), so Jesus was born before 4 BCE.
There is no specific date mentioned anywhere in the ancient scriptures about the actual date of the birth of Christ. However there are ample number of indications about the possible period of the year during which he was born.
First, there is the information about the shepherds keeping their flocks out in the fields on the night on which Christ was born.
Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night (Luke 2:8).
Even today in that region it is a common practice by shepherds to leave their flocks out in the warm summer/spring nights between April to October to feed in the green fields. After the month of October they will not leave their sheeps out in the night, and will lock them inside stables since the winter will be very cold and/or rainy. This itself proves that Jesus was born somewhere between April and October, and NOT in December.
No Shepherds will be out in the cold freezing nights of December!
Also it is said that Mary and Josef returned to Bethlehem because of a census ordered by Augustus. Now no king orders for a census to be carried out in peak winter!
In spite of all these evidences against December being the month of Jesus birth, the church still went ahead with it.
The Roman Catholic writer Mario Righetti admits, to facilitate the acceptance of the faith by the pagan masses, the Church of Rome found it convenient to institute the 25th of December as the feast of the birth of Christ to divert them from the pagan feast, celebrated on the same day in honor of the Invincible Sun Mithras, the conqueror of darkness (Manual of Liturgical History, 1955, Vol. 2, p. 67).
The Encyclopedia Americana says, In the fifth century, the Western Church ordered it [Christ's birth] to be observed forever on the day of the old Roman feast of the birth of Sol [the sun god], as no certain knowledge of the day of Christ’s birth existed (1944 edition, Christmas).
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church says, Though speculation as to the time of year of Christ’s birth dates from the early 3rd century, Clement of Alexandria suggesting the 20th of May, the celebration of the anniversary does not appear to have been general till the later 4th century. The earliest mention of the observance on Dec. 25th is in the Philocalian Calendar, representing Roman practice of the year 336. This date was probably chosen to oppose the feast of the Natalis Solis Invicti [nativity of the unconquerable sun] by the celebration of the birth of the Sun of Righteousness and its observance in the West, seems to have spread from Rome (1983 edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 1983, p. 280, Christmas).
Then we have the information of the new star that was visible on the night when Jesus was born. Some researchers today believe that the new star that was visible on that day (and only on that day) was actually a conjunction of venus and jupiter which made it look like a new bright object in the sky.
Some others believe that the new star was actually a conjunction of venus and the two day old crescent of moon, which made it look like a comet with tail.
Some other biblical experts, based on the astronomical and other circumstantial evidences suggest that Jesus was born in the April month of the year 5 BCE. But they do not mention any specific date, since there is still no solid evidence about the exact date on which Jesus was born.
The purpose of this article is NOT to say don’t celebrate Christmas, instead is only to educate people, about the historical facts behind the current date of Christmas.

In this pic below you can see Romans worshiping Hindu God Lord Shiva. In form for Shiva Lingam .above Pegan God Mithra Mitra in sanskrit) with Varun . To the left its Moon Goddes .



Am big Fan of this page because it has many new Evidence and History of Man Kind. Many of which we dont want to agree with
I am sorry but I disagree with that. Zoroastrianisms is most definitely formed in ancient Persia.. There are many evidence for Zoroastrianisms being formed in Iran in yazd. If you're that interested then visit Iran :)

But Zend Avestan is very similar to the Vedas. And Gods such as Mitra (Mithra) are common. So there has to be a deep connection. And Ahura is definitely Asura because they change s to H in Persian.
They still eat lizards in saudi arabia which is haram.
Goat herders and Arabs servants call names. Go flog yourself left and right, an Arab died 1400 years ago.
Monotheism has nothing to do with arabia. It was invented in Persia around 4000 years ago. The oldest monotheistic religion is Zoroastrian, which created the concept of one divine entitiy (ahora) with a evil entity (ahriman). Zoroastrianism also created the concept of heaven and hell and judgement day.

Poor Iranian, stop making up things.
The arabians basically plagiarized that and made their own version of it.

Islam is taken from fire worshpers :laughcry:
Arabians have no real history. Old Egypt,Mesopotamia has nothing to do with the afro semites whom are the saudis and Yemenis. Many yemeins and saudis look black like Nigerians. Egyptian are different, syrian and labanese are from levant which are different.

Thanks for your article. Saudis need to embrace their pre-islamic hindu traditions.

