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Exclusive images of strikes on targets in Afghanistan

In a normal Afghan village there should be people roaming around or atleast running for cover. There should be animals like cows,goats, sheep, chicken etc inside almost every house. Do U see anything like that? When I claim that its not a normal village then I claim so because back there I myself live in a village which is not much different than any normal Afghan Village. Not tell me your take.

Useless. Pakistan tackling terrorists on afghan soil has hurt Indians more than afghans. I understand asset loss is painful. There is no point as he will troll.
Look like some terror camps operated by RAW and NDS ..
Pakistan attacks Afghanistan and it's India who is feeling the heat more than the Afghans lolz.
Because we have punched a big hole through them, besides their sir ji kal circus has made a clown of them.

Because people killed in shrine are all poor people not from elite and Pakistan state (or establishment) don't care about human emotions of poor Pakistanis!!!!! Just care about chest thumping and 'Mardangi' of Pakistanis!!!

is that case after APS???
Actually your hard earned assets are being systematically being destroyed as we speak to revenge those poor Pakistanis......what did you exactly do after Mumbai attacks.....oh wait....you captured and tortured a Pakistani Pigeon. :D
Pakistan doing them a favour, local population would be living in fear of ISIS.

How can you let ISIS openly breed in your country and just sit and watch.
India is peaceful because you can't now!!! Its not India of 2008, you now it well that you do it now, we will tear you a**!!!

Over and Out and have a good day!!!
we can easily target civilians. IF WE WANT TO BUT WE NEVER DO IT.
Thank God the troll filth leaves. May he never come here again with his rubbish.

Thank God the troll filth leaves. May he never come here again with his rubbish.
As per media, these hideouts were within 100-200 meters of border. So we wouldn't need boot on gorunds or drones to capture the images.
we can easily target civilians. IF WE WANT TO BUT WE NEVER DO IT.

Ignore the troll filth from across the border. They have nothing to add and quite frankly all of them are hurt that we are taking action. They enjoy the chaos in pakistan and want to see death and destruction. The trolls enjoy hearing news about death in pakistan. They are deranged and our cross border shelling on their assets has boggled their mind.

Anyway. The images look like artillery shelling. We have been doing that at different places for two days. The entire training center seems to have been destroys. Maybe this is where the ISIS deputy was hiding.
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