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Erdogan surrenders to Putin

Atleast the killings have stopped. Everyone can claim victory, doesn't matter.
Why cant the middle east countries just hold a conference and thrash out their differences ? I dont think they have territorial disputes except with Israel.
I found Turkey to be defacto developed, with a very well functioning economy and good society. Why is it trying to slide back ?
Most people misread Putin. He needs Turkey as a partner of course, but he may not need Erdogan. Turkey as a nation is much bigger and more important than Erdogan.
Gotta love the Russian face saving here, your gear got pounded hard, you AD is useless junk, whole world except your bootlickers are laughing about it.
You say you shot down 20 Turkish drones, i wonder where the pictures are then? Turkey released the footage in contrary to you.
After this the only ones who are gonna buy your useles Patsir are broke dictators that you have to bribe, you are welcome.
Now we should focus on present
It’s clear to everyone that only Turkey is capable launching military operation against pkk and their western backers yet neither iran iraq nor syria(assad) are supportive even though all of these states would greatly benefit if kurdish separatism is given heavy blow
well , actually , Iran had just some operation against Iranian branch of PKK ( Pejak ) and while they were actively and constantly supported by USA and Israel , they get slaughtered by Iran ( they lost more than 150 of their best in less than 2-3 weeks ) ...

We bombared Al Assad air base , but in same times we bombared two mor American base in Iraq Kurdistan as well , you can easily see what we were bombarding ....
just look how much pain emerging into the stomach of israel after this ceasefire between Russia & Turkey...
just look how much pain emerging into the stomach of israel after this ceasefire between Russia & Turkey...

Well , Turkey should try to solve the problem from better ways ... they have so many economical interest in Syria and Syria Government were open to them .... now they only have to pay for refuggee .... and un stable border in south ...

well , Turkey should prepare herself for Corona virus ... Im 100 sure Corona virus already spreaded in Turkey but Turkish govenment hide it ( their media are even more restricted than Iran ) due the fear of heavy hit in Tourism industry of Turkey ....

when there is wide spread of virus in Iran ...then you can be sure all of Iran neighbours are already infected ... specially Turkey which so many Iranian travels there ...
The Arab league should just support Assad and rebuild Syria and its armed forces.

also Iraq,Lebanon,Yemen

and Iran-Iran backed terrorists groups should be kicked out of Arab countries Syria,Iraq,Lebanon,Yemen

Assad Regime-Iran made lethal mistake to attack Turkish Forces in Idlib
also Iraq,Lebanon,Yemen

and Iran-Iran backed terrorists groups should be kicked out of Arab countries Syria,Iraq,Lebanon,Yemen

Are they not muslims?

Assad Regime-Iran made lethal mistake to attack Turkish Forces in Idlib

also Iraq,Lebanon,Yemen

and Iran-Iran backed terrorists groups should be kicked out of Arab countries Syria,Iraq,Lebanon,Yemen

Are they not muslims?
Assad Regime-Iran made lethal mistake to attack Turkish Forces in Idlib
also Iraq,Lebanon,Yemen

and Iran-Iran backed terrorists groups should be kicked out of Arab countries Syria,Iraq,Lebanon,Yemen
Assad Regime-Iran made lethal mistake to attack Turkish Forces in Idlib
Mistake is being in other's lands and try to portray it as legal & legitimate Idlib belong to Syrian not Turkish forces... Turkey has got more than 800 kms borders with Syria therefore it's got legitimate concerns over peace and security in Syria which are understandable but the way Erdogan has adopted to guarantee them wouldn't get him what he wants as it's been since 2011...
Mistake is being in other's lands and try to portray it as legal & legitimate Idlib belong to Syrian not Turkish forces...
I don't understand why you are saying this over and over. Let's put other areas aside for a moment.

Iran-Russia-Turkey reached an agreement a few years ago (I don't remember the name. It was either Sochi or Astana)

Both Iran-Russia-Turkey would establish observation posts and observe the cease-fire. So, you acknowledged Turkish troop presence in Idlip ? Am i wrong or right?
Mistake is being in other's lands and try to portray it as legal & legitimate Idlib belong to Syrian not Turkish forces...

Idlib is belong to sunni muslim Syrians , not belong to radical sectarian dictator Assad , christian Russia , shia Iran and Iran backed shia terror groups who wants to kill 4 million sunni muslim Syrians in Idlib or to force them moving to Turkiye from Idlib

who selected sectarian dictator Assad to rule Syria ? nobody
Assad is not leader of Syrian People
minimum 12 million sunni muslim Syrians including 4 million in Idlib so hate radical sectarian dictator Assad , christian Russia , shia Iran and Iran backed shia terror groups who killed hundreds of thousands of sunni muslim Syrian civilians and forced 8 million sunni muslim Syrians moving from their lands to another countries including Turkiye
Gotta love the Russian face saving here, your gear got pounded hard, you AD is useless junk, whole world except your bootlickers are laughing about it.
You say you shot down 20 Turkish drones, i wonder where the pictures are then? Turkey released the footage in contrary to you.
After this the only ones who are gonna buy your useles Patsir are broke dictators that you have to bribe, you are welcome.

And then we have Syria army capture the highly important saraqib before ceasefire is agreed. You can claim whatever or how Russian or Syrian Army are humiliated. Rest of us who has rational mind to think will know who is the winner in this cease fire.

Rest of us who has rational mind to think will know who is the winner in this cease fire.

Syrian cities were destroyed
and now 30% of Syrian territory under control by the US-France and their PKK/YPG terror organization to destroy Syria's territorial integrity

and pathetic guys are talking about victory .... what a joke
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well , actually , Iran had just some operation against Iranian branch of PKK ( Pejak ) and while they were actively and constantly supported by USA and Israel , they get slaughtered by Iran ( they lost more than 150 of their best in less than 2-3 weeks ) ...

We bombared Al Assad air base , but in same times we bombared two mor American base in Iraq Kurdistan as well , you can easily see what we were bombarding ....
pejak/pjak branch is not as strong as other extensions but this will change in the near future because americans have literally trained tens of thousands pkk members in syria when necessary they will transfer members in iran/turkey for now they are hibernating threat
russians don’t have problem with pkk in syria same as americans neither do iranians nor assad can launch operation against them
because americans will use protection of their troops to stop you but they can’t do the same thing to Turkey(of course they can delay the operation but eventually would have to agree because they wouldn’t certainly shoot at fellow nato ally)
Syrian cities were destroyed
and now 30% of Syrian territory under control by the US-France and their PKK/YPG terror organization to destroy Syria's territorial integrity

and pathetic guys are talking about victory .... what a funny

Syrian cities were destroyed
and now 30% of Syrian territory under control by the US-France and their PKK/YPG terror organization to destroy Syria's territorial integrity

and pathetic guys are talking about victory .... what a funny
Self delusion, how much is idlib under rebel and Turkish control? Saraqib being so strategic and yet you are incapable to hold it from a ragged Syria army with obsolete weapon. More or less speaks about the effectiveness of Turkish army.
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