Here is Saudi history:

Nabataeans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your history::azn:


Muslim conquest of Persia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I suggest that the moderators delete this useless and false thread completely and all the trolling posts. Especially by that Farsi, originally nomads on the Kazakh/Central Asian Steppe, that immigrated to the Middle East less than 3000 years ago where they encountered us Semitic people and copied basically everything and became civilized.

That Indian too must have been mentally challenged to write that nonsense. Too much cow """" I assume.

This is a great insult to Islam and Muslims and such false claims must be deleted immediately. This is a majority Muslim forum and such nonsense should not be tolerated.
Do you have any proof to claim what you are Claiming ? plz do point out what is wrong Info in this thread ? And why it is inslut to Islam ?
why cant we talk for once on this topic.... eitther some is running from truth or dont wanna know.. or dont believe or have potential to talk....
Respect your Opinion . But i like to point you that Pegan Religion God is Mithra . Please kindly Check these info below. Hope it may shed some light on this topic ..
Mithraism was the religion that was practised by the ancient Romans (Pagans) before they converted to Christianity. Mithra is an ancient vedic deity who was worshipped along with Varuna. Varuna was worshipped in the ancient vedic times as the lord of heavens, and Mitra was worshipped as the lord of light. The birth day of Mitra was celebrated in those days in Rome as the Sun Festival (called dies natalis solis invicti meaning Birth of Invincible Sun) on the Winter Solstice which was on December 25 in those days. Note that winter solstice is one of the most important sacred days in the vedic hindu calendar too. The celebration is to mark the longer days that arrive in the northern hemisphere after winter solstice.
Mithra was popularly called Sol Invictus in ancient Rome. Mithra’s worship spread from ancient India to ancient Iran ( Zoroastrianism/Parsis where Varuna and Mithra were worshiped), and from there to ancient Rome.

Ancient Roman carvings of Mithraism – dated between 300-400 CE
Note the similarity of this with ancient vedic/hindu representation of these deities
The Church wanted to make it easy for the roman pagans to convert into Christianity and also override their existing popular fests and hence declared December 25 as the Birthday of Christ with three major intentions,

First, making it easy for the romans to continue celebrating their festival while being Christians.

Second, to make Sun Festival of Paganism (of ancient Romans) irrelevant!

Third, to make Christian celebrations on different dates than that of Jewish festivals.
Its propaganda of December 25 being the birthday of Christ has worked, as we witness all over the world today!

Theodosius I – The Person behind it all

Theodosius I (well refer to him only as Theodosius from now), another Christian Roman Emperor of the fourth century declared in 391 CE, Christianity the state religion of Rome, in fact making it the only legitimate religion, and banned all other religions including pagan Mithraism which was pretty popular and was practiced all across Rome then.
In fact through a series of Theodosian decrees in 389 CE he declared that all those Pagan/Mithraic festivals of Rome that had not yet been declared as Christian ones by Church were now to be working days and there would be no official holidays declared to celebrate them. December 25 which was celebrated as the birthday of Mithra escaped this law because it was declared by Church as Christmas! Finally two years later, in 391 CE, Theodosius declared all other religions illegal in Rome.
Destruction of Mithraism/Paganism/Ancient Roman Rituals/Shrines and Temples
Since none of the Mithraic festivals were celebrated and all romans slowly converted to Christianity, the Mithraic temples became ruins. Theodosius had declared no one is to go to the sanctuaries, walk through the temples.. , and those temples were closed and abandoned. Bishop Theophilus of Alexandria immediately applied for permission to demolish such temple sites and cover it with Christian churches. Thus started the era of churches in Rome. Ancient Roman Pagan sites like the gigantic Serapeum of Alexandria and its library were destroyed by the Church led, state supported actions.
The eternal fire in the Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum was extinguished by Theodosius. The ancient cult of Vestas in Rome, had considered this fire to be sacred and had kept tending this holy fire for centuries. They believed that extinguishing it would result in a great disaster to Rome. One can just imagine the kind of feelings of those ancient Romans that would have been hurt by this action of writing off ones beliefs and practices. The disaster soon followed after the extinguishing of the holy fire, where by the entire Roman empire ended with Theodosus, and was permanently split into two!

