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Europe in crisis of being flooded Muslim refugees

Should Europe take in Muslims who hate them?

  • (I am a Muslim) YES, Europe should take in Muslims even though Muslims hate Christians

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • (I am a Muslim) NO, Europe should not take in Muslims because Muslims hate Christians

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • (I am not a Muslim) YES, Europe should take in Muslims even though Muslims hate Christians

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • (I am not a Muslim ) NO, Europe should not take in Muslims because Muslims hate Christians

    Votes: 18 64.3%

  • Total voters
Jun 22, 2013
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Europe’s fear of Muslim refugees echoes rhetoric of 1930s anti-Semitism - The Washington Post

A humanitarian crisis of historic proportions has been growing in Europe, as hundreds of thousands of refugees and economic migrants from the Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia have crossed the continent's borders this year alone.

The scale of the influx is now well-documented. According to the European Union's border agency, some 340,000 migrants crossed its borders in first seven months of 2015; in July, the figure was on its own an astonishing 107,500 people. The majority of those making the hazardous crossing across the eastern Mediterranean are Syrian refugees, displaced by a horrifying, grinding civil war that has forced roughly half of the country's population out of their homes.

According to U.N. figures, the current global levels of displacement have not been matched since World War II. In 2014, the number of refugees, asylum-seekers and people forced to flee within their country surged to nearly 60 million people.

[Britain takes in so few refugees they could fit on a subway train.]

It's hard to grasp the scope of this in real terms -- a nation of the displaced -- but it's been hideously dramatized in recent news. Desperate refugees and migrants, at the mercy of smugglers and human traffickers, have been confronted by walls and soldiers, have drowned in the Mediterranean, and suffocated in the back of trucks.

Over the past year, many in Europe have bristled at the influx -- from far-right political movements and fear-mongering tabloids to established politicians and leaders. The resentment has to do, in part, with the burden of coping with the refugees. But it's also activated a good amount of latent xenophobia--leading to anti-Islam protests, attacks on asylum centers and a good deal of bigoted bluster.

Some governments in Eastern Europe have even specifically indicated they don't want to accommodate non-Christian refugees, out of supposed fear over the ability of Muslims to integrate into Western society.

"Refugees are fleeing fear," urged a spokesman for the U.N. refugee agency last week. "Refugees are not to be feared."
missed the epic "muslims" thread last night ? it was going great before it suddenly vanished

then it continued here: What Pisses Me Off About The European Migrant Crisis

@Lux de Veritas seeing as it is a serious problem, you could have made a legit poll asking people for their opinion without the bullshit, these poll options are just stupid.

People are dying...there should be some solution to stop this.

The poll above is simply BS and pure hate.
So is this "Muslim" website condoning Islamophobia and tolerate Islamophobes? Weird.
So is this "Muslim" website condoning Islamophobia and tolerate Islamophobes? Weird.

I only speak the fact that Muslims are all silivating to enter Christian/Satan land because they know inside their heart that these are good people who will take them, give them everything, including food, shelter, schooling and monies. Even to the extend that allowing them to wage Jihad and kill Christian host.

Meanwhile, their Islamo Gulf state cousin ditch them.

Unfortunately NO PDF MUSLIM are admitting how bad they are. They never change.
People are dying...there should be some solution to stop this.

The poll above is simply BS and pure hate.
the solution should be they all go to other countries in the region where there is no war, and who apart from being much closer culturally, are easier to reach.. Tunisia, Egypt, Morroco, Algeria, Qatar, Saudi, Jordan etc.. Iran should take in the shia if there are any among the migrants.

some of these guys are loaded, they have money and space.. where are the fuckin' Saudis ? they're busy funding the destruction of Syria that's causing this whole mess.

why western Europe ? most are chasing money rather than escaping with their lives.. bleeding heart liberals will let them in, feed them, give em welfare.. and in return they'll likely get jihad and calls for implementing the sharia.

might sound mean but sorry.. reality, it's sometimes ugly.
the solution should be they all go to other countries in the region where there is no war, and who apart from being much closer culturally, are easier to reach.. Tunisia, Egypt, Morroco, Algeria, Qatar, Saudi, Jordan etc.. Iran should take in the shia if there are any among the migrants.

some of these guys are loaded, they have money and space.. where are the fuckin' Saudis ? they're busy funding the destruction of Syria that's causing this whole mess.

why western Europe ? most are chasing money rather than escaping with their lives.. bleeding heart liberals will let them in, feed them, give em welfare.. and in return they'll likely get jihad and calls for implementing the sharia.

might sound mean but sorry.. reality, it's sometimes ugly.

