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'Everyone is equally responsible to destabilize peace in Karachi' - MQM

MQM bhatta is in shape of Chanda, which is also sometime negotiable and amounts are less. Resistance may involve some violence. However, with others there is no negotiations amounts are high and results are fatal.

MQM bhatta was in shape of Chanda noe they don't have any shame/fear they openly use guns and give parchi...
MQM bhatta was in shape of Chanda noe they don't have any shame/fear they openly use guns and give parchi...

I will not comment on this because, there may be instances at certain areas where this practice prevails. What little experience we have in this connection does involve threatening language, but not guns.

lahore was frequently rocked by vilence and bomb blasts while karachi was very peaceful

what has MQM got to do with mobile snatching? is it a big MQM conspiracy? mobile snatching was the direct result of unemployment and inflation and it wasn't a political mess

when 3 lac people immigrate to karachi instead of lahore every month then you see these things happening in every mega city, karachi is no exception

lol, do you remember PDC Blast? Saddar Blast? Many blast did happen during those two year I spend. Also those Liaqat Bagh Ulema Killing, or that CJ episode, BB Attack.. it's amazing to imagine so much happen in just two year time from Nov 2005 to Nov 2007..

I spend time in Lahore after Nov 2007 and in 5 years only 11 Episode happen for same.. Any how, don't compare Karachi with Lahore.

Karachi always get immigrates, it's isn't something new... even in 2006, there was an estimate more pashtoons than any other community in Lahore (I believe all are immigrants).. My family (Punjabis) were running to Karachi from 1975-90, till things become worst. So it isn't a new thing which happened.. Even Mahajirs who claim Karachi as their own also came from India.. those locals (Baluchi Talporis, Sindhis, others) are not even 5% of what Karachi today.. Karachi always has immigrants, but it was MQM first one who start that power struggle which become into many other violent episodes like, Punjabi Pathan Bhai Bhai, Muthida vs Haqiqi and so o on..

Edit: yeah, Lahore also has their own share of immigrants, there are pathans, baluchi, Mahajirs, saraiki Speaking, Sindhis, so many.. But due to port and business hub, most of the people prefer Karachi more than Lahore.. Still what ever Lahore got vanishes inside Lahore.. and become Lahori...

PS: I don't want to compare Lahore with Karachi, since Lahore isn't Karachi, Karachi is much bigger city then Lahore. And Last Lahore is not a topic but Karachi here...
lol, do you remember PDC Blast? Saddar Blast? Many blast did happen during those two year I spend. Also those Liaqat Bagh Ulema Killing, or that CJ episode, BB Attack.. it's amazing to imagine so much happen in just two year time from Nov 2005 to Nov 2007..

I spend time in Lahore after Nov 2007 and in 5 years only 11 Episode happen for same.. Any how, don't compare Karachi with Lahore.

Karachi always get immigrates, it's isn't something new... even in 2006, there was an estimate more pashtoons than any other community in Lahore (I believe all are immigrants).. My family (Punjabis) were running to Karachi from 1975-90, till things become worst. So it isn't a new thing which happened.. Even Mahajirs who claim Karachi as their own also came from India.. those locals (Baluchi Talporis, Sindhis, others) are not even 5% of what Karachi today.. Karachi always has immigrants, but it was MQM first one who start that power struggle which become into many other violent episodes like, Punjabi Pathan Bhai Bhai, Muthida vs Haqiqi and so o on..

Edit: yeah, Lahore also has their own share of immigrants, there are pathans, baluchi, Mahajirs, saraiki Speaking, Sindhis, so many.. But due to port and business hub, most of the people prefer Karachi more than Lahore.. Still what ever Lahore got vanishes inside Lahore.. and become Lahori...

