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Exclusive: U.S. moves to cut Huawei off from global chip suppliers

Well they can buy chips through a third party or create a new company call MIMO by firing the 5g research group. No more link to Huawei but curiously with all the whole 5G tech. Lol, there are many ways to an end. Ultimately I want China to be completely self reliant, we did that in satellites and military tech. Their last stand is advanced aircraft engines and semiconductors.

Well, China needs to replicate all cutting edge technologies indigenously by 2-3 years tops. It's going to a tall order. Actually, not sure if China even has that much time. Trump may just cut off all access to any China based company.
Well, China needs to replicate all cutting edge technologies indigenously by 2-3 years tops. It's going to a tall order. Actually, not sure if China even has that much time. Trump may just cut off all access to any China based company.
Have some faith my friend, the only fear is fear itself. We won't really die trying. China will still produce food and goods even if we don't close the gap as we had always been. You must at least try things in life. It's not a zero sum game where if we don't catch up we implode. Be rational. If Trump really wanted decoupling, he wouldnt have signed the trade deal, and he would have just cut off trade links and defaulted. The Chinese bonds are the greatest weapon, they know it, the Japs know it. Not even the hyper hawks wanna default especially after printing 6 trillion $. US had never been weaker in history, they need CHINA.
Huawei is a target because they currently have the most advanced 5G network and are poised to dominate the 5G rollout globally. 5G is the backbone of the fourth industrial revolution and whoever masters it will control that platform and the future.

Its the companies that develop revolutionary apps on top of 5G networks that will change the world. 5G is just the enabler. And to build those apps you need world class software companies in which the US has in abundance.
Its the companies that develop revolutionary apps on top of 5G networks that will change the world. 5G is just the enabler. And to build those apps you need world class software companies in which the US has in abundance.
Yup and there aren't in China.... Absolutely ZERO. Ask trump not to worry too much, we are just a poor toy making farmer.
Its the companies that develop revolutionary apps on top of 5G networks that will change the world. 5G is just the enabler. And to build those apps you need world class software companies in which the US has in abundance.

I understand that. However the country that has the largest platform is also the likely developer of most of those apps.

Have some faith my friend, the only fear is fear itself. We won't really die trying. China will still produce food and goods even if we don't close the gap as we had always been. You must at least try things in life. It's not a zero sum game where if we don't catch up we implode. Be rational. If Trump really wanted decoupling, he wouldnt have signed the trade deal, and he would have just cut off trade links and defaulted. The Chinese bonds are the greatest weapon, they know it, the Japs know it. Not even the hyper hawks wanna default especially after printing 6 trillion $. US had never been weaker in history, they need CHINA.

History will always have conflicts when a dominant power is challenged by a rising power. I think the situation between the US and China is most similar to the one between Britain and Kaiser Germany before WW1.
Yup and there aren't in China.... Absolutely ZERO. Ask trump not to worry too much, we are just a poor toy making farmer.

Chinese put too much emphasis on the 5G network itself. Its the killer apps that are truly gamechanging . China might be slightly ahead in the rollout of 5G, but 5G is also being rolled out in the US now. And the resources the US possess practically insures its 5G app dominance regardless of what China does.
I understand that. However the country that has the largest platform is also the likely developer of most of those apps.

Not really. broadband, 4g, LTE networks in usa are built by companies like ATT , verizon, etc. But the most profitable applications of these networks are mobiles, search engines, cloud platforms are all built by other entities.
Chinese put too much emphasis on the 5G network itself. Its the killer apps that are truly gamechanging . China might be slightly ahead in the rollout of 5G, but 5G is also being rolled out in the US now. And the resources the US possess practically insures its 5G app dominance regardless of what China does.
Yes we don't have any apps or software at all. We are far behind. Lol. ABSOLUTELY ZERO.
Chinese put too much emphasis on the 5G network itself.
The issue here are the PDF Chinese, most of them are ignorant of the industry they are blabbing about. What they do is take one item where China is seemingly ahead of the US and grossly exaggerate and conflate that 'win' to make it as if that singular advantage is the end all. China have a temporary lead in supercomputer? That mean the US is a failure in supercomputing. And so on. It is masturbatory, that is all it is.
The issue here are the PDF Chinese, most of them are ignorant of the industry they are blabbing about. What they do is take one item where China is seemingly ahead of the US and grossly exaggerate and conflate that 'win' to make it as if that singular advantage is the end all. China have a temporary lead in supercomputer? That mean the US is a failure in supercomputing. And so on. It is masturbatory, that is all it is.
Have some confidence in US bhai. Why are you so afraid of China? We are just boastful poor toy making farmers. Nothing to worry at all.
History will always have conflicts when a dominant power is challenged by a rising power. I think the situation between the US and China is most similar to the one between Britain and Kaiser Germany before WW1.
I agree. But I wouldn't say this is a hot conflict. America is capitalist after all, they would sell you the rope to hang themselves. Sure there will be some tartuffs and sanctions to slow you down but other than that they want trade, but they don't want us to be tech independent. In todays world, the stakes are too high for a hot conflict, it would mean the end of the world.

YOU are telling me how the semicon industry works when I repeatedly show how the lot of you are woefully ignorant of the industry itself? :lol:
Yes gambit, only you know how to use Google. Lol
The issue here are the PDF Chinese, most of them are ignorant of the industry they are blabbing about. What they do is take one item where China is seemingly ahead of the US and grossly exaggerate and conflate that 'win' to make it as if that singular advantage is the end all. China have a temporary lead in supercomputer? That mean the US is a failure in supercomputing. And so on. It is masturbatory, that is all it is.

As I said, regardless of what the Chinese do, US 5g app dominance is practically insured due to the level of resources the US possess.
Honestly its kind of hillarious how some severely uneducated troll-brats here just copy and paste the same thing and feel if they just believe it strongly enough, it will be true. Then they have +2/-19 rating to show for it on top, in spite of being "iron bro" for this forum....goes to show the root quality of their interaction even with severely stacked playing field.

Keep your quality responses going (As much as you have time/interest for of course) , its a gold mine of content.
Here is an interesting bit that says much about the PDF Chinese regarding intellectual dishonesty. There are two of their members who either have direct or indirect experience in the semicon industry, and yet they said nothing whenever their fellow Chinese said things that are patently false.
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