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Exclusive: Top ISIS leaders revealed - all Iraqis


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

The six individuals who have been at the helm of the terror group are from Iraq, the Iraqi interior ministry told Al Arabiya News Channel. (Al Arabiya)

Staff Writer, Al Arabiya News
Thursday, 13 February 2014

Exclusive information obtained by Al Arabiya News Channel has revealed the identities of the top field commanders running the Islamist militant group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The six individuals who have been at the helm of the terror group are from Iraq, Deputy Minister of Iraq's Interior Ministry Adnan al-Asadi told Al Arabiya in an exclusive interview to be aired on Friday.

At least three of them served in Saddam Hussein’s army while others were previously detained in Iraq and upon their release they joined the war in Syria.

1- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

His real name is Ibrahim al-Badri, also formerly known as Abu Douaa, was a lecturer of Islamic studies and an Imam at mosques in Bagdad and Falluja before he was detained by American forces on June 4, 2004. After his release three years later, he established the “Sunni Army” militia and joined al-Qaeda. He became the group’s third in command following the death of Abu Omar al-Baghdadi.

2- Abu Ayman al-Iraqi

Al-Iraqi is one of the main leaders of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and a member of the organization’s military council. He previously worked as a colonel in Iraq’s air defense intelligence under Saddam Hussein, during which time he was nicknamed Abu Muhannad al-Suweidawi. He was detained for three years in 2007. Following his release, he moved to Syria and is currently commanding ISIS fighters in the cities of Edlib, Aleppo and the mountains of Lattakia.

3- Abu Ahmad al-Alwani

A former member of Saddam’s army, al-Alwani is currently a member of the ISIS military council. His real name is Waleed Jassem al-Alwani.

4- Abu Abdulrahman al-Bilawi

Al-Bilawi was one of the four members of the ISIS military council and former head of the group’s Shura council. Hailing from al-Khalidiya in Iraq’s Anbar province, he was detained on Jan. 27, 2005 in the American military detention center, Camp Bucca. He was later killed in al-Khalidiya, Anbar. His real name was Adnan Ismael Najm.

5- Haji Bakr

Bakr was a former officer in Saddam’s army, charged with handling the development of weapons. He was later imprisoned at Camp Bucca and joined al-Qaeda after his release. Bakr was reportedly the strongest ISIS commander in Syria up until his recent death. His real name was Samir Abd Mouhammad al-Khleifawi.

6- Abu Fatima al-Jaheishi

Al-Jaheishi was initially in charge of the ISIS operations in southern Iraq before he moved to the northern city of Kirkuk. His real name is Ni'ma Abd Nayef al-Jabouri.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) had claimed responsibility for a brazen attack on Abu Ghraib and Taji prisons on July 22, 2013 that led to the escape of hundreds of militants, many of whom were members of al-Qaeda.

A government statement pointed to collusion between jail staff and the militants who attacked the jails.

Several months after the incident, questions linger about how a handful of armed men could break into Iraq’s most guarded prisons without the help of the security services working for Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a staunch ally of Iran and the Assad’s regime in Syria.

Recent reports have also established links between ISIS and the Syrian regime. According to documents revealed by the Syrian National Coalition, several field commanders of the al-Qaeda affiliate were former military or intelligence officers of the Syrian army.

These commanders have been coordinating military operations with the Assad’s forces, providing them with information about rebel fighters and facilitating the recapture of areas previously controlled by the rebel Free Syrian Army.

Rebel raids on ISIS camps turned out further corroborations on the alleged ties. Similar weapons and ammunition used by the Syrian regime forces were also found at the al-Qaeda camp in Raqqa province, according to opposition sources.

Syrian security identification cards and passports with entry and exit stamps to Iran were also seized during the raids on ISIS camps.

The latest reports came days after U.S. Treasury Department suggested last week that Assad’s ally Iran has allowed al-Qaeda militants to enter Syria.


It seems that I was right when I told you that the leadership was completely Iraqi and that some of them were former Ba'athis. Just like that so-called former ISIS member from Iraq told on twitter months ago. The one that had deflected from ISIS.
WIll read later

The interview will come online in the matter of hours. All the information came during an interview with this gentleman.

The six individuals who have been at the helm of the terror group are from Iraq, Deputy Minister of Iraq's Interior Ministry Adnan al-Asadi told Al Arabiya in an exclusive interview to be aired on Friday.

