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Europe in crisis of being flooded Muslim refugees

Should Europe take in Muslims who hate them?

  • (I am a Muslim) YES, Europe should take in Muslims even though Muslims hate Christians

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • (I am a Muslim) NO, Europe should not take in Muslims because Muslims hate Christians

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • (I am not a Muslim) YES, Europe should take in Muslims even though Muslims hate Christians

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • (I am not a Muslim ) NO, Europe should not take in Muslims because Muslims hate Christians

    Votes: 18 64.3%

  • Total voters
These are the fuckers that are coming and you're preaching that we're overeacting ??

What's your problem? Weren't you hyper supportive that we bombed the shite out of their countries and brought them freedom and democracy? Now that they have tasted democracy and freedom, they want the real thing in the EU.
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What a loaded poll, what is wrong with you?
OP should add:

1) I'm a non-Muslim European, I didn't go to the street to voice my opposition when our criminal politicians ordered our soldiers to bomb Muslim countries into smithereens. Now we should at least act responsibly and help these refugees as good as we can.

2) I'm a non-Muslim European, I cheered when NATO war machines bombed Muslim countries, because we wanted to bring them freedom and democracy. Since that completely failed (as intended) I cry like a stupid pansy when the people flee from their destroyed countries.
Europeans Christians are treating these Islamo better than Christian themselves.

Islamo in Europe can rape and pedophile with impunity. Just tell the police, you follow Mohamad + Aisha Romance style. An disproportional welfare monies went to Islamo parasite feeding their jihad kids who habor terrorist career ambition to murder their benefactor Christian host to claim 72 virgins.

Unfortunately no matter how much you give to these Islamo, you are still discriminating them because you are not doing enough. The only thing Christian can redeem their sin is to deliver their head to be beheaded and their women vagina for sex slavery.

Muslim Who Raped 13 Year Old UK Girl Spared Jail Because "He Didn't Know It Was Wrong" | Frontpage Mag


Adil Rashid, 18, claimed he was not aware that it was illegal for him to have sex with the girl because his education left him ignorant of British law.

Are you kidding me? I know there is a virulent form of messianic Christianity in East Asia but I don't know what is your case however. The above referenced link does NOT measure as systematic, however this does;

Billionaire Who Sexually Assaulted Teen Stepdaughter Sentenced To Four Months

Europe today is as much Christian today as Soviet Union was! Why would Islam change if it is ascending. More importantly Islam is more about the believers salvation than proving a point or conform to accommodate those who care not, counterintuitive right?

USATODAY.com - Religion takes a back seat in Western Europe

About Secularism and Christianity, all of Europe except Denmark, Greece and Norway is officially Secular and has been for a while there is loads of data you just need to open your eyes. While conformist traditions such as anglicanism are in serious decline. No need to over emphasize but catholicism had or continues to have structural issues with child abuse.

Roman Catholic Church Sex Abuse Cases News - The New York Times

while Muslim immigration started in europe after 2nd world war mainly as factory workers primarily again for the benefit and reconstruction of Europe!

Modern immigration to the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkish guest workers transformed German society | Germany | DW.COM | 30.10.2011

so on and so forth.

Europe benefited from immigration to new world and colonizing rest of the world but kept a choke hold on immigration to Europe itself! it has been only after the 2 world wars and declining populations in Europe that have actually started migration economic or otherwise towards Europe. The recent phenomenon mostly instigated by a disproportionate war of attrition in middle east that has destroyed and destabilized the whole region only started after 2001!

Your earlier assertion that colonialism ended in 1945 is idiotic, ignorant or both. Colonial wars were happening in mid sixties in Africa and East Asia remember Vietnam? it was a french colony before U.S. got involved. Central Asians just got their independence 28 odd years ago. Secondly while almost no third world or former colonies have any businesses in there former ruling countries. The former colonials however have deep business interests in former colonies, who not only profit from businesses but effect changes in law and apply sanctions while at same time host black money and criminals of those countries.

You also mentioned the midas touch of white Europeans I'd contend rather Medusa's touch. Everything that white Europeans have touched has been destroyed beyond reckoning for self interest and benefit to detriment of locals. From sourcing minerals to destroying habitats the lists are incredibly long. The modern Europe and aesthetics owe more to debt financing than an ascending civilization and ethos. The lack in fertility and heavy debt burden has made slaves out of modern day humanity.

Hong Kong and Singapore share one thing! Financial services!
We'll see how long this charade lasts!

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