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Ex President and Ex COAS General Pervez Musharraf Passes Away

It's called amendment and it happens everywhere in world.

It's just military not respecting constitution lead to this believe

And then he brought nawaz back too

That's what I am saying

His crime was bringing Nawaz sharif back. Not removing him
Inna lillahi wa inna elaihi rajioon
People Look Only On Flaws They Don't Talk About The Great Economic Progress The Economic Boom And The Great FDI That Came During His Time Not To Mention The Fact That We Got Out Of IMF

These Were The Days When Multinationals Like Telenor and Nokia Were Thinking of Coming To Pakistan

Not To Mention The Billions Of Dollars That Came From The Middle East

Not defending Musharraf but imposing martial law was no crime. Same with Akbar bugti

His mistakes were accepting all American conditions after 9/11 easily even though Pakistan never had much choice and all leaders more or less would have done the same

His biggest mistake was giving NRO which we are paying for till today. Killings in Karachi were again one of his crime
These idiots don't think about what could have happened if we had not joined the US in the GWOT.
The US would have bombed us to the stone age and then the nuclear sanctions would have never been lifted what he did was purely out of desperate thinking.
Public can't forgive his crime of surrendering the country to US and giving NRO to crooks. Anyway, Rest in Peace.
His enlightened moderation, and with it Pakistan first was good point of sale for Pakistan and to the western world, the initial years of his government was the best regarding economy and telecom and Media industry flourished.

Pakistan was getting about 8, 9 billion USD per annum FDI in his period of 9 years and Shaukat Aziz the PM.

His worst mistake was the NRO given to zardari and sharif.
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