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Evidence Of Indian Involvement In SWAT

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New Recruit

Feb 23, 2008
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Guys, I don't post too often on this forum, so if this story is in the wrong place, my apoligises in advance, feel free to move it.

Yesterday there was a buzz around the Pakistani journalist community that the Pak Army had killed an Indian operative fighting with the Taliban in Swat. It appears Ahmed Quraishi has broken the news story WITH PICTURES OF THE DEAD UNCIRCUMSISED TERRORIST on his website. Below is the link to the story;

Ahmed Quraishi.com

This is groundbreaking journalism, a news story which could change the face of the entire conflict. The smoking gun we have been looking for. The terrorist is not circumsised, how many Muslim males do you know who are not circumsised?!

I would urge everyone to pass this news story into all their contacts and press for it to be broken in the mainstream Pakistani media. I don't know why they have been sitting on this story, but we need it outing, it has the potential to be the one that breaks Pakistan from the shackles.

P.S The link contains Graphic content, as well as nudity.
In other countries, the Governments, Military, and the people try to find SOLID proof if there's a foreign hand involved in an insurgency they're confronting, so that they can blame the accused country with confidence.

What do 'Some' of our people do to find solid proof? Check penises and declare it as a proof written in stone. (Pardon my blunt dose of reality)

Ridiculous! There can be a THOUSAND reasons why a rural, uneducated man isn't circumcised.

This concern was debunked a long time ago and I've been hearing about this for a long time now. If it was anything CLOSE to a solid proof, we would've pointed the finger at India with this 'proof' a long time ago.
My uncle fought in wazirastan and told me that they came across graveyards where there was black flags flying over some graves and white flags over other graves......when they questioned a local for the reason for the flags they where told that the ones with white flags where graves where nobody had read janaaza becauce nobody knew how to.........the army then read janaaza over the graves.
Another story he told me was where they came across a group of "holy men" reading there "tasbee" when one the soldiers started to making fun off the group which my uncle took offence to and rebuked the soldier to which the soldier asked my uncle to ask the holy men what they where reading.....there reply was that they had watched there grandfathers and fathers do this but read nothing....just going to the motions.
Going off the above story its not hard to imagine that they also have not had the snip.

Just becauce the body was found to be uncircumsised does not mean he is a indian even though i know fully well that the indians have a hand in the trouble in swat.
My uncle fought in wazirastan and told me that they came across graveyards where there was black flags flying over some graves and white flags over other graves......when they questioned a local for the reason for the flags they where told that the ones with white flags where graves where nobody had read janaaza becauce nobody knew how to.........the army then read janaaza over the graves.
Another story he told me was where they came across a group of "holy men" reading there "tasbee" when one the soldiers started to making fun off the group which my uncle took offence to and rebuked the soldier to which the soldier asked my uncle to ask the holy men what they where reading.....there reply was that they had watched there grandfathers and fathers do this but read nothing....just going to the motions.

Just becauce the body was found to be uncircumsised does not mean he is a indian even though i know fully well that the indians have a hand in the trouble in swat.

Exactly! No one's denying the Indian involvement but no one's proving it either. We must provide some hardcore evidence to support our claims otherwise there's no point accusing others when you're not even providing facts to back up your claims.
Since when did education or wealth have anything to do with circumsicion?

I know people who cannot read or write, but are circumsised, people who are aware that Muslim males need to be circumsised. Even the extremly poor are circumsised, it does not cost a fortune, heck most aren't even done by doctors. I know of people in rural Pakistan who have lost children due to poorly done circumsisions.

That BS won't fly with me. Show me a single instance where anyone has provided "solid proof" against an intelligence angecy in the whole entire world. They are professional spies, not rank ametuers. Even today the conviction rate of Al Queda style terrorists is pathetic, do you think professional spy agencies are going to leave long enough trails for you?

When was the last time Pakistan was provided with any solid evidence of ISI involvement in anything? Yet everyone accuses the ISI of being involved in everything around the entire world.

The fact of the matter is, even if this is total BS, we need to take this opertunity to flip the situation on it's head. We can use this to drum vast public support for the war, and to remove pressure from Pakistan, by publically accusing the Indians of supporting terrorism against Pakistan.

The scene is set, carpe diem.
It's it fascinating that on the hand hand your uncle is fighting "Islamist terrorists" who are educated in maddarsas, yet on the other hand, the populations you claim who fill those maddarsas don't even know know to read a janaza or don't even know basic words of Islam, ie what they might perhaps be reading in a thasbi.

Next thing you know your going to tell me, he then taught them how to walk upright and how to create fire?!
Since when did education or wealth have anything to do with circumsicion?

