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Evidence suggests US lied about Iranian strikes on US facilities in Iraq

You ever find that pilot that "we ran over" with our plane off Hainan Island that you didn't balls to retaliate over.
See how loser try side track to delude themselves. How selective that u failed to mention we discovered 142 high tech surveliance from your down P-3 which helps us advance 20 years with just a down pilot that body is never found?
See how loser try side track to delude themselves. How selective that u failed to mention we discovered 142 high tech surveliance from your down P-3 which helps us advance 20 years with just a down pilot that body is never found?

Nice to know we had 142 technologies that were beyond your understanding.
1. The attack was expected, so all the troops were in secure locations.
2. The Interview of the Danish soldier mentioned material losses, but no casualties.
3. 'Treated for concussion' is barely wounded, more a case of nannying the soldiers.

The available evidence does not support normal casualties or fatalities.
Trump has made it clear if you read between the lines that what he is doing to Iran is intended to secure Israel. Netanyahu has made it abundantly clear that Israel is a grateful beneficiary of Trump's actions against Iran.

The whole dynamic of USA vs Iran is centred around Israeli security. Right or wrong, it is what it is, and the American public - apart from deliberate deniers - are aware of this.

For this reason, the US does indeed have an interest in covering up or downplaying casualties. USA is functioning as a hired mercenary in this situation. Blowback would be huge.
Trump has made it clear if you read between the lines that what he is doing to Iran is intended to secure Israel. Netanyahu has made it abundantly clear that Israel is a grateful beneficiary of Trump's actions against Iran.

The whole dynamic of USA vs Iran is centred around Israeli security. Right or wrong, it is what it is, and the American public - apart from deliberate deniers - are aware of this.

For this reason, the US does indeed have an interest in covering up or downplaying casualties. USA is functioning as a hired mercenary in this situation. Blowback would be huge.

the question is how long they gonna hide..if there's any real causalities it gonna reveal in near future.....
....And trump gonna have huge blow back....
the question is how long they gonna hide..if there's any real causalities it gonna reveal in near future.....
....And trump gonna have huge blow back....

They play games. He will use it as leverage to attack Iran back. They are delaying it in this way.

Sad to see Iran FM in India, I thought maybe Iran will change its policy yo be more pro-Pakistan but I guess not.
They play games. He will use it as leverage to attack Iran back. They are delaying it in this way.

Sad to see Iran FM in India, I thought maybe Iran will change its policy yo be more pro-Pakistan but I guess not.
its not like u have to be anti Indian but rather anti BJP policy....Political reformation may solve issues but under sectarian BJP , its nearly impossible.

Zarif visiting India not BJP and their sectarian racist cult...If they had not rise their voice on kasmir like Arabs do, so far i'm informed, political development could be more strengthened in between them.

I hate the they involved and control our politics..If some someone here rise his voice against India, theirs abuses, he is subject to be prosecuted or assassinated either by our govt or their underdogs.
I hate the they involved and control our politics..If some someone here rise his voice against India, theirs abuses, he is subject to be prosecuted or assassinated either by our govt or their underdogs.

Wish the best for you brother, BD deserve a nationalist BD-first gov.
honestly at first I was skeptical of the casualty claim. as its extremely hard for the US to hide non-CIA casualties.

but it looks like the pentagon has been blatantly exposed for downplaying the attack. there were injuries, and far more material damage then they claim. They hid this to save some face and make the fact that another country just directly attacked the US military without a response a little more palatable for their public.

I still don't know what the americans thought they achieved by cowardly murdering Soleimani on a official visit?
did they think the entire Iranian geopolitical project rested on a single man that constantly put himself in physical danger by openly visiting the most hot conflict zones on earth? did they really think this??

1. .
3. 'Treated for concussion' is barely wounded, more a case of nannying the soldiers.


I would prefer a non-fatal gunshot wound over a concussion any day. Concussion is a serious brain injury. That has extreme long term effects (as shown in athletes later in life) and results in severe complications like permenant headaches, dizziness, nausea, light sensitivity and a host of other ailments for life.

concussions are no longer taken lightly in the medical field
They play games. He will use it as leverage to attack Iran back. They are delaying it in this way.

Sad to see Iran FM in India, I thought maybe Iran will change its policy yo be more pro-Pakistan but I guess not.
you must first see yourselves emran khan ordered bu wahabi terror king bensalman to not go to malisia and he dont went to
More US lies is exposed.

Kuwaiti newspaper has reported that one week after Iran's missile strike on US base, 16 severely injured US soldiers has been transferred to a hospital in Kuwait under heavy protection. some had shrapnels in their bodies and some with burns in several parts of body:

It really doesn't matter if there were or weren't any casualties because Iran's Missile Strikes did exactly what they were meant to do!!!

The main goal of the operation was to prove the accuracy of Iranian missiles to the deluded fools in this U.S. administration that thought Iranian weapons were just photoshopped mockups and Iran did just that with 100% success rate!

And now the U.S. knows that at the very least every base they have within 700km of Iranian Soil is not only within range of Iranian cruise missiles but is also within range of Iranian Tactical Ballistic missiles that have the accuracy to hit targets as small as Aircraft bunkers so a war with Iran will not be like any war they have fought before because unlike any enemy they have fought since WW2 Iran does have the capability to retaliate with deadly accuracy and at sufficient ranges!

So how many casualties US did or didn't have in this very limited strike really doesn't matter the point was to show what could happen if there is a full blown conflict and Iran did just that and at the end of the day U.S. miliitary and even the U.S. media was in Aww of the accuracy of Iranian missiles!
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