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Enough with democracy, welcome martial law?

People prefer effective dictatorship to ineffective democracy: Mumtaz Bhutto

**186 days ago * | **
LARKANA*-*Chairman Sindh National Front, Nawab Mumtaz Ali Bhutto, has said that history is witness to the fact that people prefer a clean and effective dictatorship to a corrupt, ineffective and painful democracy.

An example of this is Ayub Khan’s rule which was welcomed by the people and even Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was part of his administration.

He said from the creation of Pakistan till Ayub Khan’s government, seven democratic governments came and went in a span of ten years but failed to give relief to the people and succeeded only in enraging the masses. But Ayub Khan overstayed his welcome because of which major flaws like corruption began to creep in, because of which people turned to Shaheed Bhutto and under his leadership came out against Ayub Khan.

Mumtaz Ali Bhutto said nevertheless, Ayub’s tenure was far better than Zardari’s. The people brought about a revolution because the price of sugar went up by 5 rupees.

He said today, people are living in misery and are constrained to set themselves on fire in front of Aiwan-e-Sadar or sell their children for a handful of flour. Peoples Party’s jiyalas have made hay while the sun shines and are set to burst at the seams, yet they are claiming to have made great sacrifices.

On the other hand, the Bhutto family has sacrificed five lives and far from deriving any benefits, the government has given protection to their killers and rewarded them with high posts and awards.

He said the people must take strict notice of this and come out to remove these rulers, otherwise no sincere and honest government will ever come into existence in this country.
Its was , way before when he joinned PMLN!

Democrac is for civilized people like indians.
Well the subject in disscussion, is for pakistan!
Plz keep, your one lineer self-greeted democrazy in indian fourms!
The last politician (though i dislike him very much) who talked about "islamic socialism" and rebuilding bridges with SU was hanged... and the last dick-tator mush (i liked his economic policies) made us join the suicidal WOT.

How about letting democrazy run its course and "maybe" refine itself... I think judiciary should be made stronger... in order to deal with these politicoz! .... if they can send Gillani the scumbag packing .... im sure they can wipe out other corrupt dogs aswell!
It wasn't the participation that was suicidal but the ill though out pullout that this government just attempted.Give the same scenario to a Msc in strategic warfare and a graduate of NDU and he would pullout like you have never seen.

I m trying and trying very hard to recall the name of the "Civilian Politician" who had ordered 90,000 soldiers to surrender and became War Prisoner in the year 1971, resultantly brought SHAME to the nation... anyone... who could help me please.
I m trying and trying very hard to recall the name of the "Dictator" who successfully negotiated and brought those 90,000 soldiers / War Prisoners back home.
35,000 soldiers and 65,000 civilians/refugees.Get your facts right kid.Though would you help me remember the name of the dictator who refused to give the government to the rightly elected politician and called civil obedience if power was given to the other one!?Maybe you can help me!

I would put it just like Iskandar Mirza did:With 15% literacy(in this case 45%) we are trying to run a Constitution which requires 70% literacy - This is the basis of all our troubles.
In democracy there exist opposition,Judiciary,Press which oppose government. Consider yesterday scenario when Judiciary outposted Gilani. Can you believe it can happen in Martial law??? No.. Today all hue and cry on drone strike, can it happen in martial law???

Actually Pervez Musharraf was the first leader who encouraged "freedom of expression". He actually introduced awaara (or wat everyone calls free) media. Hue and cry on drone attacks... there were nearly 3 drone attacks in 9 years of Martial Law.....
Martial law? Woh Sultan Rahi wannabe dialog maarne walay Kayani ko hukoomat de dein?

It's like saying Enough of Azaadi, make me a ghulam now.
Again some people are a classic example of Stockholm Syndrome... not very good!
Martial law? Woh Sultan Rahi wannabe dialog maarne walay Kayani ko hukoomat de dein?

