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Every Muslim brother has a Sikh sister!This Pakistani man’s message to Gurmehar Kaur is going viral

Nope, that was the time when our nation gathered critical mass to explode into the future. Same being true for China.

There are no short cuts. Its a long hard path, and those nations that step out of that path, take longer to reach their goals.
Well, then we disagree. I do believe that the rot in the system set in due to the bureaucratic mess, red-tape and license Raj - also it was the beginning of feudal / familial set-up and by the end of the 1980s we were about to default on our loans.
Well, then we disagree. I do believe that the rot in the system set in due to the bureaucratic mess, red-tape and license Raj - also it was the beginning of feudal / familial set-up and by the end of the 1980s we were about to default on our loans.

There is something called the maturity process.

A new nation needs time to finds its bearing. Both internal and external, an our lessons were long and painful in an unkind bigoted world.

In such time leadership is key, no doubt we could have done with better ones to speed up the process. But we also could have done a lot worse.
What I find very disturbing is that I interacted with a lot of Indians growing up. They seemed like good human beings in general and were ready to listen even if they disagreed with you. On these forums, a lot of Indians will shout you down and their views seem to be right wing. Wonder if it is a trend with the newer generation or if this forum is not representative of real life.
is it not true for every group? british, american.. chinese.. all write extreme stuff on net but behave normally in real life..
LOL.... strawman argument ?

Who said the Guru granth sahib contains any rahit nama ? :cheesy:

The guru granth does not contain anything about the Khalsa either :lol:

So does that mean the Khalsa is not part of the sikh religion ? :wave:

CleanWell is right. Sikhism, the ten gurus, guru grant sahib, dont teach any hatred against any religion. Sikhism tells you to respect all religions. One illustrative example given is how all religions are rivers with different paths, but with one common goal, reaching the ocean (god).

Sikhs never fought muslims, but tyrrani in form of the mugal empire who at that time happended to be muslims.
I will admit though that during the time of the sikh misls in the 1700s, many in the sikh confederacy or Khalsa, did not think very highly of the muslims, and some, especially the Nihangs of that time, hated muslims. Even today, although most sikhs get along with muslims (especially muslims of pakistani punjab cos we have common heritage) its no secret that sikhs privatly dont speak favourly of muslims.

But that has more to do with history, since sikhism since birth have had problems with rulers who happende to be muslims. But as CleanWell wrote, that has nothing to do with sikh teachings. Sikhs, like all humans, have a tendense to generalize. Mughals were the historic enemy, not muslims.

What? People threatens her with rape and it is her fault? No wonder why India is rape capitalism in the world.
With that mindset, men, especially Indian men, are given license to toy with defenseless women now.

A women where she is threatened with rape in the land of rape capitalism is hardly safe whereas people from Pakistan that gives tribute to her as brother is more safer for her. And you know it too.

Just curious, what is this "India is the rape capitalism of the world"? I mean i get that you mean the rape capital of the world, but were do you get this fact from anyway. I have heard delhi being the rape capital of india, but that is different that india being the rape capital of the world. its funny to see how the same BS gets floated around like it is a known fact.

And to all indians; can you guys stop biching about this girl! Please accept that not all indians are gonna have the same opinion about everything. Who wants to live in a country were everyone thinks a like anyway??
And it dont matter why she got threatened with rape, it shouldnt happen period!
And wether the threat was real or not doesnt matter either, as everyone knows that India has its share of idiots who would use rape as a threat.
And please stop this mentality were everyone who has a different opinion is treated as a attension-wh**re.
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There is something called the maturity process.

A new nation needs time to finds its bearing. Both internal and external, an our lessons were long and painful in an unkind bigoted world.

In such time leadership is key, no doubt we could have done with better ones to speed up the process. But we also could have done a lot worse.
Yes, you nailed it. We could have certainly done a lot worse. Especially because almost all nations which threw off the colonial yoke had some form of military rule soon after. Even though he is often castigated, Nehru did a stellar job in establishing a democratic system - holding election after election even though it was expensive and it would erode his party's strength. Shame his descendants have progressively been worse - it's like the Darwin's Theory of Evolution - in reverse.
A Punjabi from Pakistan should mind his own business when a punjabi from other side of the border, with whom he shares a common culture and genetics, is in trouble .

But its all kosher for a guy sitting 2000 miles away in a Tamil nado call center to express his regret and further extend his material and diplomatic support to some sectarian outlaws in Balochistan , f logic

Because of this mindset, why the mankind is in pathetic conditions.

