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Even a midget nuke strike will lead to massive retaliation, India warns Pak

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So if Indian forces entered city of Lahore, the only option of solving the problem at hand for Pakistan would be to nuke it's inhabitants and Indian Forces, what a logic there genius.

I knew i should have asked you the question in such a way you could not squirm your way out of giving an answer........okay let me try again.
The indian army has crossed over the border (not lahore) in a low populated area and there was a low chance of pakistan casualties and one (battlefield)miniature nuke could stop the indian army from taking the area,what would the indian response be?

We are a nation of revolutionaries and patriots, we prefer fighting for centuries for our land occupied by foreigners.

:omghaha: which bollywood movie did you get those lines from:rofl:

Sissy option is just not an option when it comes to reclaiming your own soil.

The Indian policymakers finally, on 11 May 1998, lifted the veil from the true face of the Buddha which had apparently smiled “peacefully” on 18 may 1974 in Pokhran. Pakistan was quick to display its tit for tat reaction a few days later. Although the 1998 testing did give India the status of de facto nuclear weapon status, yet it also neutralized Indian conventional edge over Pakistan as prospects of any future conflict between these South Asian rivals could not be conceived without bringing the nuclear equation into the calculus. Subsequently, Indians hurriedly came up with a draft nuclear doctrine which provides fuzzy guidelines for the employment of nuclear weapons. Pakistan, to add further credibility to its nuclear deterrent, decided to keep its nuclear doctrine a classified matter.
While Pakistan has never kept it hidden that its nuclear deterrent is premised on the core belief of “first use but last resort”.
The Indian so-called “no first use” clause has three conditions attached to it which actually makes it redundant. The first condition says that, “any threat of use of nuclear weapons against India shall invoke measures to counter the threat” which doesn’t rule out a pre-emptive nuclear strike. Second, in the clause 2.5 saying, “India will not resort to the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons against States which do not possess nuclear weapons, or are not aligned with nuclear weapon powers,” the term alliance can be translated into various terms. Like should there be a formal defence pact or a treaty between a nuclear weapon states or mere maintaining diplomatic, economic and cultural ties could also be considered as an alliance. Saudi Arabia, Turkey and even Iran can be considered as allies of Pakistan with regards to certain issues. Likewise, Japan, Germany, Italy and South Korea also forms and alliance with the US and thus qualifies for a nuclear first strike. Finally, clause 2.3a, revised in 2003 states that, “however, in the event of a major attack against India, or Indian forces anywhere, by biological or chemical weapons, India will retain the option of retaliating with nuclear weapons.” This implies that if some UN contingent including few Indian troops is attacked with either a chemical or a biological agent in some of the remotest part of the world, India could retaliate with nuclear weapons.
Under such conditions, actually believing in the myth of Indian no first nuclear posture and doctrine is a self-alluded fallacy which practically makes no sense at all.
Rather, it is primarily meant to maintain ambiguity with regards to first strike option if a situation is deemed necessary.

Not until china can throw it's weight around other superpowers unchallenged. maybe in 2 more decades probably.

The USA though the chinese where 30-40 years away from getting a stealth fighter.
Yes I see now why you guys are held as the knowledgeable ones of all things US constitution and history. Your ilks reputation precedes all in this regard in our country, among other things obvious. Clearly you don't understand this article nor the concept that countries have specific policies depending on threat perceptions and can be independent of other countries! and
Clearly asking for your ilk to believe that our declaration of independence and constitution is based off Judea Christian principles would be blasphemous of us .

I was taught about the consitution here in American schools you read about it off some third rate notebook in some mudhut in India. So yes I do know more about it and yes only your ilk ie indian chanakiya fobs peddle that line around here of judea christian principles. If you had read American history you would know how diverse the beliefs of the framers were in this regard and why they left out religion from the constitution however clearly you and your ilk need more education. Try this for starters and don't quote me because your time is better spent on studying. :wave:

USCIS - Study for the Test
Great news.....India should have made this clear from Day 1.....no more BS
they'd have tried already no? Would be interesting though to watch

Who knows what is going on behind the scenes though, Chinese say they are on their side but either way some side disrupted the status quo. How many days has it been now? Well I don't think a full out war would break out, too much to lose for either side.
in 50's you were with US and still are now you run after China, well China has still long long way to go.

I love the way you indians mix up "ally" and "proxy" to suit your arguments

It is a known fact,

No its not

Pakistan is a proxy of China to destabalize India, no matter how one denies, it won't change the stand since things are very transparent.

In your indian mindset that might be the case but in reality its not.
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The indian army has crossed over the border (not lahore) in a low populated area and there was a low chance of pakistan casualties and one (battlefield)miniature nuke could stop the indian army from taking the area,what would the indian response be?

Knowing the nature of Pakistani mentality of using the nuke in making every threat to India. Indian Army will only enter through populated area knowing well Pak Army will think not twice but millions of times before nuking there popullation unless the guy behind the button is from these populated area.

which bollywood movie did you get those lines from:rofl:
Oye abhi release nayi huyee hai, quotes copyrights are my own.

