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Erdogan on Gülenists: They are Worse than Shiites

The situation is not that desperate despite the constant provocations, as our foreign "friends" here like to think. At least not yet.
I can ask the same question to you.
Though, i must say, there is no problem whatsoever in everyday life. The division become obvious only when such national protests began or when we are close to elections.

We are no different than eachother, that's normal everybody has different point of view and ideological thoughts, protests, things we like or dislike in politic because we all have different expectations, sometimes in common... I can't understand when people try to show there is a civil war going on here..

islamists vs secular
Kemalist military vs al qaeda

surfing internet 10 minutes doesnt give you proper idea about whats going on... you are clueless

Thats pretty inconceivable. There are political differences (as there are in any country) but the Turkish central government and state institutions are traditionally very cohesive and strong.
Turks are not the kind of people that would let their state disintegrate.

Besides, when we talk about Turkey's "Islamists" dont mix them up with the tribal and extreme Jihadi Salafists from the peninsula.
They are pretty benign in comparison.

Even though those extreme Jihadi Salafists are the type of people Erdogan have given shelter to in order to overthrow th Syrian government, which is unwise of him and very unfortunate.
We are no different than eachother, that's normal everybody has different point of view and ideological thoughts, protests, things we like or dislike in politic because we all have different expectations, sometimes in common... I can't understand when people try to show there is a civil war going on here..

surfing internet 10 minutes doesnt give you proper idea about whats going on... you are clueless

you can
Thats pretty inconceivable. There are political differences (as there are in any country) but the Turkish central government and state institutions are traditionally very cohesive and strong.
Turks are not the kind of people that would let their state disintegrate.

Besides, when we talk about Turkey's "Islamists" dont mix them up with the tribal and extreme Jihadi Salafists from the peninsula.
They are pretty benign in comparison.

Even though those extreme Jihadi Salafists are the type of people Erdogan have given shelter to in order to overthrow th Syrian government, which is unwise of him and very unfortunate.

over 200,000-300,000 jihadis are based in Turkey . Think about it.Its a virtually huge mercenary army . Just wait for Erdogan to scream islam in danger to those jihadis you will see a lot of action ..

ask @Irfan Baloch , how the sectarian wars started thanks to zia ul haq .They gave shelter to over 500,000 to million jihadis or more during soviet afghan war .Now these jihadis are wanting sharia law in pakistan and have killed over 60,000 pakistanis.
Is it even worth to create a thread because of this mans quote? I think everybody knows that Erdogan is only talkin BS as allways.

In Turkey there is no sectarian conflict, and our FP is also not sectarian guided, we have the same relations with Iran and KSA, heck even excellent trade relations with Israel, this is what matters.

over 200,000-300,000 jihadis are based in Turkey . Think about it.Its a virtually huge mercenary army . Just wait for Erdogan to scream islam in danger to those jihadis you will see a lot of action ..
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Waves of true Muslims conquering Turkey.

We have other sectarian group called Alevi. They are very big group. We don't have fights because we respect each otehr.

Turkey is the less sectarian of all middle-eastern countries. While satanic countries like Iran waging a sectarian war against sunni, you can't expect us to be neutral. We stay neutral as much as we can. You don't see war between sunni and shia in Turkey the same way in Syria and Iraq. There you have your answer.

I don't see anything wrong in what this guy said, Shiites are knowing for lying (Taqyya).
Youtube's description of the video:

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was the guest on the pro-government 24 Canli TV's live program. During the televised broadcast, he was asked about the strife between his government and the Fethullah Gülen community, and he answered by considering Gülenists as worse than Shiites.

The Fethullah Gülen community is led by Gülen, a conservative Sunni currently residing in Pennsylvania and who was an ally of Erdoğan until three months ago. After their power struggle over key state positions, Gülenists declared war against him and started to leak some critical phone calls showing Erdoğan's absolute control over the media and his involvement in a lot of corruption.

It is also worthy of mentioning that Shiites are Turkey's largest religious minority, constituting around 7-30% of the total population.

AKP is disgrace to Turkey... AKP leader bashing other religions and beliefs because they don't fit their agenda.... what a great shame...

I hope the Turkish army overthrows this islamist sectarian closet mullah.
so tell us what did AKP achieve with their disgraceful comment? a slap to the face? good to know... erDOGan is sectarian who is going to cause a lot of problems for Turkey... question for you? do you hate Turkish shia? because your comment illustrates racism and hatred...
Pot calling the kettle black. I dislike Erdogan, but at least he is not barrel bombing Alevi towns in Turkey like ur dude:


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