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Erdogan surrenders to Putin

well about south korea in old yes but todays they use korean and American systems these are the producers of the systems

by the way Japan these days use thiese companies for its cannons
(well the design is from that company , they produce it locally under license)
well to be honnest in 70-90 they used Italian design but its 20 years they use locally produced BAE cannon

France uses Cannon provided by these companies
and yes they use Italian cannon but in their joint project with Italy

India uses these companies
but what I can't say they don't produce any cannon so they had to rely on Russia and Italy for that

Australia uses cannons from these providers
Bro, don't waste your valuable time with @MMM-E.
Japanese KONGO class Destroyer use Italian 127mm Otobreda Gun
from 30 years ago
French FREMM and HORIZON class Frigates use Italian 76mm Otomelera Gun
as I said only in joint project with Italy
and India don't have any cannon they had to import from somewhere
and when you have the rail Gun , then why use that auto cannon
Erdogan was the one who begged for a meeting and asked President Putin to come over but was instead summoned by Putin to come over to Moscow. President Putin setting the condition not Erdogan, lets be clear about this. Why did Erdogan trying to pressure the EU now by allowing the refugees to cross to the Greek border? No matter how some Turks spin it, Turkey is the one that's getting hammered.
Youre just speaking BS.
It appeared in the video as putin a nervous school kid. Erdogan called for a meeting when russian and its dogs started the slaughter in idlib. Putin refused to meet. However, couple weeks later when the table turned putin was begging for a meet. Erdogan asked for meeting to take place in Istanbul however as this will hit Putin's ego and will show him to appear as begging after first refusing. Erdogan being the man he is with no selfishness spared putin from insulting his ego
from 30 years ago

as I said only in joint project with Italy
and India don't have any cannon they had to import from somewhere
and when you have the rail Gun , then why use that auto cannon

today all Navies use Naval Guns , still most modern Destroyers/Frigates including British Type26 will use naval gun

EM Rail Gun is for future projects

the most important thing is Radar and Turkiye has developed one of the best naval radar in the world

450 km CAFRAD AESA Radar
and GENESIS-ADVENT combat management system with network-enabled capability

* Erdogan bought useless S-400, lost valuable F-35 contract and all this for Sochi agreements with Putin.

* Putin broke Sochi agreements, captured territories and expelled 1.5 million people to tents.

* Capturing territories and expelling 1.5 mln people was not enough for Putin, he murdered over 50 Turkish soldiers just for fun. This finally forced Erdogan to react (he did not react when million people were expelled).

* Despite Turkish drones and F-16s showed total superiority over Russian and Assad junk tech Erdogan ordered to stop the operation and surrendered to Putin.

* Erdogan promised to take back all lands according to Sochi agreements. Instead he surrenders even more lands to Putin/Assad in new agreement (which Putin will break too).

Turkey got what it deserves. I have never seen any such flip flop roller coaster shitty foreign policy without any direction. Short cited idiot Erdogan can not think anything beyond his shitty reactive response which is easily manipulable.
as far as I'm aware Russia gave Syria S-300pm from its own inventory not S-300PMU2 . are you sure about that PMU2 model ?
that mean only SA-10 standard not newer SA-20 so there won't be any 48N6, 9M96E1 and 9M96E2 missile no TVM Guidance no Anti balistic Missile Capabilities no 30N6E TOMB STONE radar and no 83M6E command and control system compared to PMU1
compared to PMU2 there wont be any 48N6E2 missile no 83M6E2 command and control system and no 30N6E2 fire control/illumination and guidance radar or 96L6E.
honestly they changed the capabilities of the system so much that it's impossible to determine how god the system is by hearing the S-300 alone
Assad received S-300PMU2 - the latest version of S-300, which hardly differ from S-400. This is from official Russian army site:

Как отметил собеседник агентства, все три дивизиона С-300ПМУ-2 готовы к боевой работе в условиях Сирии, осталось завершить подготовку на технике сирийских военных.

Assad received S-300PMU2 - the latest version of S-300, which hardly differ from S-400. This is from official Russian army site:

Как отметил собеседник агентства, все три дивизиона С-300ПМУ-2 готовы к боевой работе в условиях Сирии, осталось завершить подготовку на технике сирийских военных.

