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Every Pakistani you should watch this . Do we need enemy from outside ?

Just out of spite of these barbaric fools, I may become Shia and then go hunt the terrorists families down. How is that for a message of solidarity, to our Shia brethren!

Why not all of us "non-shias" do that? What else can scare the bjeesus out of these people?

Oh my God...so you're the guy we all heard about ! The one who went to the Vet because he'd stick his *ooopsieee* in the *whooopsie* of that mountain goat called 'Bashir' ! :D

Yara this *** used to live in F8/4 in Islamabad. Very close to my place, and drive a Corolla, I only saw two things with him. One was a lady I don't want to name here (for obvious reasons), the other was an English Pointer :D

Besides he has a few raqbas in Multan and Layyah. Know him very well from there!
We will have to kill about 20% of them, these I call the dead-enders - they cannot be reintegrated into society - their degeneration into sub-human is pretty much complete. The rest of them can be rehabilitated as long as they don't have blood on their hands.

Most of them are Pukhtoons from across the border ! Hmmn...we could always paradrop Justin Bieber in the middle of Paktia and see the Taliban from all over fighting out with each other over the prize ! :D

Eik tiir seh do shikkaaar ! 1) Mein bhi raaazi *no more 'Baby...baby' and 2) Taliban bhi exterminated ! :D

Most of them are Pukhtoons from across the border ! Hmmn...we could always paradrop Justin Bieber in the middle of Paktia and see the Taliban from all over fighting out with each other over the prize ! :D

Eik tiir seh do shikkaaar ! 1) Mein bhi raaazi *no more 'Baby...baby' and 2) Taliban bhi exterminated ! :D


Stop brining Pathans in everything. As I mentioned earlier, we don't care about religion that much! None of us do. We have our own green **** to worry about, and the *products* that need to be grown and *exported*. We could care less, if the prophet was Arab, White OR African!
Stop brining Pathans in everything. As I mentioned earlier, we don't care about religion that much! None of us do. We have our own green **** to worry about, and the *products* that need to be grown and *exported*. We could care less, if the prophet was Arab, White OR African!

Eik hi paaal mei parayaa kar deia ! :cry:
Eik hi paaal mei parayaa kar dei ! :cry:
Nope. Just like your eyes pop out on anything *butssy*, similarly my eyes pop out when people refer to "non-pathan" races as Pathans. First of all ask us, who are real Pathans? You won't find them in any non-state activity. Why????? Because we care about ONLY ONE THING, that is business. We think of religion as something that others should discuss about. We care about family integrity and stuff.

Have you ever dealt with Bohris from Karachi? Or a Jew from Manhattan? Think of us as Bohris or Jews of the North! We don't CARE!
Nope. Just like your eyes pop out on anything *butssy*, similarly my eyes pop out when people refer to "non-pathan" races as Pathans. First of all ask us, who are real Pathans? You won't find them in any non-state activity. Why????? Because we care about ONLY ONE THING, that is business. We think of religion as something that others should discuss about. We care about family integrity and stuff.

Have you every dealt with Bohris from Karachi? Or a Jew from Manhattan? Think of us as Bohris or Jews of the North! We don't CARE!

Oh christ yaar...it was a joke ! Have you seen my posts where I've taken so many digs at the Buttt race...and why because 'whats the point in laughing at others when we can't even laugh at ourselves first...?'

Besides...I wasn't insinuating that the Pukhtoons are any less patriotic then the rest of us ! Sure...they're not 'Buttts - God's Finest Work' but then again 'Who is..?'. We don't hold that against you guys ! :D

P.S If you want me to delete it...I'll delete it ! Aiseeei 'depression' mein naa aap chalei jaanaa ya ghuseei mein meri peechei 'SSG' na send kar deinaa ! :D
I know it was a joke. I replied, cos many people here don't have the "touch" to understand a quip.
'Buttts ARE God's Finest Work'
Regarding BUTTTSSS, now here it goes. My best friend and one of my only friends is a BUTTTTTT. His name is Tehseen, from a very "up there" family in Islamabad. Anything else will be too much information.

And yes, they're one of gods finest creation. Trust me I KNOW. Only problem is the women are too dominating :blink:
I know it was a joke. I replied, cos many people here don't have the "touch" to understand a quip.

Regarding BUTTTSSS, now here it goes. My best friend and one of my only friends is a BUTTTTTT. His name is Tehseen, from a very "up there" family in Islamabad. Anything else will be too much information.

And yes, they're one of gods finest creation. Trust me I KNOW. Only problem is the women are too dominating :blink:

My Mom's a Rajput ! :chilli:

Khair...I'm off you've emotionally scarred me with your last post ! I'm probably going to go sit in a corner somewhere sip on Tequilla and slit my wrist !

*Jokes* - Going out to get some Naan Chaanas with a chilled Pepsi ! :D
Going out to get some Naan Chaanas with a chilled Pepsi ! :D
Yara, do they still have that Channa / Chicken leg and HUMUNGOUS glass of Lassi near the (screw it forgot the name of the place) We used to go out 4.30 in the morning and have it. I MISS LAHORE SOOOO SOOOO MUCH!!! :girl_wacko:
Yara, do they still have that Channa / Chicken leg and HUMUNGOUS glass of Lassi near the (screw it forgot the name of the place) We used to go out 4.30 in the morning and have it. I MISS LAHORE SOOOO SOOOO MUCH!!! :girl_wacko:

Yup...they've got everything right here and so much more ! :devil:
Yup...they've got everything right here and so much more ! :devil:

People get terrorized all different ways. I get terrorized by mention of food that is not available :blink:
There seem to be a lot of Jamaatis on this thread! And their clap trap is becoming hilarious, sometimes degenerating into absolute stupidity! Like someone mentioned that one Hindu is worth less than Rs 3000!!!

Where is PDF heading? It wasn't like this before. What happened? There is no more reasoned debate here but just plain waffle and baloney. Jeeez! This sucks!
There seem to be a lot of Jamaatis on this thread! And their clap trap is becoming hilarious, sometimes degenerating into absolute stupidity! Like someone mentioned that one Hindu is worth less than Rs 3000!!!

Where is PDF heading? It wasn't like this before. What happened? There is no more reasoned debate here but just plain waffle and baloney. Jeeez! This sucks!

Insurgent members. New SoP's are needed to weed out the crap-bags!
External enemy always integrated people of any country but real downfall and disintegration of a country mostly caused by injustice done to its own people
There are bad apples in every community....it has nothing to do with their religion but to their twisted logic.
look like they have lot of bad apple,sectarian killing is becoming bread and butter in pakistan..
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