Basically, we have to turn blind to what is happening. Why? Because we should mind our own business. Brilliant!

And pathetic example as well. What does sectarian violence has to do with what is happening in India? Pakistan is the nation that maintains diplomatic stances to neuter sectarian violence promoted by Iran on one hand and KSA on other hand engulfing the entire Middle East with the fire. Why? Because people are told to mind to their own business concerning the internal matters of Iran and KSA.

Not only, that is not how Pakistan got independence either. If people minded their own business turning blind to the minority intolerance, there would be no Pakistan and the Muslim people would face massive intolerance all over India. Kudo to your mindset!!!

I urge you to read my post again before passing ludicrous judgments
My apology. I misread your post. :)

That curious is called fact which has been confirmed by the mindset of majority threatening to defenseless girl with rape as if there is nothing wrong with that.

India is rape capitalism in the whole world. That is the reputation India has in the world comparatively.

Exactly. Just disagree with her opinion and move on to the next day. But threatening her with rape especially in the land of rape capitalism? That is not good sign at all.

So she is fake [debatable] and that is why she should be raped or threatened to be raped? Indeed i have no knowledge over what is in the mind of people especially in the land of rape capitalism.

Sorry bro but repeating someting over and over again does not make it a fact....and defence.pk ís not "the world".
The article is retarded.
No Muslim has a sikh sister.

Secondly there can never be peace between Pakistan and India until the Kashmir dispute is resolved.
But repeat rape incidents all over India and majority of people from all over India threatening the defenseless girl with rape does make it fact. After all, it is based on the finding following the public information as you and i observe closely.

India has been declared rape capitalism long time ago. Today's reaction is just confirmation for the reputation India maintains. And it is just tip of the iceberg knowing the allegation of genocide in Gujarat that puts Modi on map, minority intolerance under the banner of beef law while remain the largest beef meat exporter, the mindset of communal along with castiesm and many more.

You keep repeating yourself. As I said repeating the same thing over and over does not make it a fact. And defence.pk ís not the world. Who has declared india rape capitol of world other then pakistanis on this forum?

Other facts for you:
repeat rape incidents happens all over the world.
A majority of indians have not threatened this poor girl with rape, only a few individuals have.
You keep repeating yourself. As I said repeating the same thing over and over does not make it a fact. And defence.pk ís not the world. Who has declared india rape capitol of world other then pakistanis on this forum?

Other facts for you:
repeat rape incidents happens all over the world.
A majority of indians have not threatened this poor girl with rape, only a few individuals have.

The whole world acknowledges that India is rape capital of the world and then India confirms following the recent news of majority threatening to rape the defenseless girl in front of the world.

Are you really that blind?
Twice more muslims were killed in east punjab then both hindus and sikhs combined in west punjab and large parts of east punjab was muslim majority.
So you got 9 likes and I got a negative rating?
Why this brotherly love then? mere political move....
The whole world acknowledges that India is rape capital of the world and then India confirms following the recent news of majority threatening to rape the defenseless girl in front of the world.

Are you really that blind?

Whatever bro. I have no problem with you thinking that india is the rape capitol of the world, as that is you opinion and you are entitled to one. I have a problem with you saying things like " the world acknowledges" it, which is not true. Its only on defence.pk this is "acknowledged".

You can prove med wrong by stating som facts or providing some links that support your statement. The fact that you still have not done it, tells me this is another famous "defence.pk-myths about india", and not a "world acknowledged fact".

No, im not blind. As a matter of fact i can see BS quite clearly...
So you got 9 likes and I got a negative rating?
Why this brotherly love then? mere political move....
You made out only hindus and sikhs where killed even though sikhs and hindus where only a minority in west punjab but large part of east punjab was muslim majority especially bist doab and the majha areas of east punjab and even the malwa region had a large muslim population and were majority in some areas and alot of muslims died and a lot of muslim women were taken but you completely ignored that fact.
Edit: I know alot of hindus and sikhs were killed as well but most of the victims were muslims.
You made out only hindus and sikhs where killed even though sikhs and hindus where only a minority in west punjab but large part of east punjab was muslim majority especially bist doab and the majha areas of east punjab and even the malwa region had a large muslim population and were majority in some areas and alot of muslims died and a lot of muslim women were taken but you completely ignored that fact.
Edit: I know alot of hindus and sikhs were killed as well but most of the victims were muslims.

Kindly show me where i meant it is only hindus or sikhs not muslims? One sees only what he/she wants to see.
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