I know people who cannot read or write, but are circumsised, people who are aware that Muslim males need to be circumsised. Even the extremly poor are circumsised, it does not cost a fortune, heck most aren't even done by doctors. I know of people in rural Pakistan who have lost children due to poorly done circumsisions.

That BS won't fly with me. Show me a single instance where anyone has provided "solid proof" against an intelligence angecy in the whole entire world. They are professional spies, not rank ametuers. Even today the conviction rate of Al Queda style terrorists is pathetic, do you think professional spy agencies are going to leave long enough trails for you?

When was the last time Pakistan was provided with any solid evidence of ISI involvement in anything? Yet everyone accuses the ISI of being involved in everything around the entire world.

The fact of the matter is, even if this is total BS, we need to take this opertunity to flip the situation on it's head. We can use this to drum vast public support for the war, and to remove pressure from Pakistan, by publically accusing the Indians of supporting terrorism against Pakistan.

The scene is set, carpe diem.

But with no solid evidence we will look as silly as the indians did blaming the pak govt for the mumbai attacks.
A lot of these tribesmen are uncircumcised, they are little more than barbarians in many ways. They say they are the fiercest Muslims alive and yet a lot of them lack the surgical know-how or inclination for this basic procedure.

What I don’t get is, who the hell was ‘checking’ for uncircumcised dead bodies? The ISPR chief only yesterday said on TV that the Army doesn’t allow for the photographing or other misuse of dead bodies under any circumstances.
Since when did education or wealth have anything to do with circumsicion?

I know people who cannot read or write, but are circumsised, people who are aware that Muslim males need to be circumsised. Even the extremly poor are circumsised, it does not cost a fortune, heck most aren't even done by doctors. I know of people in rural Pakistan who have lost children due to poorly done circumsisions.

That BS won't fly with me. Show me a single instance where anyone has provided "solid proof" against an intelligence angecy in the whole entire world. They are professional spies, not rank ametuers. Even today the conviction rate of Al Queda style terrorists is pathetic, do you think professional spy agencies are going to leave long enough trails for you?

When was the last time Pakistan was provided with any solid evidence of ISI involvement in anything? Yet everyone accuses the ISI of being involved in everything around the entire world.

The fact of the matter is, even if this is total BS, we need to take this opertunity to flip the situation on it's head. We can use this to drum vast public support for the war, and to remove pressure from Pakistan, by publically accusing the Indians of supporting terrorism against Pakistan.

The scene is set, carpe diem.

Your entire rant dies with your ending paragraph.

If Pakistan Military and Government didn't find this couple of years old 'Proof' credible enough than who exactly are we to turn this into an evidence to support our claims?
Friends, even if you come up with the most credible evidence about indian involvement, who are you going to present it to? And what do you think will be the result??? Wake up everyone......
As for INDIAN....I will qoute an ex-british ambassador who said: 'you kick them, they lick you. You lick them ,they kick you.'
LOL Definitely uncircumcised little weaselled Indians.
Friends, even if you come up with the most credible evidence about indian involvement, who are you going to present it to? And what do you think will be the result??? Wake up everyone......
As for INDIAN....I will qoute an ex-british ambassador who said: 'you kick them, they lick you. You lick them ,they kick you.'

Well, we could intensify our own covert operations in their unstable lands. This is our justification to go after them. We all know that India has always been involved in destabilizing Pakistan.
Well, we could intensify our own covert operations in their unstable lands. This is our justification to go after them. We all know that India has always been involved in destabilizing Pakistan.

Thats the only option left. The sooner we realize this , much better it will be. On top lots and lots of options there, ready to be exploited
It's it fascinating that on the hand hand your uncle is fighting "Islamist terrorists" who are educated in maddarsas,

So every person in the waziristan has been to a maddarsa?.....i dont recall making that statement.....my uncle was fighting dirty-******-terrorists..... nothing to do with islam except the jihad on the pakistani army side killing the wahabi zionist munafiks.

yet on the other hand, the populations you claim who fill those maddarsas don't even know know to read a janaza or don't even know basic words of Islam, ie what they might perhaps be reading in a thasbi.

Which maddarsa did Osama bin Ladin,Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,Aymen Al Zawahiri ect go to...?.......if anything the link between giving muslims western education and turning into high ranking al qaeda figures is more a fact then people from maddarsas turning into terrorist.
Going back to your point about janaza-thasbi...well if the wahabi zionist munafiks can chop peoples heads off and blow themselfs up it shows how much knowledge they have about islam.......if they dont know simple islamic facts like that then how will they know about janaza-thasbi.

Next thing you know your going to tell me, he then taught them how to walk upright and how to create fire?!

I support the taliban fight for freedom in afghanistan and think that pakistan govt should support them as long as its in pakistan's interest but the terrorists in pakistan should be wiped out.
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