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New Recruit

Jun 20, 2018
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United States
Hello to everybody. I am so excited to be here, and hope I can get approved.

1) Tell your interests? I study Ukrainian military actions in the war in e Ukraine, I communicate with Ukrainian soldiers. I read a lot, and love dogs and fishing.
2) What do you do? I do not work currently. However I post daily updates on such things as new operations in the war, KIA and WIA statistics, photos from soldiers, on a private Facebook page.
3) How did you find us? A gentleman on reddit said he is a long time member of this forum, and said that he guarantees I have never seen anything like it.
4) What interests you here? I am interested in European and Ukrainian defense subjects, new machinery, new weapons, updates on the war in Ukraine. I am eager to learn about Pakistani armed forces.
5) What is your profession? I used to work in tech support for a major hospital, on servers and different OS.
6) Future plans? I hope to get a job wthin the next 2 months.
Welcome to the forum.
Stay positive and enjoy your time here.
Welcome! :usflag::pakistan:

Do you think that the Ukraine should try to regain Crimea from the Russians? Does the Ukraine accept that other nations may recognize (tacitly) the Russian annexation of Crimea?
Hello to everybody. I am so excited to be here, and hope I can get approved.

1) Tell your interests? I study Ukrainian military actions in the war in e Ukraine, I communicate with Ukrainian soldiers. I read a lot, and love dogs and fishing.
2) What do you do? I do not work currently. However I post daily updates on such things as new operations in the war, KIA and WIA statistics, photos from soldiers, on a private Facebook page.
3) How did you find us? A gentleman on reddit said he is a long time member of this forum, and said that he guarantees I have never seen anything like it.
4) What interests you here? I am interested in European and Ukrainian defense subjects, new machinery, new weapons, updates on the war in Ukraine. I am eager to learn about Pakistani armed forces.
5) What is your profession? I used to work in tech support for a major hospital, on servers and different OS.
6) Future plans? I hope to get a job wthin the next 2 months.

Warm welcome to the forum.
Hello to everybody. I am so excited to be here, and hope I can get approved.

1) Tell your interests? I study Ukrainian military actions in the war in e Ukraine, I communicate with Ukrainian soldiers. I read a lot, and love dogs and fishing.
2) What do you do? I do not work currently. However I post daily updates on such things as new operations in the war, KIA and WIA statistics, photos from soldiers, on a private Facebook page.
3) How did you find us? A gentleman on reddit said he is a long time member of this forum, and said that he guarantees I have never seen anything like it.
4) What interests you here? I am interested in European and Ukrainian defense subjects, new machinery, new weapons, updates on the war in Ukraine. I am eager to learn about Pakistani armed forces.
5) What is your profession? I used to work in tech support for a major hospital, on servers and different OS.
6) Future plans? I hope to get a job wthin the next 2 months.
Can you please explain what makes you think this forum is INCREDIBLE ?
Hello to everybody. I am so excited to be here, and hope I can get approved.

1) Tell your interests? I study Ukrainian military actions in the war in e Ukraine, I communicate with Ukrainian soldiers. I read a lot, and love dogs and fishing.
2) What do you do? I do not work currently. However I post daily updates on such things as new operations in the war, KIA and WIA statistics, photos from soldiers, on a private Facebook page.
3) How did you find us? A gentleman on reddit said he is a long time member of this forum, and said that he guarantees I have never seen anything like it.
4) What interests you here? I am interested in European and Ukrainian defense subjects, new machinery, new weapons, updates on the war in Ukraine. I am eager to learn about Pakistani armed forces.
5) What is your profession? I used to work in tech support for a major hospital, on servers and different OS.
6) Future plans? I hope to get a job wthin the next 2 months.

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