It's like saying Enough of Azaadi, make me a ghulam now.
Era of dictator was much better then this era, Wat this Azaadi(democrazy) have given to us, bullet? bomb blast? more power cuts? more disputes on ground level? divided us into several groups just in the name of vote bank?
Era of dictator was much better then this era, Wat this Azaadi(democrazy) have given to us, bullet? bomb blast? more power cuts? more disputes on ground level? divided us into several groups just in the name of vote bank?
Democracy has shown you the flaws in your country, now you need to fix them not hide them.
Democracy has shown you the flaws in your country, now you need to fix them not hide them.
??? You still don't know anything about my nation? They produce flaws, You don't know anything, we are the one who experienced the difference b\w previous era and this era. and trust me this era is worst. When politicians support decoits ,grabers etc. it completely destroy the real mean of democracy.
??? You still don't know anything about my nation? They produce flaws, You don't know anything, we are the one who experienced the difference b\w previous era and this era. and trust me this era is worst. When politicians support decoits ,grabers etc. it completely destroy the real mean of democracy.
Dude, if there is violence, evils in the society and there is infighting understand that it is how people are, dictatorship can curb these but cannot root it out..

See India, hell lot of problems there but then again you are saying it was better than British rule where a common man did not have the freedom to challenge the authority?
If yes then I guess for you slavery is the best solution.
We are being too hasty in equating the current government to democracy.
No single party is democracy in itself. They are only a part of the system and this is exactly what we should be doing. Pakistan needs to strengthen the system, not individuals.

Once we let democracy take hold of society and combine that with an increased political awareness in our people, we can certainly hope for a better future.
Dude, if there is violence, evils in the society and there is infighting understand that it is how people are, dictatorship can curb these but cannot root it out..

See India, hell lot of problems there but then again you are saying it was better than British rule where a common man did not have the freedom to challenge the authority?
If yes then I guess for you slavery is the best solution.
No its not, civilians are bieng forced to go against each other, the conditions are being created . it started when politicians supported few local criminals against each other then just in very short time it converted into different type of voilence. each and every institution is in under control of politicians. and these criminals aren't any less then any dictator. where in india many regions are deeply criminal effected too. but then as you claimed you can have hearings and have freedom to challange them. while here you have to get shelter of another militant wing affiliated by some political party first to engage to get your due rights.
Dear friends,
Its about time, we should stop wasting our emotions, our taxes, our lives to this stupid , shamefull, croupted , lawlessnes kind of DEMOCRAZY!
Instead , we should wellcome local bodies Made ,civil-army basseD , revolutionized martail-law.
Because in 64 years of the , history of pakistan, it was our , 3 patriotic genrls who devloped our country , our politicians allways brought us, shame.
Don't troll, & don't let anyone troll!
Compare & discuss the subject, with power to listen others!
Good luck , & thanks!

3 patriotic genrls ...who were those...where are those 3 patriotic genrls ....????
No its not, civilians are bieng forced to go against each other, the conditions are being created . it started when politicians supported few local criminals against each other then just in very short time it converted into different type of voilence. each and every institution is in under control of politicians.

Yes, agreed these things might happen.

These criminals aren't any less then any dictator. where in india many regions are deeply criminal effected too. but then as you claimed you can have hearings and have freedom to challange them. while here you have to get shelter of another militant wing affiliated by some political party first to engage to get your due rights.
These criminals have to stand for election every now and then so there is a option for people to challenge them if not the hearing and all. In your above statement I did not bring this up but there is enough instances in India where the same thing has happened, it used to happen quite frequently before.. Now it is changing, it took its time but it is changing.. so that is how democracy grows..

In a dictatorship everything gets by the whims of the people in power, they are simply not accountable to anyone. How can that be when they are not god? Running a Govt is not a religion where being accountable to GOD is sufficient, they should be accountable to the people of the country.
Very sad to say that Pakistan got only 3 patriotic Generals , don know who were those… and what about the rest..??
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