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Ex-army chief VK Singh tried to topple J&K government: Report

Though this is not politically correct - but usually the ruling party has a great say. Let me give you an example - the family of a judge is a soft target. Just by saying that 'we will take care of your family' a sweet sugar coated threat can be given. It is difficult for anyone to ignore that. :(
He is being targeted for unearthing defense scams.
Fenkus have something to fenk... what does Congress have?

Scam-fests. :lol:

Allegations come after he shared dias with Modi.

Wonder where they were before.

Same was done against Air chief PV Naik and VM PK Barbora.

The same CBI mentality. Threats.

you are right, supreme courts is wrong too, only Fenku is correct an now another Fenku this general
NOt about the jobs BUT court has found same faults with VK Singh.

So will you call Indian Court politicized and congress wala?

That was on his age ,that issue is completely irrelevant today ......This is a new issue and Judiciary is not involved in this
[Bregs];4790856 said:
you are right, supreme courts is wrong too, only Fenku is correct an now another Fenku this general

How far are you willing to go Sir, to target 'Fenku'?
You sir, should be ashamed of yourself. You have humiliated our ex Army Chief in an International Defense Forum and that too saareyam! Any self respecting individual would think twice before trying to score points at the cost of denigrating one's own army chief. Just look - A forced retirement order! And boasting that here! :hitwall:

Mind it - I am not saying VK Singh was right. I am saying that throwing mud at one's ex Chief at the expense of minimal sense of decency is P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C. :suicide:

why should i be ashamed this general should be ashamed for taking govt. to the court making this an international news, thats why SC asked him to withdraw his petition. Do not blame me for all the ills of this general. Its he who didn't accept his age poilitely but only when issue had been highlighted by he himself all over the world by going to Supreme court

Do not try to act as de facto moderator here please, stop other RSS workers here who are making abusing comments
[Bregs];4790871 said:
why should i be ashamed this general should be ashamed for taking govt. to the court making this an international news, thats why SC asked him to withdraw his petition. Do not blame me for all the ills of this general. Its he who didn't accept his age poilitely but only when issue had been highlighted by he himself all over the world by going to Supreme court

Do not try to act as de facto moderator here please, stop other RSS workers here who are making abusing comments

I am against all indecent acts :D :yay:
Just wait, As the election comes nearer so many other allegation against anti-congress persons will come up. I am sure if he would not have entered politics this allegation would not have happened!!

And also Barkha Dutta and Shoma Choudhury of Tehlka will go bonkers to night on NDTV!!
Oh! somehow the report is published after he was seen on stage with modi....how convincing?

Oh! somehow the report is published after he was seen on stage with modi....how convincing?
The same paper had published reports of the Tanks marching towards Delhi... Very credible new paper i must say..

Gen. V.K.Singh should take action against these Congo-lackey news papers.. Just wait for next rally. Modi will blast the central govt.

These idiots have shot themselves in feet. Rajasthan , Haryana and MP has high number of military men. BJP must use all its power to show the real face of Congress. This single report has guaranteed 5-10 extra seats for BJP.. :lol:
[Bregs];4790856 said:
you are right, supreme courts is wrong too, only Fenku is correct an now another Fenku this general

But I am simply talking about Al Khangress' false attempt to malign a respected soldier.

Where does the court come into this?

Are you saying that this was a court order?

I mean we're talking about the same group of jokers who reported Army tanks marching into Delhi and how Madam G had ordered police to keep a vigil and called Anthony. :lol: Just last year.
Oh look.. Shekhar Gupta & Indian Express is at it again. Din't they accuse V K Singh of trying to topple central govt, just last year? They fell flat on their face then... so will this time too...

The same paper had published reports of the Tanks marching towards Delhi... Very credible new paper i must say..

Gen. V.K.Singh should take action against these Congo-lackey news papers.. Just wait for next rally. Modi will blast the central govt.

Quite unnecessary. The Indian Express & Shekhar Gupta are widely respected including by the BJP. The former PM Vajpayee (&Jaswant Singh) in the mid 1990's had asked Shekhar Gupta to look at the Su-30 deal quietly and see if there was any corruption. There wasn't, it was a different story but the point here is that Shekhar Gupta is hugely respected across the board. Trying to tar every story not liked by the BJP supporters in this manner only leads to the charge of both being intolerant & manipulative. The Indian Express has reported on the existence of a report, not on the evracity of its contents. Same with the "coup" story too.

[Bregs];4790856 said:
you are right, supreme courts is wrong too, only Fenku is correct an now another Fenku this general

You are being extremely unreasonable & more than a bit silly. You are posting stories not understanding what is written in them. The Supreme Court hearing is one such. A simple reading of the entire run-up to the DoB controversy would show anyone with even a bit of sense that Gen.V.K. Singh was not wrong in his position. It is a different matter that the SC went by the date as entered originally, that is an equally valid position to take (including by the Defence Minister) It certainly does not question the General's claim in itself. Just because some here are using this story to tar the Congress is no reason to do the same to V.K.Singh, someone whose integrity was not questioned by Antony himself. Other stories may or may not be true, there is no evidence yet to prove any such claim. He was the CoAS after all, he didn't get there by being timid. That doesn't mean he needs to be tarred mindlessly by Congress supporters like yourself. It is both tasteless & unnecessary.
Quite unnecessary. The Indian Express & Shekhar Gupta are widely respected including by the BJP. The former PM Vajpayee (&Jaswant Singh) in the mid 1990's had asked Shekhar Gupta to look at the Su-30 deal quietly and see if there was any corruption. There wasn't, it was a different story but the point here is that Shekhar Gupta is hugely respected across the board. Trying to tar every story not liked by the BJP supporters in this manner only leads to the charge of both being intolerant & manipulative. The Indian Express has reported on the existence of a report, not on the evracity of its contents. Same with the "coup" story too.

You are being extremely unreasonable & more than a bit silly. You are posting stories not understanding what is written in them. The Supreme Court hearing is one such. A simple reading of the entire run-up to the DoB controversy would show anyone with even a bit of sense that Gen.V.K. Singh was not wrong in his position. It is a different matter that the SC went by the date as entered originally, that is an equally valid position to take (including by the Defence Minister) It certainly does not question the General's claim in itself. Just because some here are using this story to tar the Congress is no reason to do the same to V.K.Singh, someone whose integrity was not questioned by Antony himself. Other stories may or may not be true, there is no evidence yet to prove any such claim. He was the CoAS after all, he didn't get there by being timid. That doesn't mean he needs to be tarred mindlessly by Congress supporters like yourself. It is both tasteless & unnecessary.

I am forced to be silly as abusive posts by BJP members understand this language

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