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Europe must brake mounting nuclear arms race: Germany


Sep 24, 2016
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AFP/File / Odd ANDERSEN German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, pictured in January 2018, said, "As in the times of the Cold War, we in Europe are especially endangered" by "a renewed nuclear arms race"

Europe must lead the way in pushing for nuclear disarmament after Washington proposed upgrading and expanding the United States' nuclear arsenal, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said Sunday.

"As in the times of the Cold War, we in Europe are especially endangered" by "a renewed nuclear arms race", Gabriel said.

"That is why precisely we in Europe must begin new initiatives for arms control and disarmament."

Gabriel was responding to a so-called Nuclear Posture Review released Friday by the Pentagon that details the US military's vision of nuclear threats and its response in the coming decades.

Upgrading the US arsenal and complementing massive "strategic" bombs with smaller "tactical" weapons was "aimed at making use of nuclear weapons less likely", President Donald Trump said in a statement.

American nuclear planners believe potential adversaries abroad, especially Russia, assume America would never use its existing arsenal as the effects would be too devastating and provoke globally catastrophic retaliation.

"The US and NATO require a wider range of credible low-yield nuclear options" to deter Russia from using its own smaller nuclear weapons, Greg Weaver, the deputy director of strategic capabilities for the military's Joint Staff, told reporters Friday.

Gabriel acknowledged that Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine had led to a "dramatic loss of trust towards Russia" in Europe as well as Washington, and that "signs that Russia is re-arming, not only conventionally but with nuclear weapons, are obvious".

But instead of developing new weapons, Germany's top diplomat called for "existing arms control treaties to be upheld unconditionally".

Berlin would press "with its allies and partners" for further worldwide disarmament, he said.

"Our long-term aim must continue to be a world without nuclear weapons," Gabriel continued -- the stated aim of US nuclear policy under former president Barack Obama.

Historically a close US ally and key NATO member, nuclear weapons were a divisive issue in Germany's Cold War politics.

Berlin does not have its own arsenal, but the Pentagon maintained nuclear warheads in Germany as part of a gigantic military presence designed to deter Soviet invasion of western Europe.

The issue has been rediscovered by frontline politicians in the wake of Trump's election.

Martin Schulz, a failed challenger to Chancellor Angela Merkel in elections last September, called during the campaign for remaining American bombs to be removed from Germany.

The German response to the US nuclear review comes on the heels of condemnations from Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

Europe would be a much safer place, if there were only French nuclear weapons, not American ones.
say the one who have 7K+ nuclear warhead next door... ready to fire.
Yes, but the Russian nuclear weapons threaten only the US and its allies. Not China, not India, not Pakistan, not North Korea, not Iran.
And all Russian weapons are actually in Russia. Not in Canada or Mexico.
Yes, but the Russian nuclear weapons threaten only the US and its allies. Not China, not India, not Pakistan, not North Korea, not Iran.
And all Russian weapons are actually in Russia. Not in Canada or Mexico.
RU warheads are no threat to the US... both of you know that something like that (nuclear strikes) will not happen and if it does... it's the end of this world...
So...RU Nuclear warheads is just an insurance... to keep those who have it far...from any "frontal conflict" whoever they are...
RU can threaten anyone who may seek to advance on RU lands... Iran/Pakistan/China whoever...
RU warheads are no threat to the US... both of you know that something like that will not happen and if it does... it's the end of this world...
So...RU Nuclear warheads is just an insurance... to keep those who have it far...from any "frontal conflict" whoever they are...
RU can threaten anyone who may seek to advance on RU lands... Iran/Pakistan/China whoever...
This is has nothing to do with what I wrote above. Russia does not hold it's nuclear weapons abroad. Russia does not threaten non-US allies countries. Russia against even local nuclear war in Europe, because it will hurt both Russia and Europe - but it will not hurt the US. It is geograthy and simple logic. No US weapons in Europe - no threat from Russia to Europe.
This is has nothing to do with what I wrote above. Russia does not hold it's nuclear weapons abroad. Russia does not threaten non-US allies countries. Russia against even local nuclear war in Europe, because it will hurt both Russia and Europe - but it will not hurt the US. It is geograthy and simple logic. No US weapons in Europe - no threat from Russia to Europe.

Wrong. With the same kind of arguments you can justify a bank robber. If only one has the weapon, he has full power over others. We need as much nuclear weapons in Europe as are needed to completly destroy Russia if needed. Only that guarantees peace. Evrything else would be like making Europe hostage.
If there is war between US and Russia then Europe having US nuclear weapons will become obvious target.
The Germans are a bit delusional thinking the nuclear powers are going to disarm their nuclear weapons. They are the last thing ensuring a country's sovereignty (and survival) + avoid big powers from slaughtering each others. They are not called deterrent for nothing.
If there is war between US and Russia then Europe having US nuclear weapons will become obvious target.
RU is circled by NATO members, so does Nuclear warheads... EU or not... if that happen...RU will be striked from everywhere, East/West side or South side...

So being a target or not... it will be party time... And even Pakistan/China/India... will be touched... 50-100 Nuclear warheads detonate = End of Human race...
RU is circled by NATO members, so does Nuclear warheads... EU or not... if that happen...RU will be striked from everywhere, East/West side or South side...

So being a target or not... it will be party time... And even Pakistan/China/India... will be touched... 50-100 Nuclear warheads detonate = End of Human race...

RU has more nuclear arms and it can destroy entire EU and still fight with USA. USA and EU together cannot win a Nuclear war from RU. The conventional war is something else but Nuclear RU is strong. RU nuclear arsenal out numbers combine USA and EU nukes and RU delivery systems are far better and versatile. What ever damage USA and EU will do to RU will be second strike. So it is meaning less to have US nukes in Europe.
Wrong. With the same kind of arguments you can justify a bank robber. If only one has the weapon, he has full power over others. We need as much nuclear weapons in Europe as are needed to completly destroy Russia if needed. Only that guarantees peace. Evrything else would be like making Europe hostage.
Europe is hostage of US. The only true garantee for Europe is to have it's own nuclear weapons, not US one - that's what I am talking about. US does not care how many Europeans will die, because US - is not Europe and never will be, it is geograthy.
RU has more nuclear arms and it can destroy entire EU and still fight with USA. USA and EU together cannot win a Nuclear war from RU. The conventional war is something else but Nuclear RU is strong. RU nuclear arsenal out numbers combine USA and EU nukes and RU delivery systems are far better and versatile. What ever damage USA and EU will do to RU will be second strike. So it is meaning less to have US nukes in Europe.
Do you think in an actual Nuclear war... that everyside will send their entire stockpile?
Do you think US and RU with 14k Nuclear warheads combined "Could" Last till the last warhead?

FEw Nuclear strikes and it's over for both sides... and few dozens and it's the End for all of us...
US nukes in Europe is an insurance policy for USA not Europe. This ensures the Nuclear war stay in Europe because if the Nuke is fired on RU from Europe there is no way to tell that it was US or EU nuke. RU will only attack the Europe because the Nuke was launched from Europe.
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