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Featured Ex PN Chief Zafar Mehmood Abbasi highlighted PN modernization

One, never present your capabilities / plans in a plate to your enemy assuming that he knows that. Let him make some effort and spend resources to learn that. Two, divulgence of information by such a senior officer is a stamped / authenticated intelligence.
Sometimes a message has to be intentionally sent across the border. This is that moment.
If I read the details on what Jinnah Class Frigate really is, then it's stated that the fourth ship of the Milgem will be Jinnah Class that would be designed and constructed entirely by Pakistan. In other words there will only be there Milgem Frigates, while there would possibly be upto five Jinnah Class Frigates. Bringing the total number of frigates to 8. Which would give Pakistan Navy 12-13 frigates and upto 6-7 Destroyers.
Breakdown of all 3 TFs will be interesting. One focused towards India, one to protect Gwadar and last one as reserve.
If I read the details on what Jinnah Class Frigate really is, then it's stated that the fourth ship of the Milgem will be Jinnah Class that would be designed and constructed entirely by Pakistan. In other words there will only be there Milgem Frigates, while there would possibly be upto five Jinnah Class Frigates. Bringing the total number of frigates to 8. Which would give Pakistan Navy 12-13 frigates and upto 6-7 Destroyers.
He clearly said that the 5th ship will be the “first frigate designed and built in Pakistan“so it obvious that first 4 will be milgems and jinnah class will start from the 5th ship.
Pak navy should seriously think of destroyers yarmook class is waste of money type 55 destroyer of china give great flexibility to navy
I don’t think anyone should call yarmook class a waste of money. Obviously we won’t use frigates to patrol our EEZ thats where yarmook comes in.
Secondly about destroyers,Admiral mentioned a ship-based ASBM and only destroyers can deploy that so i guess they are also looking towards them.
I don’t think anyone should call yarmook class a waste of money. Obviously we won’t use frigates to patrol our EEZ thats where yarmook comes in.
Secondly about destroyers,Admiral mentioned a ship-based ASBM and only destroyers can deploy that so i guess they are also looking towards them.

Yarmook class is a great investment. Majority Pak Navy patrols will not be more then 1,000 miles away from Pakistan. For tasks like sub hunting near our coast, anti-Piracy, anti-terror, escort, coastal defence, these boats are lightly manned, cheap and effective. You do not need a heavy Frigate for such tasks. It Frees up PN Frigates for longer range and more complex missions
This shud b completed soon. That makes heavy surface navies nearly obsolete. There is no answer to anti ship ballistic missiles
For ballistic missiles in the anti ship role...a lot remains to be seen. There's no such thing as "no answer" for pretty much everything related to warfare. Here is one excellent video by covert cabal regarding China's DF21D anti ship ballistic missile...that analyzes its possible capabilities...and potential ways it can be countered.
The (former) CNS Admiral Zafar Mehmood Abbasi reveals in his farewell address that the PN is procuring 4 MILGEM Ada corvettes from Turkey. Delivery timeline is between 2023-2025.
The key takeaway is that design and engineering technology transfer will take place and the FIFTH (5th) ship will be the Jinnah-class frigate and will be Pakistan's first 'indigenously designed' frigate.
So it will not be 3 Ada + 1 Jinnah.
It will be the full order of 4 Ada and the Jinnah class will be a seperate spinoff class derived from the Ada.

Other key takeaways:
  • PN has always operated with a maximum of 8-10 surface ships which causes severe operational problems and stretches the assetts to their limits
  • To rectify this, the fleet expansion plan envisions a 50-ship Navy with 20 'large' surface vessels
  • 4x Type 054A/P
  • 1x (for now) Jinnah-class (presently in design phase)
  • 2x Yarmook-class 2300 ton corvettes
  • 6x Yarmook-class variants with larger tonnage in contractual stage
  • 20x Indigenous gunboats by 2025
  • FAC(M) 4 - PNS Haibat to be commisioned by end of 2020
  • 'Submarine design and production capability being acquired to make PN from a submarine operating Navy to a submarine-builder's Navy'
  • 1x Yuan-class sub being acquired from China on gratis basis to enable smooth transition to Hangor class
  • Under PN Aviation Vision promulgated in Nov 2017, 2 ATR MPAs inducted, 1 ATR MPA will join fleet next year
  • 10x LRMPA (jets) are planned as replacement of P-3C. 'Commercial jet has been selected and will be retrofitted with avionics suite on ATR model'
  • Contract for first LRMPA has been signed
  • Contract for long range, high endurance UCAV with SATCOM capability has been signed
  • PN Marines envisioned as a division-size force by 2030
  • SSG(N) envisioned as a brigade-size force by 2023
  • Local development of ship-based long range anti-ship and land attack P-282 ballistic missile 'in the hypersonic domain'
  • Laser-based Directed Energy Weapons being developed at NRDI (20:57)
  • UCAV at NRDI (21:03)

He is talking about heavier tonnage version of Yarmook class
He mentioned Tabook and Haybat separately. These six he is referring to are Destroyers which one that has to be seen. Because if Pakistan is developing Ballistic Missiles which could be launched from surface ships than you could even see Type 55 becoming part of Pakistan Navy.
He mentioned Tabook and Haybat separately. These six he is referring to are Destroyers which one that has to be seen. Because if Pakistan is developing Ballistic Missiles which could be launched from surface ships than you could even see Type 55 becoming part of Pakistan Navy.

If so that is very interesting, it does point to us becoming more of an expiditonary Navy and moving beyon Arabian sea.

Let's face it, with a country with such a small coast line as Pakistan we will have a Navy to rival most modern countries. You do not need 13 MPAs or 6 Destroyers if you plane just coastal defence. I think this will see a emphasis not only on the Indian threat but also securing Western supply lines and more of an active participation in the Persian Gulf.
If so that is very interesting, it does point to us becoming more of an expiditonary Navy and moving beyon Arabian sea.

Let's face it, with a country with such a small coast line as Pakistan we will have a Navy to rival most modern countries. You do not need 13 MPAs or 6 Destroyers if you plane just coastal defence. I think this will see a emphasis not only on the Indian threat but also securing Western supply lines and more of an active participation in the Persian Gulf.
Sir the waters which we have to secure and defend are no small feet. Secondly yes Navy is looking for a global role not just regional.
  • Laser-based Directed Energy Weapons being developed at NRDI (20:57)
  • UCAV at NRDI (21:03)

Exciting prospects.
But I have serious doubts about NRDI's capabilities, specially in the DEWs domain. I'm saying this because NRDI is co-located at my university campus, as the Admiral mentioned and the facilities and human resources are extremely basic to say the least.
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