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Ex-PM Mahathir says Malaysia should claim Singapore and Riau Islands

If Singapore is the colony of China, China should teach Malaysia a lesson.

However, Singapore supports the United States and the West, so neutral is the most reasonable choice if Malaysia attacks Singapore.

It is like a dog fighting game, and China is the audience
Didn't Malaysia kick out Singapore in the 1960s to form a new nation, and now it wants Singapore back only becos it's a most developed and wealthy nation ? Based on what ground ?
Yes now remember my driver in Singapore was once telling that in Singapore everything is just imported even water.... That time I didn't realise that even water flows from Malaysia..... But suppose if Malaysia does this in reality will there be a war? What will be the reactions of bigger powers like China and USA who are Singapore allies..... Any idea?

Singapore defense strategy is to invade some small part of Malaysia that become the source of the fresh water for Singaporean if war is break out and Malaysia cut the fresh water supply.


When Soekarno attack both Malaysia and Singapore, USA do nothing, despite Indonesia during that time sided on USSR and CCP of China. China also do nothing and support Indonesia case.

During that period where the term is "Ganyang Malaysia", Indonesia bombed Singapore 50 times and attack Malaysian part of Borneo island which has direct border with Indonesia's Kalimantan island. The ones that helped Malaysia/Singapore is Commonwealth nations (Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Gurka from Nepal).

Australia for instant still put their fighters squadron in Malaysia until 1990 despite Indonesia has been under Soeharto that has opposite foreign policy compared to Soekarno. Soeharto for instant helped Malaysia to fight against their communist insurgency in Malaysian part of Borneo island by sending our Army special force, Kopassus.


At this time, I think no one wanting to have a war with another country in SEA. Invasion is near impossible, only Indonesia and Vietnam in SEA that has made invasion to their neighbor. Both nations are newly industrialized countries now, relies on foreign trade and investment to grow the economy and relatively have huge untapped land. Very stupid move to invade other country. Near zero both of them wanting to do invasion. Indonesia democracy and Vietnam responsible Communist Party IMO will make what happen in Russia difficult to happen in SEA.


If Malaysia attack Singapore, IMO Britain/ Australia/ and possibly India will help Singapore. Both Britain and Australia can make Western countries do sanction on Malaysia. I dont know if Singapore has some kind of defense treaty with USA like happening between USA and Philippine.
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No way ethnic Chinese would accept to become a minority in a Malay majority country.
Both Malaysia and Singapore are carried by the ethnic Chinese. And Malaysia discriminates against non-Malays.
India is vital for country like Malaysia, Philippine and Singapore because those nations rely heavily on India agriculture sector for their main food (rice), where for Singapore it is complete 100 % reliance. What happen, for example, if India embargo Malaysia ? India can still get CPO and cooking oil from Indonesia.

Malaysia is a federation, they are already lucky if their federation can still be intact, those Sultanate in Sabah and Sarawak are currently unhappy with Malaysia government that prioritize Malaysia peninsula, despite big oil and gas fields come from Sabah and Sarawak (Borneo island).

Now, with Indonesia moves the capital into Kalimantan and is now trying to develop Kalimantan even further, those in Sabah and Sarawak may some day decide to join Indonesia. What I know from their parliamentary hearing, those Sabah and Sarawak elite is happy with Indonesia move to make Nusantara as Indonesia future capital, while I see elite in Peninsula Malaysia will be nervous.

This is why I doubt Mahathir idea to get Singapore into Malaysia Federation is considered as something serious to Malaysian strategist and elite in Peninsula Malaysia. For their comment about Riau islands, I think it is misinterpreted by Singaporean media who blow up this news.
How can China and the USA not interfere?
Even if we do not consider the relationship between Singapore and these two countries, just because of the Malacca Strait and Singaporean Chinese(74% of Singaporeans are Chinese), China and the USA will not sit idly by.

Although China and the USA disagree in many areas, they have always maintained a unified position on the issue of maintaining Singapore's security. The consequences of invading Singapore will be greater than Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, because this time China will join the UN army.

To tell the truth, I don't believe Mahathir would be so naive to covet Singapore's sovereignty. As an experienced politician, he certainly knows the consequences of this incident. I think he is only deliberately pandering to some right-wing forces in Malaysia. He may not be so stupid himself.

Thanks for detail information...... What a nightmarish scenario it will be for any country in this world if together 2 super powers China and USA coming together to deal militarily.....

Singapore defense strategy is to invade some small part of Malaysia that become the source of the fresh water for Singaporean if war is break out and Malaysia cut the fresh water supply.