The ruins of the Roman Forum where the Temple of Vesta existed

The ruins of the Temple of Vesta where the sacred fire once existed
Contrary to the common belief, Olympic games were actually played in ancient Rome BEFORE the Christian era. After the last Olympic Games in 393, Theodosius even canceled those games!! That was because there were ancient roman rituals that were practiced as a part of these games. So, the Christian Clement of Alexandria declared it illegal saying Olympian games are nothing else than the funeral sacrifices of Pelops! And Theodosius banned these games. (NOTE: Pelops was the king of Olympia to whom offerings were made during the games).
There has been ample archaeological , historical, textual evidence which provide ample evidence about the Mithraism practiced by ancient Romans. In fact, Ernest Renan said in his book The Origins of Christianity that if the growth of Christianity had been arrested by some mortal malady, the world would have been Mithraic
Similarity between Mithraism and Christianity
Franz Cumont was the first scholar who observed the similarity of Christianity with Mithraism. He said that Christianity had borrowed iconographic themes from Mithraism, like the Mithraic images of the Heavens, Earth, Ocean, Sun, Moon, Planets, signs of the Zodiac, Winds, Seasons, and the Elements all are found on Christian sarcophagi, mosaics, and miniatures between the third to the fifth centuries, not before that!
According to Cumont, the Christian story of Moses striking Mount Horeb (Sinai) with his staff to release drinking water was inspired by the earlier Mithraic reference to Mithras shooting arrows at rocks causing fountains to spring up. This is again a pretty common event in the stories of vedic deities in the ancient Indian texts.
Read in detail about the ancient Mithraism here .
If NOT December 25, When?
First of all Christ was not born in 0 CE, for there is nothing called 0 CE, after 1 BCE its directly 1 CE. Next, the Gospels record Jesus being born during the reign of Herod the Great. Herod the great died in the spring of 4 BCE (New Testament History, F.F. Bruce, Anchor Books, p.23), so Jesus was born before 4 BCE.
There is no specific date mentioned anywhere in the ancient scriptures about the actual date of the birth of Christ. However there are ample number of indications about the possible period of the year during which he was born.
First, there is the information about the shepherds keeping their flocks out in the fields on the night on which Christ was born.
Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night (Luke 2:8).
Even today in that region it is a common practice by shepherds to leave their flocks out in the warm summer/spring nights between April to October to feed in the green fields. After the month of October they will not leave their sheeps out in the night, and will lock them inside stables since the winter will be very cold and/or rainy. This itself proves that Jesus was born somewhere between April and October, and NOT in December.
No Shepherds will be out in the cold freezing nights of December!
Also it is said that Mary and Josef returned to Bethlehem because of a census ordered by Augustus. Now no king orders for a census to be carried out in peak winter!
In spite of all these evidences against December being the month of Jesus birth, the church still went ahead with it.
The Roman Catholic writer Mario Righetti admits, to facilitate the acceptance of the faith by the pagan masses, the Church of Rome found it convenient to institute the 25th of December as the feast of the birth of Christ to divert them from the pagan feast, celebrated on the same day in honor of the Invincible Sun Mithras, the conqueror of darkness (Manual of Liturgical History, 1955, Vol. 2, p. 67).
The Encyclopedia Americana says, In the fifth century, the Western Church ordered it [Christ's birth] to be observed forever on the day of the old Roman feast of the birth of Sol [the sun god], as no certain knowledge of the day of Christ’s birth existed (1944 edition, Christmas).
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church says, Though speculation as to the time of year of Christ’s birth dates from the early 3rd century, Clement of Alexandria suggesting the 20th of May, the celebration of the anniversary does not appear to have been general till the later 4th century. The earliest mention of the observance on Dec. 25th is in the Philocalian Calendar, representing Roman practice of the year 336. This date was probably chosen to oppose the feast of the Natalis Solis Invicti [nativity of the unconquerable sun] by the celebration of the birth of the Sun of Righteousness and its observance in the West, seems to have spread from Rome (1983 edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 1983, p. 280, Christmas).
Then we have the information of the new star that was visible on the night when Jesus was born. Some researchers today believe that the new star that was visible on that day (and only on that day) was actually a conjunction of venus and jupiter which made it look like a new bright object in the sky.
Some others believe that the new star was actually a conjunction of venus and the two day old crescent of moon, which made it look like a comet with tail.
Some other biblical experts, based on the astronomical and other circumstantial evidences suggest that Jesus was born in the April month of the year 5 BCE. But they do not mention any specific date, since there is still no solid evidence about the exact date on which Jesus was born.
The purpose of this article is NOT to say don’t celebrate Christmas, instead is only to educate people, about the historical facts behind the current date of Christmas.

In this pic below you can see Romans worshiping Hindu God Lord Shiva. In form for Shiva Lingam .above Pegan God Mithra Mitra in sanskrit) with Varun . To the left its Moon Goddes .



