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Every Muslim brother has a Sikh sister!This Pakistani man’s message to Gurmehar Kaur is going viral

At this moment she might be more safer in Pakistan than in India where every frustrated Indians are lashing out at her for threatening to rape.

India is rape capital in the whole world. Women are safe everywhere including Pakistan except India.

Because of this mindset, why the mankind is in pathetic conditions.

Basically, we have to turn blind to what is happening. Why? Because we should mind our own business. Brilliant!

And pathetic example as well. What does sectarian violence has to do with what is happening in India? Pakistan is the nation that maintains diplomatic stances to neuter sectarian violence promoted by Iran on one hand and KSA on other hand engulfing the entire Middle East with the fire. Why? Because people are told to mind to their own business concerning the internal matters of Iran and KSA.

Not only, that is not how Pakistan got independence either. If people minded their own business turning blind to the minority intolerance, there would be no Pakistan and the Muslim people would face massive intolerance all over India. Kudo to your mindset!!!
I don't think so.Rape threat was her self made..
Also Pakistan cannot count own population.Let's not talk on rape.
Anything is safer than Pakistan..
The Pakistani is posting for peace. That is a good thing. We might have differences, but messages like this must be appreciated.
I don't think so.Rape threat was her self made..
Also Pakistan cannot count own population.Let's not talk on rape.
Anything is safer than Pakistan..

What? People threatens her with rape and it is her fault? No wonder why India is rape capitalism in the world.
With that mindset, men, especially Indian men, are given license to toy with defenseless women now.

A women where she is threatened with rape in the land of rape capitalism is hardly safe whereas people from Pakistan that gives tribute to her as brother is more safer for her. And you know it too.
What? People threatens her with rape and it is her fault? No wonder why India is rape capitalism in the world.
With that mindset, men, especially Indian men, are given license to toy with defenseless women now.

A women where she is threatened with rape in the land of rape capitalism is hardly safe whereas people from Pakistan that gives tribute to her as brother is more safer for her. And you know it too.
It's her party member which created fake profile to give her threat on her watch..It's a political game.
That's why she is being bashed.She is fake.:P
Plan backfired..Now she is nowhere near Delhi..
Plz don't argue on which you have no knowledge about..We both know how much safe people are in Pakistan.
Ok you and your secret hanuman army crossed over. Did alien abductions. Killed everyone and took all the proof back to India. Happy now. Please go threaten a girl in India as we in pakistan don't give two hoots about what India says as we are totally isolated

There are many in India who love peace. I have been to India. The good you don't hear from as they are busy getting on with their lives. Empty vessels make a lot of noise...Don't they?

Yes - In India, the left and the right have grown increasingly intolerant of each other and think only their mindset or view is patriotic. Both enjoy provoking the other. The RSS recently made a statement that Pakistan is like a brother or something to that effect. Why didn't the right show outrage then?
Yes - In India, the left and the right have grown increasingly intolerant of each other and think only their mindset or view is patriotic. Both enjoy provoking the other. The RSS recently made a statement that Pakistan is like a brother or something to that effect. Why didn't the right show outrage then?

Look in all honestly we are both countries that have been hijacked by politicians. They keep us fighting and busy. We are both stupid countries as the British left Kashmir as a deliberate problem. Knowing that we will fight for generations and they will sell us weapons. In the UK I have many Hindu Sikh and Muslim Indian friends. We all get on. Wonder why?
Look in all honestly we are both countries that have been hijacked by politicians. They keep us fighting and busy. We are both stupid countries as the British left Kashmir as a deliberate problem. Knowing that we will fight for generations and they will sell us weapons. In the UK I have many Hindu Sikh and Muslim Indian friends. We all get on. Wonder why?

Someone here said it very well.

The hatred is rooted to the soil. And when the plane takes off, the hatred is left behind there.
Its surprising that Gurmehar kaur who claimed that she is "Not afraid of ABVP", she Ran away to jalandhar when the going got tough :lol:

Another shame to the name of her illustrious father.

What is the point of pretending to be brave, when you run away like a coward in the first instance of trouble ? :P
Its surprising that Gurmehar kaur who claimed that she is "Not afraid of ABVP", she Ran away to jalandhar when the going got tough :lol:

Another shame to the name of her illustrious father.

What is the point of pretending to be brave, when you run away like a coward in the first instance of trouble ? :P

u expect a single lady 2 stand up and take on a mob of goons?
Look in all honestly we are both countries that have been hijacked by politicians. They keep us fighting and busy. We are both stupid countries as the British left Kashmir as a deliberate problem. Knowing that we will fight for generations and they will sell us weapons. In the UK I have many Hindu Sikh and Muslim Indian friends. We all get on. Wonder why?

I concur - I have maintained that all states in South Asia are by and large failed states as they have failed to provide healthcare, education and housing to its citizens but have spent money on some really advanced weaponry. I realize I am in a minority though and there are a multitude of reasons for spending on defence. Pretty wasteful utilization of limited resources though.
u expect a single lady 2 stand up and take on a mob of goons?

Aam Admi Party, Communit Parties, Media Houses etc. all are standing up for her, after all she's their product.

When the secrets started coming out of closet - Facebook Pics, Posts confirming her Political afflictions; For future please contact at Voice of Ram (AAP) & Facebook account deleted. :lol:
I concur - I have maintained that all states in South Asia are by and large failed states as they have failed to provide healthcare, education and housing to its citizens but have spent money on some really advanced weaponry. I realize I am in a minority though and there are a multitude of reasons for spending on defence. Pretty wasteful utilization of limited resources though.

Wasteful sure. But necessary.

It ensures the chosen way of life on all sides.

A choice our people have not had for quite some time. So we move ahead slower than we could or should have. But at least we get to do it into the system we were born into.

Except for the really old here, each of us was born into a system our grandfathers chose. And their fathers and those before them fought for.

They never had the luxury of the choice we have today. So I believe, that regardless of whether they would be satisfied or disappointed looking down on us and seeing what we have made of their efforts, at least one thing is certain. They would be envying us (and being happy for us) this choice.
Wasteful sure. But necessary.

It ensures the chosen way of life on all sides.

A choice our people have not had for quite some time. So we move ahead slower than we could or should have. But at least we get to do it into the system we were born into.

Except for the really old here, each of us was born into a system our grandfathers chose. And their fathers and those before them fought for.

They never had the luxury of the choice we have today. So I believe, that regardless of whether they would be satisfied or disappointed looking down on us and seeing what we have made of their efforts, at least one thing is certain. They would be envying us (and being happy for us) this choice.
Yes, I know it is necessary and you are right about all of the above. Also I believe the period from 1965-1990 was a complete waste in terms of development and a time when corruption became a way of life.
Yes, I know it is necessary and you are right about all of the above. Also I believe the period from 1965-1990 was a complete waste in terms of development and a time when corruption became a way of life.

Nope, that was the time when our nation gathered critical mass to explode into the future. Same being true for China.

There are no short cuts. Its a long hard path, and those nations that step out of that path, take longer to reach their goals.
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