PS: I don't want to compare Lahore with Karachi, since Lahore isn't Karachi, Karachi is much bigger city then Lahore. And Last Lahore is not a topic but Karachi here...

yes those blast happened, how many? two three in entire 5 years? how many happened in lahore at that time?, remember the ashura blast? it was the first after many years that karachi suffered a bomb blast before that it was usually lahore, even islambad whose mariott hotel got bombed

karachi was the most peaceful city

those things like mobile snatching happens even in new york, its not something MQM soecific

shed you BS bias and talk about the reality

and this is the graph from MQM's era when MQM controlled security


90s was the era when your nanga league started army operation three times on MQM and many innocent people died because of that

its not because of MQM but because of your own ganjas from punjab which worsened the situation
indeed a responsible statement from MQM.

sir dont believe this soft statement by mqm na haqparasts

it would be a responsible statement if they claim 85% responsibility not equal "khata" of everyone
so you accept 7% crime share by PTI since they control 7%?

we have 8 lakh votes and if we had 7% crime share tit for tat one of your lederas would be dead in retaliation of zhuran apan

we dont even have danda bardar force in punjab thats why pmln did dhandli
we have 8 lakh votes and if we had 7% crime share tit for tat one of your lederas would be dead in retaliation of zhuran apan

we dont even have danda bardar force in punjab thats why pmln did dhandli

how do we know that its not PTI which is killing MQM workers? how do you know MQM killed zahra shahid, you didnt logded FIR, you did even protested for the arrest of killers, did imran visit her relatives to pay his condolences when he came to karachi?

how do we know that its not PTI which is killing MQM workers? how do you know MQM killed zahra shahid, you didnt logded FIR, you did even protested for the arrest of killers, did imran visit her relatives to pay his condolences when he came to karachi?

is not possible

ppp should have told mqm as police etc are under them and mqm has grip on the city they would knew

what else ppp,anp and mqm wants to bring pti into spot light in karachi for crimes

yes those blast happened, how many? two three in entire 5 years? how many happened in lahore at that time?, remember the ashura blast? it was the first after many years that karachi suffered a bomb blast before that it was usually lahore, even islambad whose mariott hotel got bombed

karachi was the most peaceful city

those things like mobile snatching happens even in new york, its not something MQM soecific

shed you BS bias and talk about the reality

and this is the graph from MQM's era when MQM controlled security


90s was the era when your nanga league started army operation three times on MQM and many innocent people died because of that

its not because of MQM but because of your own ganjas from punjab which worsened the situation

The only BS here is you and the party you support. PDC was welcoming blast for me in Karachi happen in Nov 2005 when I joined new company. 14th Nov 2005, I was v much near by.. Saddar blast happen somewhere in Feb 2006 at that time i used to live in paposhnagar, so stop showing some BS stats which clear not showing the mess which MQM and co, put in and today whole Karachi is facing that bullshit. Also check same state, when this mobile snatching started. It will be somewhere in 2004, which was again same time. Clearly, those criminals were growing.. and till end of 2006 they were confident enough to launch something like this happenng today. People are stopped on the signal was also start same time when MQM were in government. I remember at that time government used to say sindhi coming from interior sindh doing it.. Today you and fella putting on Pathans and baluchis..

Operation start twice in Karachi because of those bori band bodies.. I still remember that era very well.. MQM is the founder of most of the crimes in karachi.. today many other has joined.. that's why i feel non-political era is the solution for it.

Edit: Just got in my mind, how the hell 2002-2005 comes under MQM? it was naimatullah's time. So much for this BS even.

Mustafa Kamal joined government in somewhere in Sept 2005, his total era was " 2005 to 2010"... Now compare your chart from Naimatullah's time
Sorry to say these power games started by MQM back in 1985.. Before that Karachi was peaceful even more than Lahore... But again you will not accept, so useless to discuss anything.. you have your PoV, I have my own.

This is where you are grossly mistaken and it is not just a PoV, you cannot have PoV's on facts and actual figures! Karachi was not a peaceful city ever since Karachi voted for Fatima Jinnah. Ofcourse, one cannot compare the violence today to the violence of yester decade, however in terms of magnitude and impact it is still the same.

Furthermore, you must research on Thunder Squad as well as the role of migrating Pukhtoons who were brought here for a reason by Ayub Khan, and you must continue your research with Pakka Qila and targeting of Urdu speaking migrants by some of the Sindhi Nationalists especially in interior Sindh........finally you must research on the female student that was trampled to death by a speeding bus which finally gave way to the patience of Urdu speaking migrants. Many of the above were everyday occurring phenomenon that were getting ridiculously out of control............MQM was a reaction, not an action!

Isn't this whole scene was started, when Musharaf gave a free hand to one party.. even kick out naimatullah earlier then his term. LG may be was good for Karachi back than, but will it be same under current democratic setup? I doubt....