The Gulf prefer to enrich South Asian by hiring and employing them and let their Muslim brothers out of jobs.

Somehow if you shout too much Salam Alekom, you have too much pride to stooge and do menial jobs.

The Gulf know that and they are pragmatic not to invite trouble.
Europe should only help those with women and children, after doing background checks on who they are. Wouldn't want Wahhabi ISIS people getting into Europe under the cover of being a "refugee", and ruining the whole refugee system for those who really need it.

At times, I find it funny how only men flee the war zones and women and children stay back. Those people should not be allowed, and women and children given priority.

So is this "Muslim" website condoning Islamophobia and tolerate Islamophobes? Weird.
Please tell me how many refugees Saudi Arabia has taken in?
Oh that's right, you're too busy funding the people who cause war.
A heart breaking photo of drown Muslim children.

Heartbreaking photo of a drowned toddler embodies the world’s failure in Syria - Business Insider

The Gulf prefer to enrich South Asian by hiring and employing them and let their Muslim brothers out of jobs.

Somehow if you shout too much Salam Alekom, you have too much pride to stooge and do menial jobs.

The Gulf know that and they are pragmatic not to invite trouble.
you make a good point, most construction workers, dock hands and other menial labour jobs are all mostly filled by poor people from the subcontinent who the sheikhs hire on the cheap.. but if you're in such dire straits one should consider taking whatever up to support themselves. I'm guessing a lot of them are just looking for freebies and a good life, and they wont make any compromises like culturally integrating in the host society. There are already examples of how it's worked out in Sweden, England etc
The refugees should attempt boarding planes and ships heading for the other side of the Atlantic。

After all,the root cause of the current crisis is US policy towards Syria and other countries around the Eastern Mediterranean。
you make a good point, most construction workers, dock hands and other menial labour jobs are all mostly filled by poor people from the subcontinent who the sheikhs hire on the cheap.. but if you're in such dire straits one should consider taking whatever up to support themselves. I'm guessing a lot of them are just looking for freebies and a good life, and they wont make any compromises like culturally integrating in the host society. There are already examples of how it's worked out in Sweden, England etc

Right now Islamo importing polygamy in Europe. Their idea is more kids = more welfare monies. These kids being brought up in environment of Allah Hu Akbar, hate the Christians, and fail in schools miserably.

They then blame the europeans who give them food, house, healthcare, monies of -- NOT GIVING THEM GOOD SCHOOLS.

Face it, when the neighborhood has too many Muslims, the schools become hotbed of gangsters and jihad kid and results drop dramatically. When the schools have a lot of east asian, bad schools become good schools.

Islamo shit land is a creation of Islamo mind and even they got transplant to Europe, they are going to recreate neighborhood of rape and murder.

Right now Islamo importing polygamy in Europe. Their idea is more kids = more welfare monies. These kids being brought up in environment of Allah Hu Akbar, hate the Christians, and fail in schools miserably.

They then blame the europeans who give them food, house, healthcare, monies of -- NOT GIVING THEM GOOD SCHOOLS.

Face it, when the neighborhood has too many Muslims, the schools become hotbed of gangsters and jihad kid and results drop dramatically. When the schools have a lot of east asian, bad schools become good schools.

Islamo shit land is a creation of Islamo mind and even they got transplant to Europe, they are going to recreate neighborhood of rape and murder.
lol, sad but true.. a lot of people will be going "bigot" and some will be deeply butt hurt but even they know there is truth to it.

but go easy, man, or they'll ban you and that wont be nice. :P

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