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Featured EU, Turkey Clash over Hagia Sophia, Mediterranean Drilling

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Monday, 13 July, 2020 - 18:00

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell reads a statement as he arrives for a meeting of EU foreign ministers at the European Council building in Brussels, Monday, July 13, 2020. (AP)

Asharq Al-Awsat

Turkey and the European Union clashed on Monday over Ankara's decision to change the status of Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque and its continued energy exploration in disputed Mediterranean waters.

After their first face-to-face meeting in months, the 27 EU foreign ministers said that they “condemned the Turkish decision to convert such an emblematic monument as the Hagia Sophia," EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said.

“This decision will inevitably fuel the mistrust, promote renewed division between religious communities and undermine our efforts at dialog and cooperation," he said after the meeting of EU foreign ministers.

He said there was “broad support to call on the Turkish authorities to urgently consider and reverse this decision." Hagia Sophia was originally built in Istanbul as a Christian cathedral, and the pope and others have expressed their sadness and criticism of the move by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Greek government spokesman Stelios Petsas said Monday that the EU was “faced with a challenge and insult" meted out by Erdogan.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu hit back and rejected international intervention concerning its decision to convert Hagia Sophia back into a mosque.

“Hagia Sophia was left as a legacy as a mosque and must be used as a mosque,” Cavusoglu told state broadcaster TRT. “We strongly reject comments that amount to an intervention in Turkey’s sovereign rights.”

Borrell was in Turkey last week where he also discussed Ankara’s disputes with Greece and Cyprus over energy exploration in the eastern Mediterranean region. Turkey has dispatched warship-escorted vessels to drill for gas in an area where Cyprus insists it has exclusive rights. The Turkish government has said it’s acting to protect its interests in the area’s natural resources and those of Turkish Cypriots.

Petsas said that Turkish drilling was blatantly contrary to international obligations and international law" and said that Greece would be looking to prepare a list for possible “political, diplomatic and financial" sanctions.

Again, Cavusoglu stood firm.

“If Greece were to turn away from its maximalist ways and agree to a fair sharing (of rights), and if it were to convince Cyprus to a fair sharing of revenues (from the exploration of natural resources), then 80% of our problems would be solved,” Cavusoglu said.

Borrell said there were no immediate decisions at Monday's meeting but that the ministers would revisit the issue at their next meeting in Berlin in August.

Even as the rift between both sides was deepening, the 27 EU ministers couldn't get that close among themselves either. It was their first in-person meeting since the coronavirus lock-down set in, but because of social distancing rules, there was only room for lots of elbow bumping for a greeting and little reading of lips, since ministers were wearing masks around the meeting table.

who cares about the EU ? Nobody
and Arab dictators including SISI attack Turkiye to support christian Greece
all Islamic World have seen real face of puppet Arab Dictators

btw hypocrite Europe never say anything about Spain who changed the status of the Great Mosque of Cordoba from a mosque to a Cathedral

also French occupied Algeria and changed the status of the KECIOVA Mosque from a mosque to a Cathedral
( The mosque which was converted into a cathedral in 1832 after its occupation by the French was used as a church for 130 years )

also hypocrite Europe never say anything about Greeks who destroyed all Ottoman mosques in Greece
today there is no even 1 mosque in Athens

and Turkish Armed Forces never will allow bandit countries to steal oil/gas reserves and our BLUE HOMELAND ( Mavi Vatan ) from the TURKS in the Eastern Mediterranean
EU? LOL :lol:

Nobody cares about these irrelevant hacks.

Even US will chose Turkey over 90% of these "EU countries" which are powerless and irrelevant in the geopolitical game being played in the region.

EU should share technology with Turkey and do everything to make Turkey the most powerful bulwark against Russian expansion. U.S understands this, while EU is busy playing dick-catch games

As of March 2013, there were 82,693 mosques in Turkey.

Some of them very old and with great architect and history.

Why is it so important , to stick yet another mosque , deliberately where it pisses off someone else ?

Do not understand the logic of such a behavior.

A house of God , should be the source of peace , not dispute.


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Why is it so important , to stick yet another mosque , deliberately where it pisses off someone else ?

