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Enter Adam, the iPad killer made in India?

It's too damn expensive
"Four versions of Adam will be launched: each will use NVIDIA’s Tegra 2, but there will be Pixel Qi and LCD models and a choice of WiFi-only or WiFi and 3G. The company has confirmed that all will come in under the cost of a basic iPad; our source tells us that the LCD version will cost $399 for the WiFi-only and $449 for the 3G model, while the Pixel Qi version will cost $449 for the WiFi-only and $498 for the 3G model. We’ve also heard that, if Notion Ink can clinch a last minute deal they’re working on, a further $25 could be shaved from each of those figures, plus there will be special discounts for universities and students. [Update: Notion Ink CEO Rohan Shravan has confirmed the pricing we heard"
Im posting the complete article:

Notion Ink Adam: Pricing and more

In part one of our Notion Ink feature, we looked at the reasons for the delay in production of the Adam slate. Happily the company didn’t rest on their laurels while investor and ODM issues were ironed out. After the cut, details of hardware and software changes – including Notion Ink‘s take on iTunes – plans for Adam’s launch and pricing for all four versions, and what’s down the line in terms of follow-up hardware.

Where Adam initially was expected to ship with WiFi b/g, that’s now been replaced with WiFi b/g/n.
Perhaps better still, rather than A-GPS, all versions of the slate – irrespective of wireless connectivity – will have true GPS. That’s been a key complaint about the non-3G iPad, and something we’re pleased to see Notion Ink address. However, a trusted source we’ve spoken to who recently left the company tells us that the rotating camera has also been finessed, increasing its play from 180- to 185-degrees. That might not sound like much, but it’s enough to ensure that while typing on Adam as it’s flat on a table, the camera can still see the user rather than just the ceiling. There’s also apparently support for debugging, OS upgrades and more via a miniUSB port.

The software engineers weren’t idle either. While Notion Ink originally expected their custom UI to debut on the second-generation Adam slate, the delay allowed them to complete it in time for the first model. We had hoped to show you screenshots, but the company is still working on securing patents; they can’t publicly reveal them until that process is complete.

Thanks to our source, though, what we can tell you is that Adam will come with a content store called Genesis, described to us as “a high end variant on iTunes”. Genesis integrates the Application Store, Content Store, Media Player, Book Indexer and “a lot more”; there’ll be “millions” of ebook titles at rates said to be priced “aggressively”. Meanwhile there will be a lot of preloaded applications, counterparts of many of which (from third-parties) can be found on the iPad. That will include a drawing and sketching tool that’s said to be “beautiful”, Notion Ink’s special next-generation email system which “can be used by an organization to secure, save and transmit data using their own servers” and a unique identification number coded to each Adam which can be used to track it worldwide.

The tablet will also come with Unreal Engine Support
, preloaded with a few games titles (that are yet to be launched) from NVIDIA. Meanwhile, Notion Ink has around 90 major US developers and 17 in India registered – in total around 340 accounts – looking to create software for Adam; our source says the company has not yet shared their SDK, but that the third-party devs are aware of the UI designs and multitasking concepts they’ll need to incorporate.

As for that multitasking, we’re told that it takes great advantage of Android’s theoretical ability to run limitless numbers of apps simultaneously, held back only by CPU and memory. Rather than the “menu key long press” used to trigger the app switcher on current Android phones, Notion Ink has supposedly come up with a system that allows interaction with all apps at the same time. Meanwhile there’ll be Android Market access, together with a complete office suite with a custom skin to suit tablet use, rather than the third-party office apps currently available for Android.

Four versions of Adam will be launched: each will use NVIDIA’s Tegra 2, but there will be Pixel Qi and LCD models and a choice of WiFi-only or WiFi and 3G. The company has confirmed that all will come in under the cost of a basic iPad; our source tells us that the LCD version will cost $399 for the WiFi-only and $449 for the 3G model, while the Pixel Qi version will cost $449 for the WiFi-only and $498 for the 3G model. We’ve also heard that, if Notion Ink can clinch a last minute deal they’re working on, a further $25 could be shaved from each of those figures, plus there will be special discounts for universities and students.
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the last time I posted this thread a lot of people here said that it is vapourware and will never materialize. I hope this goes on to get bigger than the IPAD . its high time India start coming up with cool hardware alongside software
Bombemstrum said:
Not surprising!

you get what you pay for.

Actually I take my words back, they're not aiming to be some low cost Ipad clone, they're aiming at the top end !
Spec wise they are much better than iPad. Taking specs into consideration this is way cheaper than any other tablet on the market. The Chinese 10" tablets with crap specs retail for around 200-300$ on the internet and they need to be thrown away in Months. Lots of people around the world have been eagerly waiting for this product, and the devs have been working hard for over a year to perfect it. Lets hope it performs what it claims.
Pics !



whats new . now you guyz are becoming like china who copy every new thing from usa , bring some thing new.

Its not another copy of IPad. Its different in many ways. Good initiative by some young guys.

Here is a comparison between Notion Ink's Adam, Apple's iPad and HP's Slate...

YouTube - Notion Ink Adam vs iPad

some more....

YouTube - Notion Ink Adam Hands On www. somanyphones.com
YouTube - Notion Ink Adam tablet playing Adobe Flash video
YouTube - Adam playing 1080P
The Display as shown in the pics does not look good.. Those pics are probably from prototypes. Too much reflection and does not look bright/saturated enough.

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