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Enter Adam, the iPad killer made in India?


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Enter Adam, the iPad killer made in India?

Sriram Sharma, 14 February 2010, 12:49am IST

HYDERABAD: Apple’s iPad was, it’s fair to say, awaited with the kind of breathless anticipation usually reserved by nubile nymphets for rakish rockers. But even as consumers rave about it, the technoscenti are already looking forward to a product that could make the iPad seem outdated, and, what’s more, is completely Made in India.

India is, of course, regarded as a software superpower but hasn’t made waves in IT hardware. That could soon change, thanks to the Adam tablet PC of Hyderabad-based Notion Ink. Adam has generated enormous buzz on tech websites and gadget blogs ever since an early prototype was first demonstrated at the Consumer Electronics Show, the world’s largest consumer tech show in January.

On Sunday, the final product minus the custom user-interface will be showcased at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. But first, we sneaked a preview at Hyderabad’s BVRIT Innovation Centre, where they are based.

Never heard of Notion Ink? Its founders are six IITians and an MBA graduate. With an average age of 24, they believe India has what it takes to compete with the most innovative tech companies in the world. ‘‘We knew that Indian engineers and designers were doing most of the innovative work at Microsoft, Intel, and Apple. We just needed to take the first step,” says co-founder Rohan Shravan.

‘‘Current PC technology is like a Hummer on a city road,’’ quips Rohit Rathi, the youngest of the group at 23, and, along with Shravan, one of four co-founders from IIT Kharagpur. Two are from IIT Delhi while Sachin Ralhan, the eldest at 25, is a childhood friend of Shravan and Rathi and an MBA from IIPM. Apart from Ralhan and Rathi, the other five are all aged 24. What’s so different about their tech? Three years in the making, the Adam tablet is the first device in the world to integrate two breakthrough power saving components — nVidias Tegra 2 chip and a PixelQi screen. Together, they help it achieve twice the battery life and performance of the iPad. The chip provides an edge over the iPad, with its ability to play full high definition videos and Flash on the web browser. ‘‘It can offer the performance of a computer with the power consumption of a cellphone,’’ explains Shravan.

Adams 10-inch screen integrates many innovations first used in the $100 OLPC (one laptop per child) project. Unlike traditional screens, PixelQI screen has a dual mode, and can be read in bright sunlight like an e-reader. With the backlight off, the company claims that it can increase battery life between charges by a factor of five. What about the pricing? The company has not yet taken a decision on this crucial aspect, but is clear that Adam will definitely be competitive vis-a-vis Apple’s iPad. It expects to start retail sales, first in the USA, from July onwards.

Notion Ink worked with National Institute of Design’s R&D development campus in Bangalore to build a unique touch interface that runs on Google’s Android mobile operating system. As a startup, it faced many obstacles in filing patents and finding the right engineering talent. ‘‘India doesn’t have people working on Android. And the companies that have, charge Rs 1 lakh per resource per month,’’ says Rohan. ‘‘So we came up with a social solution — we opted to train engineers ourselves.’’

The company trained and then recruited over 50 engineers at BVRIT in Bachupally, Hyderabad. ‘‘We got the infrastructure at their Innovation Center, and the students as well. We knew the technology in and out and started training them. Within two months it started paying off, and we started developing the professional applications for the product we wanted to design.’’

‘‘The company is working on an application store platform of its own, where users can find a wide variety of content. It will offer everything from apps, books, video, audio, to magazines, newspapers and comics,’’ says co-founder Rajat Sahni. ‘‘We see more and more users reading newspapers on e-readers and tablets in the near future, and has designed a lightweight product that adapts well to this purpose. They showed us a version of how a digital magazine would look on the Adam. We’ve taken design inspiration from a 400-year tradition — the user interface of magazines!’’ chuckles Shravan.

As the global tech media waits for Notion Ink to unveil the Adam at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, we decided to hop across to Hyderabad and catch them before they caught the flight to MWC! It’s finally time to put an end to all the ’spec speculation’ around the Adam. We still don’t know what the Adam’s price will be, though we have been told that it will be competitively priced. We also have some exclusive pics of the Adam, from our shoot yesterday at the BVRIT Innovation Center in Hyderabad. The pictures show the final dimensions of the Adam, which has changed since the prototype was first shown at CES.

Adam currently runs on Android 2.1, and two versions are planned, one with the PixelQI screen, and one with a normal LCD backlit display. We also know that the Indian version of the Adam will not be 3G enabled as the infrastructure is practically non existent – “We won’t be using a 3G module in a region that is so sensitive to price.”

For more insights on Adam, read this http://www.technoholik.com/news/ten-reasons-why-we-are-excited-about-notion-ink-adam/

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idk about this adam thing but ipad is the most useless thing apple came up with
What r u trying to say by posting this link???

sorry to have put link in french

what i wanted to say is that ipad or any like this for me is not interesting
i really hope for next technologies to come :) real new technologies
in ipad there is not really something "new" interestng
this is excellent i just saw some videos and it looks sick.. i'd LOVE to have one.. i am big on mobility and reading something like the news on an Ipad/Adam is awesome.. hope they ad Adobe Reader as well for me to read pdf files :D
It's high time we have companies like Apple,Nokia,Intel,Google in India.

I hope start ups like Notion Ink become giants one day.