Do not understand the logic of such a behavior.

A house of God , should be the source of peace , not dispute.

Hagia Sophia was converted into a museum in 1934 with foreign pressure while the newly established Turkish Republic was healing from war ........... and today the US/France/Israel and their Terrorists/Dictators FETO , PKK/YPG , HAFTAR , SISI , MBZ , MBS are fighting Turkiye and Turkish People ... if you fight Turkiye then we Turks will do what we want

HAGIA SOPHIA belongs to the Fatih Sultan Mehmed Foundation .. It still is the personal property of Sultan Mehmed and the decision to revert belongs to Turkiye

and The Council of State's 10th Circle said in the judgement that the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II registered Hagia Sophia as an endowment that could be only used as a mosque

btw A house of God , should be place for worship , not for Museum

so-called muslim Arab guy The SC attack Turkiye

but our great Arab brother Abdurrahman El Ussi prays for Turkiye , President Erdogan , Hagia Sophia and Al Aqsa

I am glad this is back to being a mosque (even though I think its more of a political gimmick).

It should never have been converted to a museum.

Its fun to see the Christians and libtards in Muslim countries fuming over it, same people who have nothing to say about the conversion of mosques to churches or their outright destruction in Spain and Greece.

Aya Sofia is mesmerising. I would recommend to everyone to go see it.
“This decision will inevitably fuel the mistrust, promote renewed division between religious communities and undermine our efforts at dialog and cooperation,"

Why dont the hippies consider this when they ban headacarf, burqa, mksque minarets etc??? Its only mistrust when muslims do something?? U can wage wars n put those pathetic bans and it wont fuel anything???
regarding the economic impact of converting Hagia Sofia into a mosque, personaly I highly doubt there would be any economic impact, most of those who wanted to visit Turkey for tourism will probably still go to Turkey regardless of whether this one building is considered a mosque or a museum, also any small reduction in number of tourists who would visit Turkey because of this will probably compensated by an increased number of muslim tourists who would visit it exactly because it's a mosque.
regarding the economic impact of converting Hagia Sofia into a mosque, personaly I highly doubt there would be any economic impact, most of those who wanted to visit Turkey for tourism will probably still go to Turkey regardless of whether this one building is considered a mosque or a museum, also any small reduction in number of tourists who would visit Turkey because of this will probably compensated by an increased number of muslim tourists who would visit it exactly because it's a mosque.

If the EU does the same next year ,Turkey's tourism industry is done for.They re admitting themselves that they can't do without European tourists.
Why dont the hippies consider this when they ban headacarf, burqa, mksque minarets etc??? Its only mistrust when muslims do something?? U can wage wars n put those pathetic bans and it wont fuel anything???

What happen to "their country, their rules" theory now?

Why EU acting hypocrite? Why no statement for Babri Mosque, Cordoba Mosque or AL Aqsa Mosque?

The EU/US would only speak if it serves their interests to undermine Muslims. They didn’t feel pain when they financial burdened females from practicing their religious duties; when they retreated their forces back home for Serbians to slaughter Muslims.
What happen to "their country, their rules" theory now?

Why EU acting hypocrite? Why no statement for Babri Mosque, Cordoba Mosque or AL Aqsa Mosque?
We know very well the racism and Islamophobia behind all those civilization demonstrations. But what we consider is not the Europeans, but the two-faced Muslims.

The city of Selanik (Thessaloniki), just before it was occupied. How many minarets do you count?

If the EU does the same next year ,Turkey's tourism industry is done for.They re admitting themselves that they can't do without European tourists.


Dw is utterly biased and downright lying organization when it comes to Turkey. I have seen it again and again.

Secondly, Corona Virus has dented tourism worldwide. Turkish tourism industry is very secure over all.

Turkey earns tens of billions of dollars via tourism and invests tax collections from tourism revenue in indigeneous military industry, infrastructure, economic output, education, digital ecosystem etc.
Win-win for all :cheers:

Germans and especially Britishers should visit Turkey instead of Spain. Turkey is more beautiful, larger, more exotic, and way more cost effective.
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