It was during the tenure of MQM (and by that I mean when MQM held the positions of interior minister & later the Mayor) that Karachi was at the peak of peace and developments. There were hardly any instances and if I challenged you or anyone else to find out anything comparable to what we are going through every day nowadays (especially so ever since Zulfiqar Mirza was appointed Home Minister) the only thing you would be able to bring in is 12th May and nothing else. So you all have just 1 instance to throw back at Karachi (even though even that is highly debatable as my stance is that MQM was still the victim on May 12).

Musharraf did the right thing, he gave power to those who had mandate.

At the moment cleanup should be done.. to remove all political setups.... to bring up peace in Karachi, later on, when things are good, we can expect new political setup..

That is the mistake that has been made again and again, this is not how you win hearts of the public. You give them their rights, you respect their mandate and you give power to them to sort out things, good or bad, for themselves. It is not like you are dealing with illiterate fools in Karachi, is it?
how can it be equal as mqm self proclaim 85% mamas of karachi so 85% crap is spread by them

I grow tired of explaining self explanatory things to people like you again and again. Go and have a detailed look at the results of Provincial Assembly and National Assembly seats that MQM holds in Karachi.....I believe that constitutes atleast 85%. That is precisely what MQM claims.

Just to explain to you in terms of example.......Pakistan has seen 110+ bomb blasts in the last 10 days and Pakistan claims that all the suicide bombers were Pakistani too......it does not mean that 100% Pakistanis are involved in these blasts but rather it means that 99.99% of the Pakistanis are being terrorized by the 0.01% terrorists. Same as in Karachi!
The only BS here is you and the party you support. PDC was welcoming blast for me in Karachi happen in Nov 2005 when I joined new company. 14th Nov 2005, I was v much near by.. Saddar blast happen somewhere in Feb 2006 at that time i used to live in paposhnagar, so stop showing some BS stats which clear not showing the mess which MQM and co, put in and today whole Karachi is facing that bullshit. Also check same state, when this mobile snatching started. It will be somewhere in 2004, which was again same time. Clearly, those criminals were growing.. and till end of 2006 they were confident enough to launch something like this happenng today. People are stopped on the signal was also start same time when MQM were in government. I remember at that time government used to say sindhi coming from interior sindh doing it.. Today you and fella putting on Pathans and baluchis..

Operation start twice in Karachi because of those bori band bodies.. I still remember that era very well.. MQM is the founder of most of the crimes in karachi.. today many other has joined.. that's why i feel non-political era is the solution for it.

Edit: Just got in my mind, how the hell 2002-2005 comes under MQM? it was naimatullah's time. So much for this BS even.

Mustafa Kamal joined government in somewhere in Sept 2005, his total era was " 2005 to 2010"... Now compare your chart from Naimatullah's time

I believe that you are comparing 2 different things and confusing the **** out of yourself and everyone else too. You are comparing street crimes/terrorism etc. and at the same time you are throwing in Mayors who have no authority over matters related to internal security or general policing.

If you want to compare development, you are more then welcome to compare developments that actually happened and the plans that were made for those developments by MQM & JI ever since Farooq Sattar was Mayor (back in 1991 I think).

If you want to compare the law and order situation then you have to take in to account the Home Ministers (Rauf Siddiqui initially and then Wasim Akhtar, both of MQM since 2002). Bomb blasts and street crimes are very different from the sky rocketing and uncontrolled extortion, kidnappings and targeted killings. The later are controllable only to a very certain extent, the later are controllable to the point of negligible.

I was once with Wasim Akhtar and asked him why there were so many instances of mobile snatching and why is it on the rise, he looked at me and said that according to the agency's estimate, there is Rs. 2 Billion+ on the streets in the shape of mobiles which are easy prey for small time crooks, then asked me how I thought it could be controlled? The discussion that we had is inconsequential but be informed that these things cannot be controlled unless we take measures which are beyond the home ministry. I mean reforms in judiciary and LEA's. Forensic teams and labs for proper evidence collection and actual investigations with undeniable evidence etc.
MQM sould have given this statement in ppp tenure from 2008 - 2013 when 7000 people were killed they were all playing blame game ppp,anp vs mqm

and even now they said it after operation stated
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