TAB TRIO: (From left) Rohit Rathi, Rohan Shravan and Sachin Ralhan with their tablet PC
This company is getting nice publicity. Here is an article from the Times of London:

Adam aims to take bite out of Apple in iPad war

Rhys Blakely in Mumbai


It has already brought the world a £1,400 car, now India is set to release an “iPad for the masses” — a new tablet computer that technology experts say could mount a challenge to Apple’s latest gadget.

The new device, called the Adam, has been designed by Notion Ink, a start-up based in the technology hub of Hyderabad. The company was founded by three 24-year-old graduates from India’s elite technical universities who have relied on family and friends for seed funding.

Their debut product has already caused a stir in tech circles, with several industry blogs raving about the Adam's super-energy efficient components and its unique display, which can switch from a colour touch screen to a black and white “e-ink” alternative that can be read in full sunlight.

The CrunchGear website said: “It just might (sway the Apple faithful away) with the proper support.”

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Another industry blog added: “Apple may have widespread interest with its iPad, but the Notion Ink Adam has geek juices flowing.”

Notion Ink admits it has its work cut out in competing against the might of Apple’s marketing machine, perhaps the most formidable in the corporate world. It is optimistic, however, that the Adam could make India, now famous for its IT services sector, a player in consumer electronics.

Sachin Ralhan, one of the company’s co-founders, said: “Adam and iPad are based on completely different technologies and are marketed differently. Apple being a strong brand comes at a price premium while we wish to cater to the masses.”

He added: “We see a potential simultaneous India-US launch at the end of June.”

The Adam, which has been designed in India but will be built in Taiwan, is expected to cost about $325. In the US, the iPad starts at $499.

The Indian gadget will be powered by Google’s Android software platform. A competition with a $1million prize is being planned for developers to build applications to run on it.

Notion Ink is claiming the Adam will have “days” of battery life in its e-ink mode — compared with 10 hours standard battery life for the iPad. The Adam will play music for 25 days, give 16 hours internet browsing and will play high definition video for 8 hours, Mr Ralhan said.

It will also support Flash — the video standard most widely on the web — which the iPad does not.

Adam aims to take bite out of Apple in iPad war - Times Online
Notion Ink Adam Boot Animation and Teaser Video

Notion Ink founder Rohan in his series of blog posts on Adam, today posted the first teaser trailer of this upcoming Android tablet

YouTube - Introducing Adam

Rohan also posted the boot animation video.

YouTube - Adam Boot screen

Some Other Inf0

-GPS Navigation Software entered beta and it speaks 43 languages!
-Email client (Mail’d) enters beta
-Paint + Photo Editor enters beta
-Adam’s Display is scratch resistant.

GPS Software: According to the blog post, the Adam GPS software has entered beta status and is well-versed in 43 languages. Maybe, the Notion Ink guys will add some more languages later.

Mail’d: Regarding the email application (called Mail’d), the post says it will come with many of the regular features seen in other mail systems but will also come with some features like missing attachments, offline mode, and unsend an email. The Mail’d will be updated with more features in January.

Sniffer: Sniffer is the “extremely fast and handy File Browser”. It is pretty clear that it isn’t the final version but it definitely looks pretty good.

The Matt: There is some talk on Adam’s screen, and some of the issues the developers at Notion Ink have come across (particularly the matte finish of the screen). The blog explains how the team overcame the degradation and displacement of green pixels in the display.

Notion Ink Android Tablet Release Date

It is pretty clear that pre-booking will start in early December but they have not revealed any fix release date of Adam. It is expected to release around Christmas in the USA and other countries while the Indians may have to wait for some time before they have Adam in their hands.

Notion Ink tipped us to Android 2.3 Gingerbread earlier in the week, and now we’ve heard that pre-ordering for the Adam tablet is set to open tomorrow, Thursday December 9 2010. Our trusted source confirms that Notion Ink’s binary countdown will indeed hit zero tomorrow and the company begin accepting pre-orders.


Initially, pre-ordering will be limited to those who have registered and commented on the official Notion Ink blog, though after that there will be broader availability. Best of all, our source says Notion Ink is already working on an Android 2.3 Gingerbread update that’s expected to be released only weeks after Adam itself.
Six variants of Adam will be on offer, consisting of combinations of optional Euro/Asia or US 3G (or standard WiFi-only) and a choice of regular LCD or Pixel Qi displays. More details on Adam here, complete with pricing.

Pre-ordering for Notion Ink’s Adam from tomorrow, December 9 | Android Community

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Notion Ink tipped us to Android 2.3 Gingerbread earlier in the week, and now we’ve heard that pre-ordering for the Adam tablet is set to open tomorrow, Thursday December 9 2010. Our trusted source confirms that Notion Ink’s binary countdown will indeed hit zero tomorrow and the company begin accepting pre-orders.


Initially, pre-ordering will be limited to those who have registered and commented on the official Notion Ink blog, though after that there will be broader availability. Best of all, our source says Notion Ink is already working on an Android 2.3 Gingerbread update that’s expected to be released only weeks after Adam itself.
Six variants of Adam will be on offer, consisting of combinations of optional Euro/Asia or US 3G (or standard WiFi-only) and a choice of regular LCD or Pixel Qi displays. More details on Adam here, complete with pricing.

Pre-ordering for Notion Ink’s Adam from tomorrow, December 9 | Android Community

Ahhh!............finally,was beginning to think that adam might have been a publicity stunt. :tup:

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