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Ex-PM Mahathir says Malaysia should claim Singapore and Riau Islands

Malaysia should incorporate Singapore and Indonesia in return should take over United Malaysia et voilà I just solved a huge geopolitical problem.
Indonesian Presidential Office comment on Mahathir statement (which I think is misinterpreted by Singaporean media)


Jaleswari Pramodawardhani (Head of defense and security in Presidential Office)

KSP Responds to Mahathir Mohamad's Statement Claiming the Riau Archipelago​

Siswanto | Ummi Hadyah Saleh
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 | 15:16 WIB

Suara.com - Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office, Jaleswari Pramodawardhani , responded to the controversial statement of former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad who claimed the Riau Islands were part of Malaysia.

"It needs to be confirmed whether Mahathir Mohamad's statement is the official position of the Malaysian government. If not, then the statement is just a personal view," Jaleswari said in a short message received in Jakarta, today.

Previously, it was reported that former Mahathir Mohamad said Malaysia should claim Singapore and the Riau Islands as part of the Malay Land. Mahathir made this statement because according to him, Singapore and Riau are part of the Malay Land which has historical relations with Malaysia.

Jaleswari emphasized that objectively, to determine the holder of sovereignty over a territory, customary international law and various precedents of international court decisions have provided a standard of effective control that must be met by a government over the claimed area.

Also Read:Riau Archipelago Becomes First to Legalize Land in Coastal Areas: 560.31 Uncertified Land

"Until now, the only entity that has control over the Riau Province is the Government of the Republic of Indonesia," she said.

This, said Jaleswari, can be seen from the existence of Indonesian government administration in Riau Province which is carried out through a democratic process, the capacity to apply national laws, population registration, law enforcement capabilities, and other elements that can only be applied by legitimate government entities.

Riau islands are basically dividing Malaysia

Natuna islands are part of Riau islands


The areas is fully guarded by Indonesian military

Several exercises are conducted by Indonesian Armed Force in Natuna islands

No need to attack, just cut fresh water supply and also gas supply where the origin comes from Malaysia.

Yes now remember my driver in Singapore was once telling that in Singapore everything is just imported even water.... That time I didn't realise that even water flows from Malaysia..... But suppose if Malaysia does this in reality will there be a war? What will be the reactions of bigger powers like China and USA who are Singapore allies..... Any idea?

You may not believe that Singapore has depth, because China and USA are both Singapore's depth.

Yes Singapore enjoys solid relationship with both super powers like USA and China.....

I was just narrating one on one scenario between Malaysia and Singapore..... If both USA and China decides to stay away in war between Malaysia and Singapore what you think who will win? Will Singapore small area become a problem for it to sustain a fight with Malaysia??

Malaysia is welcome to try. This time the FPDA might not get involved though since MY is the aggressor. Would be a good 2nd try for Indonesia to invade Malaysia.

Why would Indonesia invade Malaysia if they attack Singapore? Can you shade some light on this...
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Why would Indonesia invade Malaysia if they attack Singapore? Can you shade some light on this...

@nufix said that it is Indonesia respond if Malaysia wants to get Riau islands. Riau islands are part of Indonesia.

I will try to answer your question to me later
Malay elites are having lots inferior complex towards Javanese. Traditionally, Javanese are the hegemon, and the most cultured tribe, and smartest in Malay archipelago. In comparison lots of Malay elites are merely scion of Bugis pirates.

Javanese are able to be reasonably fair to the rest of the Malay tribes such as Sundamese, Bugis, Minang, Dayaks.....etc and even Christian. Everyone more or less willing to stay under the nation.

In Malaysia everyone hate Malays. Even Muslims such as Kadazan and Malay Iban hate Malays. Malays sht on everyone.

The Javanese is arguably the reason why Indonesia is largely stable when compared to countries with similar demographic make up (lots of different cultures and background). Javanese do not enforce their language to be the national language despite being almost half of Indonesian population, Javanese also do not push for special quotas despite being the majority. They are also more adaptable and inclusive. The time the Javanese want special treatment for them would be the day Indonesia cease to exist.

Anyway, The way tribes are classified is different between Indonesia and Malaysia. What constitute Melayu in Indonesia is just people who adheres to the custom of Melayu which centers around Riau and extends to North, West and South Sumatra. Thus, Javanese in Indonesia do not consider themselves as Melayu. Javanese believe that the term Melayu is originated from the word Mblayu which means people who ran away (from the Javanese). It was said that this term was coined during Javanese invasions towards the lands in Sumatra and Peninsula throughout 8th to 14th century.

Whereas in the peninsula, the term Melayu refers to people who are considered native to the archipelago which includes Javanese, Bugis, etc,
Malay race in South Thailand I believe wants to be Indonesia citizen if they get the opportunity.

Just like Jirayut, Thailand singer that become Indonesia citizen.


Jirayut teach Thai language to Indonesian comedians :omghaha:

Yes now remember my driver in Singapore was once telling that in Singapore everything is just imported even water.... That time I didn't realise that even water flows from Malaysia..... But suppose if Malaysia does this in reality will there be a war? What will be the reactions of bigger powers like China and USA who are Singapore allies..... Any idea?

Yes Singapore enjoys solid relationship with both super powers like USA and China.....

I was just narrating one on one scenario between Malaysia and Singapore..... If both USA and China decides to stay away in war between Malaysia and Singapore what you think who will win? Will Singapore small area become a problem for it to sustain a fight with Malaysia??

Why would Indonesia invade Malaysia if they attack Singapore? Can you shade some light on this...
How can China and the USA not interfere?
Even if we do not consider the relationship between Singapore and these two countries, just because of the Malacca Strait and Singaporean Chinese(74% of Singaporeans are Chinese), China and the USA will not sit idly by.

Although China and the USA disagree in many areas, they have always maintained a unified position on the issue of maintaining Singapore's security. The consequences of invading Singapore will be greater than Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, because this time China will join the UN army.

To tell the truth, I don't believe Mahathir would be so naive to covet Singapore's sovereignty. As an experienced politician, he certainly knows the consequences of this incident. I think he is only deliberately pandering to some right-wing forces in Malaysia. He may not be so stupid himself.
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The main branch of Riau Sultanate is based in Indonesia. Indonesia should be claiming Malaysia and not the other way.

Malay Nazi trying to stir sht.

What happened was a bunch of white coc sucker and traitors in Malaysia instigating with British to break up Indonesia. That is why we have Malaysia. Malaysian are the scion of traitors and scvm.


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And how can Malaysia reclaim Singapore.

Malaysia should not have given independence to Singapore in the first place.

I don't think Singapore is a Muslim majority country.
I used to be pro-Malaysia on this topic because I perceive Singapore to be a chinese colony.
Still, to this day, Singapore has an US base, and it's the only ASEAN country that sanctions Russia, it's more like an US colony now.
I used to be pro-Malaysia on this topic because I perceive Singapore to be a chinese colony.
Still, to this day, Singapore has an US base, and it's the only ASEAN country that sanctions Russia, it's more like an US colony now.

Don't worry, Singapore is not a colony of any country, Singapore is the Singapore of Singaporeans.

In China, I have never seen any Chinese people oppose Singapore's closeness to the USA, neither American bases nor anything else is a problem.
The Chinese govt will not waver in its attitude towards Singapore.
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