Am big Fan of this page because it has many new Evidence and History of Man Kind. Many of which we dont want to agree with

Look, we Arabs or Semitic people had no contact to Hinduism before Indian workers started to arrive to UAE 40 years ago or so. As I told you people were Christians, Jews or believed in ancient Semitic religions that had nothing to do with hinduism. Better known as Pagans. There is plenty of historical, archaeological etc. evidence for that.

This must be the most moronic thread I am yet to see. Keep your fairytales somewhere else. First time I hear such ludicrous claims. If there was any truth to it it would have been picked up long ago by Western, Middle Eastern etc. scholars but it has not. Wonder why.....
Well the arabs used to worship idols before Islam came- so does hindus for centuries- so there must be some link-

No, there was plenty of Christian and even Jewish Kingdoms in the Arab world. Besides people believed in ancient Semitic religions and practices and they have nothing to do with Hinduism. Hinduism was limited to current day Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal etc. It has no historical presence in the Arab world and never had. No archaeological or historical evidence for this.

In fact the first encounter with Hindus aside from ancient Arab merchants going to India through the Arabian Sea was 40 years ago when Indian Hindu workers started to arrive to UAE, KSA and other Arab countries.

This thread and trolling posts is just one big fail. I don't even have words for it. Wonder why it even still exists.
All the major worlds civilization were made non-arabs.

Persian history dates back to at least 8000 years. Just go research susa. The worlds oldest writing system has recently been found in Iran's jiroft. Indian civilization the indus vally is very old. Egptians and the levant are not even arabs.

Arabs are afro semites in yemen,saudis arabia. The only culture these yemenis and saudis have is lizard eating. Their culture is called the Bedouin culture. Their arab language was practically made by the Persians as it was the Persian who properly develop arabic grammar.

These bedouns cannot stand it when truth comes out. They stold Hinduism like they stole monotheism.
This al hasani is another Bedouin afro semites with identity crisis. He probably walks around claiming he is Persian.
Look, we Arabs or Semitic people had no contact to Hinduism before Indian workers started to arrive to UAE 40 years ago or so.
What are you talking About Check is Pre Islamic Stateof Arabia
Its still in UK .
As I told you people were Christians, Jews or believed in ancient Semitic religions that had nothing to do with hinduism. Better known as Pagans. There is plenty of historical, archaeological etc. evidence for that.
Please provide that evidence . I provided you more than a Explanation WHy it is. With Evidence too . U are affraid to know the truth . Check it urself Research it ur self. And provide ur EVIDENCE . SO I can change my point of view . Am open to all opinion with evidence.

This must be the most moronic thread I am yet to see.

Keep your fairytales somewhere else. First time I hear such ludicrous claims. If there was any truth to it it would have been picked up long ago by Western, Middle Eastern etc. scholars but it has not. Wonder why.....
History cannot be changed. Truth might be hiden but History Cannot be CHANGED .
If the Mods close this thread then they clearly are one sided.
Let these arab debate the evidence. The fact this al hasani is burning should show you the truth is burning him.

The thread shows very powerful evidence to support the claim.
All the major worlds civilization were made non-arabs.

Persian history dates back to at least 8000 years. Just go research susa. The worlds oldest writing system has recently been found in Iran's jiroft. Indian civilization the indus vally is very old. Egptians and the levant are not even arabs.

Arabs are afro semites in yemen,saudis arabia. The only culture these yemenis and saudis have is lizard eating. Their culture is called the Bedouin culture. Their arab language was practically made by the Persians as it was the Persian who properly develop arabic grammar.

These bedouns cannot stand it when truth comes out. They stold Hinduism like they stole monotheism.
This al hasani is another Bedouin afro semites with identity crisis. He probably walks around claiming he is Persian.

al hasani Dont even want to debate. But he just want to close the thread. And belive what he belive. People need to question every thing on Religion. We need to have Open mind than Narrow Mind

If the Mods close this thread then they clearly are one sided.
Let these arab debate the evidence. The fact this al hasani is burning should show you the truth is burning him.

The thread shows very powerful evidence to support the claim.
Am really affraid they wil close this thread . What wrong in debate. Lets put the evidence and debate.
I just told No trolls Please . If you have Valid Points to make then Do so. You can say what is wrong and Why it is not right

But why???? This is the perfect thread for trolling where even the mods won't say a thing :lol:

But I do agree with what you are trying to say... the Arabians refined Hinduism and that better version is called Islam, right?

But... how come Prophet Muhammad isn't called Shiva's avatar, when even Buddha is considered Vishnu's 10th avatar...

But... now I am soooo confused... damn it's such a serious thread!
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