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Even CIA thinks Indians have an inferiority complex

We are wary of a hostile nation six times our size, as we should be of someone who hasnt accepted our right to exist for the last 70 years and never misses an opportunity to hurt us, but we're definitely not scared.

You guys, on the other hand, wet your pants on the mere mention of a pigeon coming across the border, that border of a country many times smaller than you.

Regarding '71, do note that you in connivance with a superpower (USSR) and trained terrorists (mukti) were able to dismember one of our limbs, but were not able to add any territory to your motherland. We on the other hand took half of your so-called atoot ang in '48 and added it our territory and you haven't been able to do shit about it. Your sugar daddy, ie USSR was paid back with interest for their part in the east Pakistan affair in Afghanistan. As they say, karma's a bitch, so they broke up into way many more states than we did :). A similar fate awaits you as your sins (in Kashmir, Khalistan, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura etc) will eventually catch up and kick you in your tiny little nuts.
Actually it is us who took over half of your jugular vein in 1948.
In 1971 we gained over 800
Sq.km land Baltistan

As for all the other states you mentioned violence is the lowest and militant activity the lowest since 1950s.
Nothing special here. The US was an enemy state in 1971, so it's not surprising they didn't sing praises about us. Nixon called Indira Gandhi a bitch and Kissinger generalized Indians as bastards and cowards.
Despite full support from US and China in 80s & 90s you still failed to take Kashmir.
It just shows how weak your country is.

We have half of it and it's called free Kashmir. Kashmir people hate you. We will take the dreamlike we took the first half and all of Pakistan from the belly of India. You have had support from UK France Russia Israel and still fail to achieve anything
We have half of it and it's called free Kashmir. Kashmir people hate you. We will take the dreamlike we took the first half and all of Pakistan from the belly of India. You have had support from UK France Russia Israel and still fail to achieve anything
Whether they hate us or love us doesn't matter.
The territory is under our control.

Also India never moaned for international mediation on Kashmir, it is Pakistan which keeps crying for international intervention.
omg this is humiliation

we all know a 'yes sir, no sir' indian

for centuries they were ruled by outside invaders like the mughals and the british empire so they have this inferiority complex
:lol: look at rondoos coming up with war references but failed to understand that your weapons' superiority fails to mitigate your INFERIORITY complex aka national character.
What have you achieved with your national character mam?
Only ones that got ruled over by Islamic Empire are your forefathers as they the one that converted.
If Indians are cowards for so called 1000 year Islamic rule, wonder what does that makes modern inhabitants of Pakistan for their ancestors enduring over 2400 years of foreign ruler subjugation beginning as early 518 BC under .


Despite full support from US and China in 80s & 90s you still failed to take Kashmir.
It just shows how weak your country is.
Forget taking Kashmir, thats far away.

Even failed to protect their homeland from being broken up 1971.
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What's new here..They have inferiority complex to the same extent as mentioned in CIA paper..And i certainly second it by having personal experience with indians as my coworkers in UAE.. ITS TRUE :coffee:
What have you achieved with your national character mam?

What did you assume to be achieved?

BTW CIA report is not our fault neither it has anything to do with wars. It seems Indian members here are either lacking guts to debate the main topic or feeling too low to boost their diminishing ego by bringing in 71 and wars
It is a reflection of the inferiority complex of the Pakistanis on this forum that whatever the American report says is considered the gospel truth. This is the same USA which said Iraq had nuclear weapons, completely missed the Indian nuclear tests, got a black eye in Vietnam, elected George W Bush twice and has now elected Trump.
A large segment of Indian hindu men (not Sikh) do have a small man syndrome, towards Pakistanis.

I don't think they have yet come to terms with the centuries long Islamic rule, or it could be their displeasure when comparing the physical genetic makeup of our two countries races, or its both.

It's important to note that their inferiority complex is dangerous for us, as they continuously attempt deceptive tactics to hurt us, either on a international stage or in general civil society, which in-turn provides them with some sort of relieve with their inferiority complex.

From my experience and a general rule, if they attempt anything, which could possibly impact you in some way, you let it slide the first time, then if they try it again, confront them aggressively. They always sh*t themselves and move on.

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