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Even a midget nuke strike will lead to massive retaliation, India warns Pak

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It this One you DUS KADAM strategy. If yes then 11th step will beyour last step
First take care of midgets that are occupying your land with tents on it than warn Pakistan about midget nukes.

Can somebody enlighten me that what is going on in the region? China is becoming aggressive towards India, Kyani had given a statement that Pakistan will respond to every threat and now India is giving such statements.. sorry I'm not in Pakistan and not much aware of situation there.. what is cooking? What is triggering this China-India and Pakistan-India hot-talk at this point in time? Is that all about Afghanistan and power-share revolving around it?
175 year old publication...more than your cartoon nations age twice over..i believe you may be looking for your sources in your madrasa reporters and your cartoon mullahs

Ouch i guess i must have stepped on your tail any how the propaganda news site is called Times of India you Retarded baboon.so since the publication is Indian. i guess in thats case it must be your Swamis with his head up his a.s.s pulling out these propaganda news.
Times of India is 175 years old :omghaha:did ya pull that one out of your own A.s.s since i doubt you have brains.

So you want to know what china did to mullahs ???

Well they couldn't have done it to swami he was already standing with his head up in his A.ss :omghaha:
First of all, why would Pakistan need to use a nuke until and unless India feels adventurous.....and even if the situation prevails, would Pakistan just fire off one nuke and then just sit and wait for a reply or would it carry out a decisive blow.
I haven't heard or read to the effect that Pakistan threatened to nuke India hence such statements by India, we will do this and that only proves the fact that it's only trying to convince it'self and under the circumstances put on a brave face.
As the saying goes, barking dog seldom bites, it would benefit India to address the situation on the Chinese border rather than mouthing off to fool it's own public. !!
Indians are shivering from Chinese fear, can't do **** about it, but still want to portray supa powa to the world so issuing warnings to Pakistan...........

more of a political statement to cover up the recent and ongoing spanking by China.

Spoken like the intellectually defunct speak. The article is addressing a 'specific' concern and for a 'specific' theater . I know you guys find it difficult to walk and chew gum at the same time, but this is nothing to do with China.

When we were in the cold war, we too had ' specific' policies towards other nations that had nothing to with then USSR. You see that today too with 'specific' strategies towards Iran vs. N Korea or Syria. Walk and chew gum...a concept done by the have's and perhaps not by the have not's, else they would be concentrating in saving their ilk in Syria and not relying on Judea Christian country US to once again come in save it's people from their ruthless dictators. .
Ha Ha Ha....this Indian govt really makes me laugh.

They know that we have hands big enough to press the tiny pakistani chicken balls but we really lack the power to press the mighty chinese dragon balls, so the best way out is to deflect the attention from china to pakistan. :rofl:
read my first post as it says, Pakistan is a Proxy of China

We have been friends with china since the 50s and have stood by them ever since and they have done the same.
What where the chinese giving us in the 50-60-70s.....nothing.
Its just our luck that china has ended up as a superpower and that you indians screwed up your relationship during the indo-china war.
You like to think of pakistan as a proxy of china to make feel better and somehow by calling us a "proxy" the pakistanis will step away from china....keep dreaming.....where allies.
Just out of interest ,what would india do if the indian army crossed the border and where nuked in pakistan.
did pakistan threat them abut tactical nuke or vodka become cheap in india so Shyam Saran drink it more then his limits?
did pakistan threat them abut tactical nuke or vodka become cheap in india so Shyam Saran drink it more then his limits?

pakistan is a punching bag for Indian boxers...oops...I mean politicians :D.
You madrassa baboons can't even look up wikipedia

Going of your logic if you have studied at a madrassa your a "baboon"

Osama bin ladin did not go to any madrassa
Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh went to the london school of economics
Sayeed Salahudeen studied at the University of Kashmir,
Ayman al-Zawahiri went Cairo University and has a master's degree in surgery

The indian propaganda media machine has got you indians believing that its a load of poor uneducated madrassa students who are the problem when the facts say otherwise.
We have been friends with china since the 50s and have stood by them ever since and they have done the same.
What where the chinese giving us in the 50-60-70s.....nothing.
Its just our luck that china has ended up as a superpower and that you indians screwed up your relationship during the indo-china war.
You like to think of pakistan as a proxy of china to make feel better and somehow by calling us a "proxy" the pakistanis will step away from china....keep dreaming.....where allies.

Pakistan want's to be with a super power where as India wants to be the superpower.

There is big difference in the approach, so such logic will not justify any thing and is irrelevant.
1. Indian rehtoric on NO first use can be torn by India at any time. So this hogwash holds no water.

2. Retaliation? for what? For Hypothetical self-imaginative nuke attack? when none is on the radar.

3. Any country in the world will retaliate if attacked so this is childish ploy to distract attention from Ladakh fiasco.

4. If Indians find themself in such awkward position then India should NOT have violated the LAC by constructing concret posts there.

1. Indian rehtoric on NO first use can be torn by India at any time. So this hogwash holds no water.

2. Retaliation? for what? For Hypothetical self-imaginative nuke attack? when none is on the radar.

3. Any country in the world will retaliate if attacked so this is childish ploy to distract attention from Ladakh fiasco.

4. If Indians find themself in such awkward position then India should NOT have violated the LAC by constructing concret posts there.

first of all those who breach LOC and protocols should not tell others not to do, though according to our perception we remain in our territory not Chinese.

Secondly India has two nuclear states which are threat to India so India should double its arsenal. You have only one threat that is India, but still you are doubling your arsenal. Sounds awkward.
its funny how Indian military leaders..politicians and intellectuals are shaking in their boots fraud of Pakistani nukes and statement after statement us released warning pakistan of le massive retaluation :lol:
while Pakistan is calm and relaxed about whatever nuclear capabilitiesor doctorine India has got.
no such warning or threatening statement is ever mae by a pakstani intellectual or military man.
now now who is nervous
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