When Soekarno attack both Malaysia and Singapore, USA do nothing, despite Indonesia during that time sided on USSR and CCP of China. China also do nothing and support Indonesia case.

During that period where the term is "Ganyang Malaysia", Indonesia bombed Singapore 50 times and attack Malaysian part of Borneo island which has direct border with Indonesia's Kalimantan island. The ones that helped Malaysia/Singapore is Commonwealth nations (Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Gurka from Nepal).

Australia for instant still put their fighters squadron in Malaysia until 1990 despite Indonesia has been under Soeharto that has opposite foreign policy compared to Soekarno. Soeharto for instant helped Malaysia to fight against their communist insurgency in Malaysian part of Borneo island by sending our Army special force, Kopassus.


At this time, I think no one wanting to have a war with another country in SEA. Invasion is near impossible, only Indonesia and Vietnam in SEA that has made invasion to their neighbor. Both nations are newly industrialized countries now, relies on foreign trade and investment to grow the economy and relatively have huge untapped land. Very stupid move to invade other country. Near zero both of them wanting to do invasion. Indonesia democracy and Vietnam responsible Communist Party IMO will make what happen in Russia difficult to happen in SEA.


If Malaysia attack Singapore, IMO Britain/ Australia/ and possibly India will help Singapore. Both Britain and Australia can make Western countries do sanction on Malaysia. I dont know if Singapore has some kind of defense treaty with USA like happening between USA and Philippine.

Thanks for detail information..... Only one small doubt do you really think India will try to help Singapore and if yes then why? I'm asking because till date I never heard in Indian media that we have that solid relationship with Singapore though we are on friendly terms.....

India is vital for country like Malaysia, Philippine and Singapore because those nations rely heavily on India agriculture sector for their main food (rice), where for Singapore it is complete 100 % reliance. What happen, for example, if India embargo Malaysia ? India can still get CPO and cooking oil from Indonesia.

Malaysia is a federation, they are already lucky if their federation can still be intact, those Sultanate in Sabah and Sarawak are currently unhappy with Malaysia government that prioritize Malaysia peninsula, despite big oil and gas fields come from Sabah and Sarawak (Borneo island).

Now, with Indonesia moves the capital into Kalimantan and is now trying to develop Kalimantan even further, those in Sabah and Sarawak may some day decide to join Indonesia. What I know from their parliamentary hearing, those Sabah and Sarawak elite is happy with Indonesia move to make Nusantara as Indonesia future capital, while I see elite in Peninsula Malaysia will be nervous.

This is why I doubt Mahathir idea to get Singapore into Malaysia Federation is considered as something serious to Malaysian strategist and elite in Peninsula Malaysia. For their comment about Riau islands, I think it is misinterpreted by Singaporean media who blow up this news.

I didn't know Malaysia relies on India in agricultural sector especially in rice.... I thought these green countries are self sufficient here..... Thanks for this information 🙂
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Thanks for detail information..... Only one small doubt do you really think India will try to help Singapore and if yes then why? I'm asking because till date I never heard in Indian media that we have that solid relationship with Singapore though we are on friendly terms.....

I didn't know Malaysia relies on India in agricultural sector especially in rice.... I thought these green countries are self sufficient here..... Thanks for this information 🙂

Your well come, Singapore is the biggest source of FDI into India and Indian ethnic has more influence within Singapore than to Malaysia despite both have big Indian ethnic. For example, Singapore Central Bank Governor is Indian, Singapore Foreign Minister is Chindian/Chinese and Indian mix blood, Singapore social security Minister is Indian (managing internal security within Singaporean society), just an example

India is also part of Commonwealth nations


Malaysian citizens dont like to do labor job, just like in Palm Oil sector mostly it is Indonesian labors who work there, also happening in construction, many Bangladeshi are also hired in Malaysia.

They are lacking human power to cultivate rice, and Indonesia soon will export around 200.000 ton of rice to Malaysia and China.
Singapore has strategic depth in US,China and India. Malaysian right wing religious nut jobs can keep dreaming and this senile oldie can keep making such outlandish statements.
Singapore has strategic depth in US,China and India. Malaysian right wing religious nut jobs can keep dreaming and this senile oldie can keep making such outlandish statements.
Not sure if you understand what strategic depth is. If Singapore arm force need to make a strategic retreat, can they withdraw to China or India or US ?

Singapore strategic depth is Johor. If you know what I mean.

