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Featured Ex PN Chief Zafar Mehmood Abbasi highlighted PN modernization

Sir what I am wondering is that if we are developing a Ballistic Missile with let's assume will have 1500 KM range. Which Ship we have, or is coming which can carry and fire that kind of missile. Nobody is answering that question.
I think the ASBM will likely be deployed from land. Our surface ships will probably carry the supersonic-cruising ASCM. Now, it would be interesting if we could get an SLBM out of the P282...
Sir my entire point I am still wondering if we are developing a Ballistic Missile with let say 1500 KM range which Ship we have or is coming which can carry and fire that kind of missile. Nobody is answering that question.
Where did you get that 1500KM range? The exCNS only said anti-ship ballistic missile. Very likely this is something like the Iran's PG, Hormuz 1 and 2, or Chinese SY-400 with ranges between 300km to 800km. Think of a Ghaznavi with a specialized warhead.

It is super unlikely that P-282 is a DF-21 class system. This is probably because:
1. Too expensive to build in numbers.
2. Too complicated.
3. How will you track targets at those ranges (see excellent video by Covert Cabal)
4. Pakistan doesn't need to hit anything at those ranges.

EDIT: Actually I would wager that the P-282 is a specialized development of the Ghaznavi.
Where did you get that 1500KM range? The exCNS only said anti-ship ballistic missile. Very likely this is something like the Iran's PG, Hormuz 1 and 2, or Chinese SY-400 with ranges between 300km to 800km. Think of a Ghaznavi with a specialized warhead.

It is super unlikely that P-282 is a DF-21 class system. This is probably because:
1. Too expensive to build in numbers.
2. Too complicated.
3. How will you track targets at those ranges (see excellent video by Covert Cabal)
4. Pakistan doesn't need to hit anything at those ranges.

EDIT: Actually I would wager that the P-282 is a specialized development of the Ghaznavi.
He clearly stated development of long range Ballistic and Cruise Missiles which can be fired from ships and hit target on land. For cruise Missile Type 52 D is enough issue is Ballistic Missiles.
052D seems to be the one ... don't you think the 055 is way too big and costly for us USN classified 055 as a cruiser I don't think we can afford that..... so the surface fleet will look like
4 054A frigates
1 Jinnah class frigate ( will probably go for 4 ships )
2 OPVs from
6 heavier vessels
4 F22ps ( no idea if they will be upgraded or retired)
FACs and gun boats
And development of supersonic anti ship ballistic missile
Such a strong surface fleet can easily deal with IN I am impressed by the way navy expanded from 9 major ship navy .... credit goes to the ex navy chief very competent person I hope Army is taking notes...
My guess is goal will be 20 large vessels, 50 ships in total & 12 subs
4 milgem
4 f22p replaced/supplemented by 4 jinnah class in 2030s
4 type 54
6 type 52
I think the ASBM will likely be deployed from land. Our surface ships will probably carry the supersonic-cruising ASCM. Now, it would be interesting if we could get an SLBM out of the P282...
Only likely if yaun/hangoor has VLS
He clearly stated development of long range Ballistic and Cruise Missiles which can be fired from ships and hit target on land. For cruise Missile Type 52 D is enough issue is Ballistic Missiles.
You're right, I was mistaken. (talking about the ballistic missile part here)

"In the hypersonic domain, ship-based, long-range, anti-ship and land-attack P-282 ballistic missile in under development".

I admit, I am kind of confused by this. Not sure what "long-range" would mean.
I think the ASBM will likely be deployed from land. Our surface ships will probably carry the supersonic-cruising ASCM. Now, it would be interesting if we could get an SLBM out of the P282...

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) he clearly says "ship-based".
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You're right, I was mistaken. (talking about the ballistic missile part here)

"In the hypersonic domain, ship-based, long-range, anti-ship and land-attack P-282 ballistic missile in under development".

I admit, I am kind of confused by this. Not sure what "long-range" would mean.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) he clearly says "ship-based".
I am confused here is he saying Supersonic or hypersonic anti ship ballistic missile?
You're right, I was mistaken. (talking about the ballistic missile part here)

"In the hypersonic domain, ship-based, long-range, anti-ship and land-attack P-282 ballistic missile in under development".

I admit, I am kind of confused by this. Not sure what "long-range" would mean.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) he clearly says "ship-based".
hmmm...tbh ship-based ASBMs aren't common at all. However, it would imply the development of a deep VLS system to accommodate it. IMHO this would necessitate a large ship.
Great development, the only missing point is no plan for future helicopters.
hmmm...tbh ship-based ASBMs aren't common at all. However, it would imply the development of a deep VLS system to accommodate it. IMHO this would necessitate a large ship.
On a lighter note, you could fit a bunch of shaheen1s on limo I-class lol:

On a serious note, I know of interest in putting ballistic missiles on ships as far back as 2012 - there was a lot of interest in Stewart platforms to stabilize the launcher in rough seas.
Sir what I am wondering is that if we are developing a Ballistic Missile with let's assume will have 1500 KM range. Which Ship we have, or is coming which can carry and fire that kind of missile. Nobody is answering that question.

Why are we assuming it is a ship, No one knows the configuration of our new submarines. if it is a ballistic missile capability, it would make sense for it to be submarine launched, to augment our second strike capability, especially if as mentioned, it has an effective operational range of 1000km +. It would require just two silos. Russia has developed a cruise missile type launch Ballistic missile but that capability might be beyond us, but then again Its hard to say nowadays. No one thought we had a cruise missile capacity until it was tested in the open.

Somehow, I have a feeling the Jinnah class will be developed in two phases and two sizes, initial batch to get our procedures in order and step on the learning curve, and sufficient size to cement our EEZ operational capabilities, and possibly a second larger batch with true offensive capabilities in the 2030's.

The navy have used the same approach with the Yarmook class, they acquired two ships, built from commercial standards, discovered it meets the needs of the navy and gives the navy greater freedom and independence in fitting the vessels. Hence they have decided to go for larger order of 6 platforms of larger size, which gives them greater integration options.

Destroyers are expensive to build and operate, the navy seems to have made sensible choices so far, it seems illogical for the navy to jump into the destroyer category right away. We still have to develop our operational strategies with the larger surface fleet, operational requirements change. So, it is not a case of get ship, operate ship and woohoo we have a world class navy.

An operationally effective navy, with a force we can afford makes more sense.

EDIT: Actually I would wager that the P-282 is a specialized development of the Ghaznavi.
in term of range probably [note for common readers: this is just my assumption, based on previous open source information] something in between Ghaznavi and Shaheen-1A missiles so the range would be greater than 290 KM but most likely less than 1,000 KM or in other terms close analogy of this missile would be K-15 missile in Indian inventory.

So IF this happen then it is the indication of a new series of missiles with capability of getting launched from multiple possible Launch Platforms from at least 3 out of four domains of PN.
hmmm...tbh ship-based ASBMs aren't common at all. However, it would imply the development of a deep VLS system to accommodate it. IMHO this would necessitate a large ship.

Or it is probable that this hypersonic missile will be submarine based. In fact, this is the most likely scenario, as almost all naval ballistic missiles are fired from submarines.

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