the problem is that did russia had several S-300pmu2 at hand out there to ship to syria in one week time. as I recal russia gave its own S300 inventory and pmu2 is export version
They delivered S-300PM2 and then converted them to S-300PMU2.
I think in video I see Flap Lid Radar now if somebody can say its Flap Lid A or Flap Lid B then the myestry would be solved
Erdogan was the one who begged for a meeting and asked President Putin to come over but was instead summoned by Putin to come over to Moscow. President Putin setting the condition not Erdogan, lets be clear about this. Why did Erdogan trying to pressure the EU now by allowing the refugees to cross to the Greek border? No matter how some Turks spin it, Turkey is the one that's getting hammered.
The history of Russian intervention not just started , it all started after NATO topple Qaddafri. That made Russian very upset and one by one Russian started losing its influence in Middle East and losing its allies one by one in the name of Arab Spring. Now Syria is the last stand and Russia will not lose Syria at any cost.Plus Russian orthodox churches has big influence on Russian govt, because hundreds of Christians holy sites in Syria.
Turkey in a similar situation , when Pakistan face the influx of millions of refugees during 1st Afghan war. But Turkey is facing more dire situation, because of Kurdish factor and EU not interested in helping millions of Syrian refugees in Turkey. This is ongoing battle for next few years, where everyone using its influence to make the situation in there own favor. Stable Syria is only solution.
Assad received S-300PMU2 - the latest version of S-300, which hardly differ from S-400. This is from official Russian army site:

Как отметил собеседник агентства, все три дивизиона С-300ПМУ-2 готовы к боевой работе в условиях Сирии, осталось завершить подготовку на технике сирийских военных.


Interesting and it’s managed to do squat. Figures...

* Erdogan bought useless S-400, lost valuable F-35 contract and all this for Sochi agreements with Putin.

* Putin broke Sochi agreements, captured territories and expelled 1.5 million people to tents.

* Capturing territories and expelling 1.5 mln people was not enough for Putin, he murdered over 50 Turkish soldiers just for fun. This finally forced Erdogan to react (he did not react when million people were expelled).

* Despite Turkish drones and F-16s showed total superiority over Russian and Assad junk tech Erdogan ordered to stop the operation and surrendered to Putin.

* Erdogan promised to take back all lands according to Sochi agreements. Instead he surrenders even more lands to Putin/Assad in new agreement (which Putin will break too).
What surrender are you talking about? Russia is not the only hostile force with regional designs in Syria. You seem to be bothered by that. The way you talk about it is extremly provocative, noted.
Interesting and it’s managed to do squat. Figures...
Right now Turkey may have psychological advantage due to S400...... a good read.


U.S. military officials have repeatedly warned that Turkey’s purchase of Russia’s S-400 anti-aircraft system could compromise the F-35 fighter jet. But they haven’t gone into great detail about how.

In June, for example, Gen. Tod Wolters, who leads U.S. European Command, offered this explanation: “You cannot operate an F-35 in the vicinity of an S-400. They won’t talk to each other, and what the two systems will attempt to do, certainly the S-400 against the F-35, is attempt to exploit the F-35’s capabilities. I can tell you that we aren’t interested in sharing the F-35’s capabilities from a radar perspective, from an operational perspective, with the Russians. We’ve made that very, very clear.”

Yet Israeli F-35s have operated near Russian S-400s deployed to Syria.

The S-400 radars will be able to observe the F-35 “in all its flight profiles, thus being able to identify weak spots in stealth capability,” according to David Stupples, a professor of electronic and radio systems at City, University London and a member of the board of the Association of Old Crows, an association for radar and electronic warfare professionals.

Stupples said the dangers don’t stop in the air. Turkey will get five years of Russian technical support with its S-400 purchase, which will give Moscow ample opportunity to put intelligence agents next to those batteries and their operators, Stupples said. He said that this is a common problem in India, another S-400 client.

Michael Kofman, a senior research scientist at CNA, a nonprofit research and analysis organization in Arlington, Virginia, downplayed that concern. “We should consider that most likely the F-35 and the S-400 are not going to be anywhere near each other. Hence the proposition that Russian technicians are going to be working on the same base, co-located with F-35s, is a low- probability event.”

Stupples also worries about what would happen if Turkey were to integrate the S-400 with the NATO Air Defence Ground Environment, or NADGE, a group of radars and other sensors, targeting systems, communications links, friend-and-foe identification systems, etc.

“The capability criteria of the F-35 could be accessed by rogue IT technicians working on the S-400,” he says if that were to happen.

Another possible avenue for cyber attack are the systems that help differentiate allied aircraft from adversarial aircraft, a task that requires extensive data-sharing.

The integration of the S-400 and the NADGE could also allow Russian cyber operators to target F-35s flown by Turkey — and even other allies — via the maintenance software that connects the aircraft. “The risk here is significant and cannot be ignored,” Stupples says.

Kofman said the sword of data access swings both ways. “The issue of security, and access to technology, is just as problematic for Russia selling an S-400 to a NATO country as it is for the U.S. in the case of the F-35,” he said. “For some reason coverage tends not to ask the question of how are Russians planning to deal with the potential problem of U.S. intelligence being all over their system in Turkey.”

Yet while the U.S. officials have big reservations about co-locating the S-400 and the F-35, the Russian government has expressed no similar concern.

Kofman pointed out that the S-400 that the Russians are selling to Turkey is an export-approved version, slightly different from the one that the Russians are using.

“Russians are not crying about selling their best tech to a NATO country, despite the obvious implications for technology access. That should make us wonder,” he said. "
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