What Mahathir said is just for internal consumption. Talk is cheap. Too many posters are reading too much onto this.
What Mahathir said is just for internal consumption. Talk is cheap. Too many posters are reading too much onto this.

You're right. Not his first time making such comments and we are not unfamiliar with it.

Creating the thread for the lulz but seems like many posters especially non-Singaporeans/Malaysians read too much into it lol.
It is Malaysia who throw Singapore out from the Malaysia federation. The reason is because during that time the population between Malay and Chinese ethnics are balance in the federation, so to get majority Malay should throw Singapore out from federation.

The reason of why Malaysia is won in Sipadan and Ligitan case is because Soeharto wants the dispute solved peacefully and therefore he is agree to bring the case to international court. The reason of the win is because :

1. Those two tiny islands have already been occupied by Malaysian citizens who live there.
2. Many of the judges are British that favor Malaysia, while Japanese judges who are minority choose Indonesia.


That Strait Time reporter (and editor who approve the news) are not good in absorbing the statement by Mahathir, Mahathir means Singapore should be Malay land just like Riau islands (Sipadan and Ligitan case).

Any way, Riau islands are indeed Malay land as those living in that islands are Malay ethnic from Indonesia.
It's my dream to scuba dive at the Sipadan island. Hopefully one day it will happen.
Not as trivial as forumers trying to downplay it. Malay leaders masturbate their nations by playing up "territory loss" of Singapore n x times, whenever there were national crisis. And they did send their securities forces incurring and encroaching Singapore water whenever they have domestic issues they cant fixed.

Malay leaders also engage in cartological invasion MANY times.

They are just bunch of scvm and Singapore and Malaysia may just go to war one day -- especially when Malay status quo are in danger of losing power.

Indonesia is a force of responsibility and stability these days.

The best thing to happen in this region is Malaysia disintegrate.

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Not as trivial as forumers trying to downplay it. Malay leaders masturbate their nations by playing up "territory loss" of Singapore n x times, whenever there were national crisis. And they did send their securities forces incurring and encroaching Singapore water whenever they have domestic issues they cant fixed.

Malay leaders also engage in cartological invasion MANY times.

They are just bunch of scvm and Singapore and Malaysia may just go to war one day -- especially when Malay status quo are in danger of losing power.

Indonesia is a force of responsibility and stability these days.

The best thing to happen in this region is Malaysia disintegrate.

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First, the interests of Malaysian Chinese must be protected.
Not as trivial as forumers trying to downplay it. Malay leaders masturbate their nations by playing up "territory loss" of Singapore n x times, whenever there were national crisis. And they did send their securities forces incurring and encroaching Singapore water whenever they have domestic issues they cant fixed.

Malay leaders also engage in cartological invasion MANY times.

They are just bunch of scvm and Singapore and Malaysia may just go to war one day -- especially when Malay status quo are in danger of losing power.

Indonesia is a force of responsibility and stability these days.

The best thing to happen in this region is Malaysia disintegrate.

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If you look at what Mahathir has done over the many years, he has tried his entire life to make Malay competitive. This, he has obviously failed miserably. I feel sorry for him. He has constantly praised the achievements of the Chinese.
Under his first reign as PM, Malaysia had the world's highest growth rate for many years. Many infrastructure projects were implemented.
He then pass on the PM to Najib, a mistake of epic proportion. :hitwall:

Today Malay has become even less competitive than ever. This is a backlash to Mahathir when he appointed a Chinese to the important finance minister cabinet position. That had terrified the elite Malays. Today more and more Malay now believe in entitlement.

That they are somewhat entitle to privileges just because they are Bumiputeras.
I guess you are referencing to the wrong guy with Mahathir. Motive of Russia operation in Ukraine is not about sovereignty but about genocide of ethnic Russian in Ukraine by neo Nazi and NATO encroachment..

In fact, Russian beg for the Minsk agreement.

Rather the opposite, Russia fear not so much Ukrainians, but Russian Ukrainians turning anti-Russian.

They annihilated the most pro-Russian city in the whole of Ukraine, and their proxy states of DPR/LPR been turned into hellholes worse than Russia itself. Russiophiles, or russophobes doesn't matter, both are runaway serfs in their eyes.

Similarly, Mahatron, and UMNO view Malay immigrants to Sing almost like nation-traitors.

Didn't Malaysia kick out Singapore in the 1960s to form a new nation, and now it wants Singapore back only becos it's a most developed and wealthy nation ? Based on what ground ?

Based on bottomless insecurity.
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