More so I believe that half of the ISIS members are immigrants from the West. Don't think that there are more than 1500-2000 overall members (active). What is your estimation?
I think that Iraq, KSA and Turkey should work jointly to target the group and its members. But that's never going to happen.
Al arabia is as credible as Al JEWZEERA calling zionist Al Qaeda democrats

They all scream Allah Ackbar like zionist Al Qaeda in Libya, Syria, Egypt. They are not nationals but foreigners terrorists
Al arabia is as credible as Al JEWZEERA calling zionist Al Qaeda democrats

They all scream Allah Ackbar like zionist Al Qaeda in Libya, Syria, Egypt. They are not nationals but foreigners terrorists

Yet this news has nothing to do with Al-Arabiya other than them INTERVIEWING THE IRAQI DEPUTY MINISTER, ADNAN AL-ASADI. Who happens to be a Iraqi Shia Arab and part of the Shia led government.

The six individuals who have been at the helm of the terror group are from Iraq, Deputy Minister of Iraq's Interior Ministry Adnan al-Asadi told Al Arabiya in an exclusive interview to be aired on Friday.
Bonus information: His wife and 3 children live in Copenhagen and despite him stealing millions they all lived on welfare until they were exposed.:lol:

Oh, Al-Arabiya is a world renowned news station that has won several international journalistic awards and is one of the most popular channels in the world.

Let @Yzd Khalifa educate you about that @Sun Piwa aka @elis aka @waikici aka @Fukuoka

@WebMaster serial double user and troll breaching the rules yet again.
ISIS is funded by Saudi Arabia, if there is no Saudi money than there is no ISIS money doesn't fall from the sky, and the Iraqi government is Shia so they would never support Sunni ISIS. It's all supported by Saudi and other gulf Arab money.
So they are former Saddam Baathists. But wait, I thought ISIS was an Iranian umbrella group?
So Iran is supporting its former enemies against its strategic ally.

Its a Persian conspiracy! :lol:

Why on earth would it bother to work with such people? After all, all of them are now long gone in the political business.

ISIS is funded by Saudi Arabia, if there is no Saudi money than there is no ISIS money doesn't fall from the sky, and the Iraqi government is Shia so they would never support Sunni ISIS. It's all supported by Saudi and other gulf Arab money.

ISIS is funded by Saudi Arabia, if there is no Saudi money than there is no ISIS money doesn't fall from the sky

Interesting conclusion. Does this include the very same support we gave to Iraq during its war with you as well? I mean, if there were no funds, Iraq wouldn't have gotten that far :lol:

and the Iraqi government is Shia so they would never support Sunni ISIS. It's all supported by Saudi and other gulf Arab money.

Supporting groups like these won't hurt governments at all. Such differences as sectarian affiliation, racial backgrounds would be the least to worry about to achieve geo-political goals.

But then again, you're an Iranian, you only see politics from a religious prospectives, I guess that was what they taught you at school, in addition to blame the Vahabis Saudi for their misery :lol:
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As I said before, Saudis hide behind other nations' achievements in the region by calling themselves and them "Arab" but once there is negativity in the news, they all break up into Saudi, Iraqi, Kuwaiti, Qatari and etc. and Saudis take no responsibility...... they are now saying Iran and Iraq created Al-Qaeda !!! :coffee:
Safavids are behind it I tell you


Farsi troll, do you understand the difference between nationality, ethnicity and a larger ethnic/language family group?

Let me give you an example so even you will understand it.

Nationality (Iraqi), ethnicity (Iraqi Sunni Arabs - probably) and larger ethnic/language family group (Semitic).

Here is another example for you:

Nationality (Iranian), ethnicity (Azeri) and larger ethnic/language family group (Turkic).

Now, it's not about anything other than posting news. This claim comes from the Iraqi Deputy Minister himself.

ISIS is a serious problem in the region and it involves all people, nationalities etc, including misguided Saudi Arabians. Especially many Westerners and non-Arabs.
At least we can admit that there is a problem.

When will Mullah's like you admit that your fake wannabe Arab Mullah regime is the biggest terrorism exporter in the world and a serial pariah state?

Iran and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Learn the difference between state actors and individuals.

But I don't have high hopes with you Mullah's here.
As I said before, Saudis hide behind other nations' achievements in the region by calling themselves and them "Arab" but once there is negativity in the news, they all break up into Saudi, Iraqi, Kuwaiti, Qatari and etc. and Saudis take no responsibility...... they are now saying Iran and Iraq created Al-Qaeda !!! :coffee:

The Iranians are angels bro, we are the demons aka the Chronic Devils :lol:

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