The USA though the chinese where 30-40 years away from getting a stealth fighter.

USA knows well without stealing China is getting no where with it's stealth program. We will see the chinese stealth fighters when it's able to display it's stealth in real world. Only Pakistanis can believe blind folded that chinese stealth hold any stealth abilities. Rest of the world have yet to see Chinese stealth fighter being able to withstand western stealth fighters.
I was taught about the consitution here in American schools you read about it off some third rate notebook in some mudhut in India. So yes I do know more about it and yes only your ilk ie indian chanakiya fobs peddle that line around here of judea christian principles. If you had read American history you would know how diverse the beliefs of the framers were in this regard and why they left out religion from the constitution however clearly you and your ilk need more education. Try this for starters and don't quote me because your time is better spent on studying. :wave:

USCIS - Study for the Test

Always humorous to read how a Pakistani Muslim lectures us about our founding principles. all the while taking bigoted shots in his/her reply. We know the kind of " education" you impart as evident from your attitudes. I'll take a " mudhut education" as you put it over the kind you guys dispense any day.

Note the founders and others quoted below were of Christian faith and the " god" they refer to is not of other religions.

Thomas Jefferson wrote:

"The God who gave us life gave us liberty.”

And also:

“Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?”

President George Washington said this when proclaiming our National Thanksgiving Holiday:

"It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God ..."

Later, Abraham Lincoln spoke these words at the Gettysburg Address:

"That from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..."

John Adams wrote this:
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
Knowing the nature of Pakistani mentality of using the nuke in every threat to India.

So you want our army which is probably a quarter the size of yours to have a stand up fight......sounds so nice and fair except that its all in your advantage.

Indian Army will only enter through populated area knowing well Pak Army will think not twice but millions of times before nuking there popullation unless the guy behind the button is from these populated area.

Didnt know all of pakistans cities where a stone throw away from the border?.......still cant bring yourself round to answering a simple question.....expected nothing more.

USA knows well without stealing China is getting no where with it's stealth program.
We will see the chinese stealth fighters when it's able to display it's stealth in real world. Only Pakistanis can believe blind folded that chinese stealth hold any stealth abilities. Rest of the world have yet to see Chinese stealth fighter being able to withstand western stealth fighters.

Going off point again........the US got its predictions on china wrong in every field from military to economic and going off that i dont hold your prediction that it will take as long as it will for china to become a superpower in much stead.
Yes India can retaliate,but we will do the same.We will make sure that India remains a nuclear waste land and new borns in india remain abnormal for decades.we will make sure that india's so called financial capital mumbai remains once upon a time.Surprising that indian members here talk about Nuking Pakistan while they don't think how a nation with more nuclear warheads and the with fastest growing nuclear arsenal will respond.India can't do jack about China and have to come up with something to please their people, so why not this.By the way where is the big mouth Army chief who is only good at brain farts.What he did about China or just say its upto the government.
why would any country do midget nuke strike? the purpose of a first nuke strike is to limit or eliminate the chance of a retaliation from its adversary.
That is not threat to Pakistan ... that is exactly the plan of Pakistan....Deter india from any conventional or un-conventional mis-adventure. Knowing that we'll use battle field weapons in any given case... india would have to restrain no matter what.
Haha he you mean Britishers started the publication? Shameless Indian happily passing British accomplishments as his own. All that is worthwhile in India today is brought over either by Muslims or Britishers. Where Indians have been left to their own devices they are still figuring out ways of installing toilets :lol:

China MUST bring civilization to Chankiya land.

The Times Of India was founded on 3 November 1838 as The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce In Bombay,during the British Raj. Published every Saturday and Wednesday, The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce was launched as a semi-weekly edition by Raobahadur Narayan Dinanath Velkar, a Maharashtrian Reformist. It contained news from Britain and the world, as well as the Indian Subcontinent. The daily editions of the paper were started from 1850 and in 1861, the Bombay Times was renamed as The Times of India after amalgamation of three more newspapers. In the 19th century, this newspaper company employed more than 800 people and had a sizeable circulation in India and Europe. After India's independence the ownership of the paper passed on to the then famous industrial family of Dalmiyas and later it was taken over by Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain of the Kunal Jain group from Bijnore, UP.

The Times of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
War is not going to happen between Two Nuclear Power State so this is just for local consumption and to raise population moral after China aggression or insult that we are just Paper Tiger and when its comes against Dragon we run away putting tail between our legs.Its so shameful that a big and powerful country like us who spend Billions of money to buy latest weapon system don't have Balls to fight with china.i remember Sunny Deol dialogue aise khilaune bazaar mein bahut milte hain .. magar ise khelne ke liye jo jigar chahiye na .. wo duniya ke kisi bazaar mein nahi milta .. Mard use lekar paida hota hai
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