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EU moves to help free Italian sailors held in India

The marines should be under italian jurisdictions. India have no rights to keep them prisoner.. I hope EU sanctions come to india very soon.. :sick:
The marines should be under italian jurisdictions. India have no rights to keep them prisoner.. I hope EU sanctions come to india very soon.. :sick:

Hahaha!! You really think EU (or any country/bloc for that matter) would/could place sanctions on India these days? Who is going to support Italy in EU? France-NO, UK-NO, Germany-NO who else? Greece? Spain? Ireland? Or another of the PIIGS?! These men were in INDIAN waters and killed INDIAN citizens, who more justification does India need? YOU guys f*cked up and killed an innocent men trying to provide for their family and now you are trying to cover it up? Why is a brown person's life worth less than a white mans?

Look at Lybia when vested interests were involved you guys were all over that s**t now Syria is burning and you can't be seen for dust. All I ever hear is "the West needs to be protected", "The West cares for the world", "The West this, the West that" why by fortune of birth should others think themselves superior to others? Good news is the pendulum has once again swung in favour of the brown man.
Now we will see hundreds of articles bad about India in european newspaper, How India is not a super power not a regional power how India recieves aid, How India is poor?
It will be a norm to publish bad news about India.

I was thinking the same thing. Italian media is already bashing Hindustan you should read some of the headlines and articles.
@abingboy why such a long reply to a false flagger? has anyone read the articles Italians are actually pleading with India to be considerable, this is bcos of the public pressure the italian pm is facing in italy. The EU already in economic woes does not want more public trouble in italy and will intervene to come to a concensus on the matter. India is already under its own public pressure to penalise the marines. Its a delicate situation for Italy at the moment and they are asking for india's consideration.

the marines did hand over themselves to Indian authorities, their consul is running from pillar to post from the last couple of weeks in kerala. it is totally left on us if we want to save thier a$$e$ or fry them. but they sure want our consideration.
The marines should be under italian jurisdictions. India have no rights to keep them prisoner.. I hope EU sanctions come to india very soon.. :sick:

Could be a false flag to add some spice to the discussion^^. :P
Daft move by the EU but perhaps they are obligated to help Italy because of EU laws governing member states. The more Italy and Europe make a hue and cry about it, the tougher it is for the Indian govt. to release them. The opposition will figuratively rape the govt. with Sonia being Italian.

Right Bro
Congress is use to release criminals. Bhopal gas warren anderson also in purulia and even Italian kwatrochi. Its history of confress and now present too. Italian mummy will close cases for kids.

---------- Post added at 07:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 AM ----------

I was thinking the same thing. Italian media is already bashing Hindustan you should read some of the headlines and articles.

Not Hindustan but India..............
The marines should be under italian jurisdictions. India have no rights to keep them prisoner.. I hope EU sanctions come to india very soon.. :sick:

Under the passive personality principle, India has jurisdiction over the Italian marines, even if they committed their crime in international waters.

And good luck hoping for EU sanctions against India. That would be the final nail in the coffin for the sinking European economies.
Its high time that we make these white men realize that the lives of Asians are as precious as that of white men. if they commit a crime they should not expect to go unpunished. There are no takers for white men superior theory in this part of the world.
EU can su*k my ****

---------- Post added at 12:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 PM ----------

I was thinking the same thing. Italian media is already bashing Hindustan you should read some of the headlines and articles.

who gives sh!t about what they are putting in their media......
I can't help but notice , we seem to be running into trouble with Europeans recently, first the Norwegians, next the UK , then Italy.

This has nothing to do with India's so called power.

Hope justice is served and both Govts can come to some understanding
And good luck hoping for EU sanctions against India. That would be the final nail in the coffin for the sinking European economies.

I doubt that would matter since we account for only 3% of their trade and they account for 20% of our exports

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