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Featured Erdogan: Sending international force to protect Palestinians viable idea

Erdogan does not give a single solitary **** about palestine.
These statements are just for public Consumption

Palestinians were sold for cash, now sold for political mileage
BD, Pakistan had given a more fight for Palestine cause than Turkey.

He is just giving lip service.
Guys, let us face it us Muslims are powerless when it comes to helping the Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir and in China.

Although China is one of the worst oppressors of Muslims with their treatment of Uyghurs, we can use them to at least try to make things better for the Palestinians and maybe the Kashmiris.

Once China has become a superpower by circa 2030, then the US will no longer have so much power as it does now.

At this time as long as Turkey has developed its economy and military technology sufficiently then it along with Iran and Pakistan may be able to send a naval force to assist the Palestinians if the Jews do something similar. Jews are only bullying the Palestinians as there is little cost to them.
US at the time may not be able to pick up fight with a combined Muslim block as well as the powerful Chinese at the same time.

Right now, there is nothing that can be done for the Palestinians or the Kashmiris. As for Uyghurs their fate is sealed at the hands of China but Muslim countries should do more to speak up, especially ones like Pakistan that China will find harder to ignore.

Buy 2030 Palestine will be Israel , if nobody acts now. I believe nobody will act, other than giving lip service.

Better save Palestine population by migrating them to neighboring Muslim countries.

Why you think China will fight with Muslims?
From my experience there they are more pro Israeli than India. They have a deep dislike of most of Muslim countries.
A peacekeeping force is only a viable idea if...

A) Egypt approves.

B) Jordan approves.

C) Israel approves.

If even one of these three disagree, it won't happen. At least 2 of the 3 will disapprove, with Jordan being a hard maybe. In other words, never gonna happen.
I don't understand why Iranians have -psyop- enthuatism almost all of Turkey related matter and why they are so happy about everything negative about us, but our feelings for them are much more positive. I can easily say that. I hope one day they will better understand the unique conditions of Turkey and the difficulties it faces.

These Iranians are nothing but a barking charlatans who seek to exploit the Palestinian cause and revolve it under iranian propaganda.
While they themselves, have conducted far worse genocides in the region, then the Zionist has ever done.

Not to even speak about, the weapons provided to Iran by Israel, during it's war with Iraq.

In essence there are two regional expansionist projects to destroy the ummah, tear it apart and control it, and they are the project of the Iranian Welayat Faqih who meets with the Zionist project to weaken the ummah, divide it and tear it apart.
İ care about Palestinians as much as a Palestinian or Arabs care about Uyghurs. I only care about Al Aqsa in Kudüs that's it.

Every Palestinian, Arab or Muslim who fear god, who has a hearth, dignity, honesty and faith stand with East Turkestan.

The struggles against racist genocidal regimes, are intrinsically combined and connected, whether in Syria, Palestine, East Turkestan, Kashmir etc
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A peacekeeping force is only a viable idea if...

A) Egypt approves.

B) Jordan approves.

C) Israel approves.

If even one of these three disagree, it won't happen. At least 2 of the 3 will disapprove, with Jordan being a hard maybe. In other words, never gonna happen.
Israel will never make this mistake of deployment of any UN peacekeepers near or even in Palestinian-controlled areas. The moment peacekeepers deployed, the moment Palestine/Israel will be counted as disputed territory under the UN charter.
İ care about Palestinians as much as a Palestinian or Arabs care about Uyghurs. I only care about Al Aqsa in Kudüs that's it.

I saw statistics about this a while back and most Palestinians did not believe China's version of events regarding the uighurs.

The average Muslims from the arab world do care about their brothers. It is mostly their leaders who are the problem.
I just forgot the most important aspect: Israel gets 40% of its oil from Azarbaijan, and Erdogan never asked Azarbaijan to stop this. How do I know that? Simple answer: How does this oil get to Israel? It is shipped from Turkey directly to Israel!


Erdogan is in power since 2002, this oil pipeline was built in 2005, so it was built under his watch and his will!

Through this oil supply, Turkey has potentially more power over Israel than any other Muslim country! Why did Turkey never use that power to pressure Israel? In the recent war, Turkey could have threatened to stop the oil supply if Israel doesn't stop its attacks on Gaza....but Turkey didn't do it.

This it the best evidence of all that Turkey is not an enemy, but an extremely close ally of Israel!
These same Pakistanis of 'liberal' leaning will excoriate Islam and Pakistan if a church is attacked by some extremists in Pakistan. But wont raise an eyebrow if Al-Aqsa is attacked. Its not what Arab will or should do. Its what Muslims should do.

Spot on.
Another viable idea is give Palestinian free flights to Turkey and host them in Erdogan house
Erdogan: All i got to say is brother and all those muslims look at me as king
Israel: lol
Erdogan: Anyways bro, I got a great idea, I got some fruits and vegetables company that my nephew owns, buy a couple tons of this produce from my nephew and I'll stop talking about you for a while.
Israel: Cool bro, we got a deal
Erdogan: Got any more zio weapons I could buy for my little bro Azerbaijan?
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